Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 287: See also the reincarnation of dirty soil (16 plus)

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Zaibuzhan borrowed Fei Lei Shen, quickly rushed to the front of Heitu, and kicked Orochimaru away.

"Why are you here?" Heitu's eyes revealed a little surprise.

Don't cut the corners of your mouth again, "Long-winded!"

Hei Tu glared at him angrily, and said to himself, "I really don't understand the style!"

At this moment, Orochimaru jumped aside and opened his mouth suddenly.

A beam of yellow light, carrying a scorching high temperature, shot out towards Zabuzhan!

Without raising his eyebrows, he grabbed Heitu's slender waist with a big hand, and at the critical moment, he used the Flying Thunder God to escape.


The beam is straight forward, traversing things, and the ninjas who can't avoid them in the future pierce through, revealing a hole the size of a fist, which is shocking.

Seeing this, Danzo silently took a few steps back and shouted to the nearby ninja, "What are you doing?"

"Give it to me!"

The surrounding ninjas were shocked, and they bullied Orochimaru and threw all kinds of hidden ninjutsu.

However, Orochimaru's body is extremely flexible, and he always makes unimaginable movements to avoid attacks.

Orochimaru quickly formed a seal in his hand, and a majestic chakra emerged.

"Fire escape! The art of the arrogant fire dragon!"

A flaming fire dragon soared out, and the intense high temperature on the body distorted the surrounding air for a while, and large tracts of water vapor radiated around it. The ninja flew over!

Seeing this fire escape, Danzang's face was horrified!

With the blessing of the immortal mode, this ninjutsu has not only greatly improved its power, but also has a particularly wide range of influences!

In just a moment, more than a dozen ninjas were unfortunately wiped by the fire dragon, and before they could even scream, the whole body was swept by the fiery flames and burned into a pile of black ashes!

Seeing that the fire dragon continues to come, how can other ninjas sit still?

Ten ninjas unite and use ninjutsu together!

"Water escape! Water formation wall!"

In the direction of the dragon's advance, a wall made of water stood up, with a horizontal bar in front of many ninjas.

Unfortunately, at the next moment, this wall, which they regarded as a barrier, was hit by an unprecedented collision!


The fire dragon carried the monstrous weather and rushed forward without a break, rushing straight into the water wall.

With the evaporating smoke, the fire dragon broke through the wall, but its size shrunk, and it still rushed into the ninja coalition!

The flames raged and the world evaporated!

When the fire dragon dissipated in the heaven and earth, what was left was a large area of ​​scorched land.

The originally dense ninja coalition was smashed into a hole by it, looking down from the sky, the shape is like the word "hui", and there were many ninjas standing in the blank part, but now there are no bones left!

Danzang looked back with lingering fears. Fortunately, he saw that the situation was not good, so he retreated early, otherwise he would be embarrassed.

As a staff officer invited by Danzo, Nara Shikahisa has recovered from the previous collapse of controlling Deidara.

Seeing that the ninja coalition was actually being forced into a disadvantage by a mere Orochimaru, he came to Danzo to give his advice.

"Danzo-sama, I think we should gather all the elite jounin and decapitate Orochimaru, instead of a scattered attack like now!"

Danzo's eyes lit up, and he patted the other party's shoulder heavily.

"Very good, this suggestion is good, I will discuss it with Black Earth!"

When Danzang left, Qiu Dao Dingzuo asked inexplicably: "Lu Jiu, Danzang is so mean to you, why do you still want to help him?"

Nara Shikahisa looked into the distance, his eyes very deep.

"I'm not helping Tuanzang, but the village!"

"Regardless of the outcome this time, the nearly 1,000 ninjas brought by Danzo lost more than half."

"I just don't want to see more people sacrificed in vain for Danzo's ambition."

Qiu Dao Dingzu raised his thumb in admiration, "You are really good!"

Nara Shikahisa did not answer, but looked at Yang Ming with a deep gaze. Even though he was afraid of seeing blood, he was still silently treating the ninjas. No one knew what he was thinking.

After Danzang and Heitu communicated, an assassination team composed of thirty elite Shangnin officially started, like a sharp sword, pointed at Orochimaru!

Even though the number of 30 elite jounin is very small, it is already a lot for the ninja coalition with less than 500 people left.

At this time, this team is jointly led by Danzo and Heitu, vowing to kill Orochimaru here!

Danzo has already decided to work hard. If he pays such a high price, he can't kill Orochimaru. He knows how much he will be insulted when he returns to the village!

Not to mention the position of Hokage, even the position of the elders may be shaken!

Sure enough, when this team entered the battlefield, it immediately caused great pressure to Orochimaru.

In addition, they are led by a shadow-level and penumbra-level powerhouse. Whenever Orochimaru wants to storm a place and tear apart their tight lineup, Danzo and Heitu will come out to interfere.

Even during this period, Danzo used Izanagi once!

You can see how brutal the battle was!

Seeing this, Jirai was also a little bit eager to join the battle group.

At this time, Yang Ming grabbed him and shook his head, "It's not the time yet."

Zilai was also anxious, "Boss, this is the best chance to seize Orochimaru!"

Yang Ming calmly pointed to the original position of Orochimaru, "Look, the man in black robe hasn't shot yet!"


Zilai also turned his eyes and saw Scorpion's young and handsome face, looking very puzzled.

"Boss, what's so special about this person?"

Yang Ming said lightly: "He is also a shadow-level powerhouse."

"What!" Zilai also stared in disbelief.

When did Jorin walk all over the ground, and the shadow level is like a dog?

Why did the shadow-level powerhouses that were hard to see before appear in a crowd here?

Jiraiya didn't doubt Yang Ming's words at all, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease in his heart.

He raised his head and glanced at it. At this time, there were dense clouds, and occasionally a thunderbolt flashed. There was a feeling that the storm was about to come, which was very uncomfortable.

At the same time, Orochimaru found an opportunity to break through the siege of the beheading team.

He had an evil The corners of his mouth evoked a cold arc.

"The game ends here."

"Just let you see the power that stands at the pinnacle of the ninja world!"

In the eyes of many mocking and puzzled eyes, Orochimaru quickly completed the seal and slapped the ground with one hand.

"Reincarnation of the Dirty Earth!"


A coffin emerged from the ground, and with a click, the slightly outdated lid was lifted to a corner.


At this time, the sky exploded, and a huge lightning flashed across the sky, reflecting the figure inside the coffin clearly.

When he saw this person, even if Yang Ming had always been calm, he couldn't help but say, "It's over!"

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