Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 272: Danzo's suffocation (13 plus)

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(fifth more)

Under the wild smashing of Qiu Daoding, the white dragon under Deidara's feet swayed, and fell from the sky like a shooting star.

Then, Qiu Dao Ding Zuo slammed his legs towards the white dragon, using it as the foundation, like an arrow from the string, flying out far away!

Being kicked by him like this, the white dragon's original fall was even more unbearable, and it fell down at an even faster speed.

Seeing this, Danzang's eyes lit up, "Good opportunity!"

"Everyone obeys!"


All the ninjas in Konoha Village had already been attacked by Deidara before, and they were furious in their hearts.

Hearing it at this time, there are a lot of people responding!

For a time, the fiery and high-temperature fire escape, the thunder and lightning, and the thunderous storm, attacked Deidara!

It can be seen that under the whole blue sky, a bunch of crimson, purple and blue ninjutsu converge to form a mighty torrent, like a surging flood, to completely devour the tiny figure of Deidara!

Even if Deidara is arrogant at ordinary times, when he sees the scene at this time, he is also in a panic, and his heart is cold!


You are killing me!

Against the backdrop of this ninjutsu torrent, Deidara's face was pale and colorless.

However, Deidara is Deidara, and the brain circuit is different from others.

A ruthless look flashed across his eyes, and he shouted angrily, "Let you see what art is!"

Speaking, he quickly threw a piece of clay into the mouth of the palm of his hand, and then spit it out, turning it into a big bird.

Deidara jumped on Big Bird and ran quickly to the heights.

At the same time, with a move of his mind, the ten-meter-long white dragon slammed its tail and plunged into the torrent of ninjutsu!

Deidara showed a ruthless look on his face and shouted: "Drink!"

Then, the entire white dragon suddenly swelled violently and burst open!

Boom! Boom!

A blazing white light, radiant with radiance, seems to separate yin and yang, disconnect life and death, and cut heaven and earth in half!

Then, from the center of the explosion, a huge mushroom cloud rose to the sky, reaching a height of hundreds of meters, covering the sky and the earth, and the thick smoke even covered the sky.

For a time, the sky and the earth lost their color, all things lost their sunshine, and the earth was shrouded in a cloud of smoke!

At the same time, a terrifying shock wave spread out in all directions, and wherever it went, even the air ripples!

Deidara was riding on Big Bird and was overtaken by this shock wave, and the shaking Big Bird shook violently.

If it wasn't for Deidara lying on the big bird in time, clenching her fingers fiercely, and pulling her nails to bleed, I'm afraid it would have been blown away by the violent hurricane!

Deidara glanced back with lingering fears, "It's so dangerous, I almost lost it."

"However." Deidara's eyes revealed fanatical excitement, "My explosion is really art, it's really wonderful!"

Looking at the black dragon-like crowd below, Deidara twitched the corners of his mouth, revealing a bloodthirsty and cruel smile.

"To make me so embarrassed, I'll give you a big gift!"

With that said, Deidara took out the blasting clay that had been prepared for a long time, and threw it all down!

At this time, the ninjas of Konoha Village thought that their side had won the victory, each with a proud look on their faces, not to mention how proud they were.

As the hero of this time, Nara Shikahisa fainted because of excessive chakra consumption, and was cared for by the Autumn Dodo Dingza who was driven back.

At this time, there were already consciously smart ninjas who complimented Danzo for a while.

"Thanks to Danzo-sama's strategy this time, we can defeat the enemy!"

"Yeah, if it wasn't for Danzo-sama in the middle, we wouldn't have achieved such a major victory!"

Danzo neither denied nor affirmed this, and laughed and talked about the rumors with a smile on his face, without mentioning Nara Shikahisa's achievements at all.

Qiu Dao Ding Zuo looked at all this coldly, clenched his fists suddenly, and let out a low growl.

"These bastards, Lu Jiu has passed out because of the success of his plan, and they don't even look at them, but instead sing praises there, it's disgusting!"

Yamanaka Haiyi took his hand aside, shook his head and said, "Ding Zuo, don't be impulsive and do stupid things!"

Qiu Dao Dingzuo waved his fist fiercely, his face did not hide his disgust, "If a person like Danzo becomes Hokage, I will be the first to not support it!"

Yamanaka Haiyi looked around smartly and found that no one was paying attention, and sighed, "Shh, don't say this kind of thing so loudly."

At this moment, there was a commotion in the crowd.

"Look, something is falling from the sky again!"

"What! Let me see."

"Damn it! It's not that the enemy was defeated, how come there is!"

"My God, the number this time is dozens of times more than the previous one!"

Thinking of Deidara's previous offensive, all the ninjas froze, like falling into an ice cellar.

Of course, what they don't know is that the C3 Eighteen is powerful, but in small numbers.

Now, most of what Deidara scatters is detonating clay with low power, which is equivalent to a grenade.

It's a pity that the Konoha Village ninjas don't know about it!

They also thought that Deidara was throwing the powerful ones.

Seeing each other at this time, one by one, they are in danger, and they have already been frightened!

Even some ninjas pointed their finger at Danzo.

"Bastard Danzo, didn't you say you defeated the enemy?"

"Tanzo, you liar!"

Danzang's face turned black and became extremely gloomy, and he shouted angrily, "Shut up!"

"Now is not the time to be held accountable!"

"We can only get through this difficult time together!"

At the same time, a terrifying aura emerged from Danzo's body, a **** aura as thick as a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and even some timid ninjas were instantly stunned.

Under Danzo's powerful, those ninjas who took the lead in picking on the thorns closed their mouths, and looked like they were obedient, and they never dared to challenge Danzo's authority.

Even an idiot could see that if they dared to continue to pick on the thorns, Danzo would kill and stand out!

To be honest, Danzo is not worried that he will die, but he is afraid of losing his prestige in the hearts of everyone. This is the most deadly for Danzo who aspires to the position of Hokage.

Danzang raised his head and stared at the sky gloomily, and vaguely saw a black spot, flying towards the distance.

At the same time, a large piece of blasting clay like a torrential rain covered the surrounding area for thousands of meters and enveloped them all.

That is to say, in addition to the ninjas on the edge who can easily escape, no matter how fast the ninjas are, nearly half of them cannot escape!

Danzang's heart was almost bleeding, but he didn't expect that he had not succeeded in his apprenticeship, and he was disturbed by the **** Deidara. He had the urge to swallow Deidara alive!

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