Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1352:

?Wang Xiaoming said: "How much can I ask for? My brother is rich now, buy a new one, don't tell me."

Hearing Wang Xiaoming's words, Yang Ming couldn't help but curl up at the corners of his mouth. A penny beats a hero. With money, Wang Xiaoming's confidence is enough, and his self-confidence returns.

On the boat back to the island, the boatman watched Wang Xiaoming dragging his family with his family, carrying his clothes and quilts, and couldn't help laughing: "You guys are really fun, and you have to bring quilts when you go home."

Wang Xiaoming said with a smile, "I don't have one at home, otherwise I won't be able to cover it when I go back."

"Then I won't be at home for the New Year. Forget it in the county seat. There's no one at home anyway."

Wang Xiaoming smiled and didn't answer. Why was there no one there? They left without saying hello to his father and ancestors, so they just left.

"Uncle, do we have an explanation for the sale of the island?" Wang Xiaoming asked.

The boat's family shook his head: "No, the Huang family can't care about this now. A few days ago, the daughter of the Lao Luo family, A Fen, had an accident. Have you heard?"

Wang Xiaoming nodded: "I heard a little, how is it now?" He also tried to call Luo Junsheng, but the other party didn't answer his call, so he just pinched him. Wang Xiaoming didn't know the reason, so he stopped calling.

The boatman said: "I heard that the person is awake, and there is no danger to life, but a bone on his body is broken. If it is not cured, he will be paralyzed in bed for the rest of his life."

Wang Xiaoming was startled: "Did you fall to your waist?"

The boatman said: "I don't know exactly where it is, this A Fen is really pitiful, she thought she was married to a good family, but that Huang is actually such a vicious person, if it wasn't for being beaten too hard, how could she Would you like to jump off a building? I heard that A Fen was deaf in one ear."

Wang Xiaoming clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "What did the Luo family say?"

The boat's family sighed: "What did the Luo family say? The Huang family said that her ear was also broken, and the other parts of her head were not injured. How could the ear be damaged? A Fen's eldest son also said: It was the father who beat the mother. Even if I know, I don't say anything now. The first thing is to ask the Huang family to pay for their lives, and then I will wait. The Luo family wanted to go to the Huang family to make trouble, but Luo Maogang and his son didn't let it."

According to the sturdy and **** nature of the local people, it is the contempt of the husband's family for the entire family of the mother's family, but the father and brother of the parties did not agree to make trouble. What more can the brothers and sisters say?

Wang Xiaoming didn't answer. He knew that in this case, the Luo family was afraid to annoy the Huang family. Sons are paid. An unequal marriage must endure such humiliation.

The boat's family shook his head and said, "Of course, the Luo family can't do anything about this. If someone falls, they go to make a scene and ask for a sum of money, and the matter is over. But now the people haven't left, and it's not good. It's not like this. Hanging up and down, it's not time to tear your face."

While talking, the boat had already docked, and Wang Xiaoming rode a tricycle down. When he met acquaintances on the road, he always had to say hello to New Year's Eve. The three aunties hired by Wang Xiaoming's store are all neighbors on the island. As soon as they came home yesterday to publicize, everyone knew that Wang Xiaoming's restaurant business in the county town was booming, and Wang Xiaoming was about to post it. Especially the Buddha Jumping over the Wall brought back by the three families, the fragrance wafted far away, almost everyone in the village smelled it, the smell was like fairy, and it was intoxicating, no wonder it was going to make a fortune.

As soon as Wang Xiaoming got home, many children came to his house to pay New Year's greetings and ask for money. Wang Xiaoming was prepared early, and took out the red envelopes, one for each person. The children took the profit and left happily. Wang Bing watched Abo send out so many red envelopes: "Abo, I want too."

Wang Xiaoming smiled and said, "It's a matter of asking your uncle to take you to someone else's house for profit. The red envelopes that have just been distributed are not for nothing."

Wang Ergou got the permission of his eldest brother and took Wang Bing to give New Year's greetings. This is a local custom. At the beginning of the new year, when a child goes to the neighbor's house to pay New Year's greetings, the host should prepare a lucky seal. In previous years, the conditions of Wang Xiaoming's family were not good. He only allowed his nephew and younger brother to visit a few nearby neighbors. Correspondingly, the children of those families would also come to his house for New Year's greetings. Wang Xiaoming would give some small profits. He couldn't handle it, and everyone knew about his situation, so children would generally not be disturbed. This year's situation is different. He just came back, and everyone came to the door on his own initiative, which is a kind of recognition for him, so Wang Xiaoming can also let his younger brother and nephew go to seek benefits.

As soon as Wang Xiaoming packed up his things, someone came to visit. It was an aunt who worked in her shop: "San'am, I wish you New Year's greetings! Come in and sit, why should I let you come to my house first? I'm going to give you New Year's greetings."

Auntie waved her hand: "I know you have just arrived home, and your things must have not been packed yet. It's alright. Alu, San-Amlai has something to tell you."

Wang Xiaoming came out with the melon and fruit dessert: "What's the matter, San Em, tell me."

Auntie grabbed some melon seeds in her hand: "We still have to recruit people after the New Year in our store, right?"

"Yes." Wang Xiaoming nodded.

Auntie said, "Didn't you say before that you will recruit young people in the future, my niece, A Shui, is young, only in her twenties. She took care of the child at home last year. Now that the child is weaned, she wants to go out to find something to do. The child is small, and she doesn't want to be too far away. I heard that your store is going to recruit people, so she asked me to ask you if you want it. Ah Shui is a very honest girl, and she is also diligent and not bad. I It feels good."

Wang Xiaoming said: "Yes, as long as she is healthy and qualified. When the store opens, you can ask her to come over."

Auntie nodded with a smile: "Then it's settled~ I'll come over earlier to settle this matter with you, lest you have enough people by then."

"I haven't started recruiting yet. If San Em knows there is a suitable young girl, she can introduce it to me, mainly because she has a reliable character." Wang Xiaoming said with a smile.

The aunt nodded: "I know, of course, we have to be diligent and not lazy, otherwise we will be recruited to add to ourselves."

Wang Xiaoming nodded with a smile: "Thank you San'am, the water is boiling, I'll make tea for you."

"I don't drink anymore, I have to go back and make lunch, you are busy with your work." Auntie said, grabbed some melon seeds, got up and left.

Yang Ming came out of his room with a bucket and a rag: "Who came just now?"

"Sanam, she said that her niece and daughter-in-law want to come to our store to work, and I agreed." Wang Xiaoming said with a smile, he was in a good mood, he couldn't recruit people before, but now some people take the initiative to find work in their store, This is a big progress.

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