Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 775: Delicious food

The imitation and road snow square bricks made of white asparagus and truffles were served frozen, which moved Yang Ming even more. It's not just sentimental, it's full of nostalgia. It is full of European and American style in the 1990s, and the taste is unparalleled.

Yang Ming had never thought that white asparagus could still taste like this before. It was cool, sweet and fragrant, which was completely different from the crisp taste of white asparagus that ordinary chefs pursued.

Yang Ming wiped his mouth and felt that he had tasted a different food and experienced a different food concept. There were countless sparks of wisdom rubbing out in his mind. .


Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

Touching his still shriveled stomach, Yang Ming was speechless!

Although this Yuanyue restaurant is innovative and unique, but, but, but, every dish here is too little!

In desperation, Yang Ming had to order another set of dishes to satisfy his empty stomach.

After a while, the beautiful waiter pushed the car in again.

The first dish placed in front of Yang Ming was called Langmu Lamington Fatty Beef. There was a small stove below and a small pot on top.

The orange-red soup was bubbling, covering all the ingredients, making it difficult to see.

Yang Ming first adjusted the temperature below to a constant temperature, so that you don't have to worry about steaming for too long, letting the soup dry or letting the soup flow out over high heat.

In front of this dish, there are four small plates, blue, red, blue, and green. Just by looking, I don't know what the ghost is. Anyway, it looks very novel and eye-catching.

The aroma is strange!

Smelling the wafting scent, Yang Ming said without exaggeration, if he wasn't full just now, he is really hungry now, and could swallow a cow alive!

Holding chopsticks in one hand and a bowl in the other, Yang Ming cautiously plunged into the boiling pot, and stirred it up like he was swallowing dates, as if crossing the river by feeling the stones, he took out a piece of light and thin fat beef, covered with The crystal clear beaded juice and the green smoke drifted away, which was extremely attractive.

Yang Ming dipped a little bit of that blue sauce on it. The rich smell of fat beef mixed with a different blueberry smell filled the tip of the nose, slowly spreading to the whole heart and lungs. In a trance, it seemed that even the breath was exhaled. All have a fragrant smell.


Yang Ming opened his mouth, despite the warning that he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, he ate this piece of fatty beef into his mouth in one bite, and in an instant, his lips and tongue were wrapped in this umami juice, the mellow aroma of fat beef, blueberries The fresh and indifferent taste, mixed together, slowly penetrated into the tongue, as if the whole tongue was wrapped by this delicious taste, which made people feel refreshed for a while.

After trying this blue sauce, it was blueberry flavor. Yang Ming picked up another piece of fat beef, dipped it on the red sauce, and swallowed it in one bite.

The light and thin body of the fat beef is wrapped in sticky tomato sauce. The unique sweet and sour taste from the tomato sauce greatly stimulates the umami in the beef, making this meal more enjoyable and satisfying, making people feel A well-deserved pleasure.

Just a little bit of fat beef would naturally not satisfy Yang Ming's needs.

Pick up a piece of fatty beef again, this time with a green sauce.

Green mustard smears on the fatty beef, the unique taste is more liked by those who like it, and disgusted by those who don't like it.

Yang Ming just smelled the scent of mustard, and his appetite suddenly widened. Suddenly, he felt unbearable hunger in his stomach, and his saliva flooded involuntarily.

Opening and closing his mouth, he swallowed the mustard-stained fat beef into his mouth. The various flavors that had filled his tongue were instantly emptied, and all of a sudden he was attracted by the unique flavor of mustard, and he took a deep breath. The cool air, a shuddering delicacy that reaches the soul, is about to sing aloud.


"too delicious!"

"The unique taste of mustard, coupled with the fat but not greasy taste of this fat beef, the combination of the two seems to be able to make people feel the most quintessential deliciousness of beef."

"What's more satisfying is that the taste of this mustard is not as pungent as the usual mustard, and everything tastes so natural. It's really delicious!"

Saying this with emotion, Yang Ming couldn't help but turn his eyes and focus his eyes on the last stack of sauce.

It's a stack of teal sauce, and just by looking at it, you don't know what the **** it is.

Yang Ming picked up his chopsticks slowly, picked up a piece of fat beef, and dipped it in the blue sauce. It looked as weird as it looked, like an unknown liquid made by Frankenstein, and it felt bad just by looking at it. , so Yang Ming saved it for the last tasting.


Opening his mouth again, Yang Ming took advantage of the heat and ate the fatty beef into his mouth in one bite.

"Hu! Hu! Hu!..."

Because the fat cow had been in the pot for a long time, it became even hotter, and the juice splashed out from the tip of the tongue. It was so hot that Yang Ming stretched out his tongue and exhaled, and even fanned his mouth with his hand to lower the inside of his mouth. The temperature will not burn your tongue.

But even so, Yang Ming was reluctant to spit out the meat in his mouth and let the hot juices flow out, because the sauce mixed with terensu green grass and eaten with fatty beef was really too delicious, even if it was To spill a drop of sauce is a blasphemy and a waste of food beliefs.

In a trance, Yang Ming saw an endless prairie under the blue sky and white clouds. The shepherd boy rose against the rising sun, riding a wild horse leisurely on the boundless prairie, holding a flute and playing the nameless and smooth ditty. , spread far, far Under the melodious and beautiful tune, cows and sheep form mountains and seas, and the ocean is full, following the shepherd boy, accompanied by the rhythm of the nameless tune, humming in the mouth, sending out The cows and sheep screamed strangely, as if they were singing the plateau with their companions.

The artistic conception is beautiful, flowing slowly in the heart, unconsciously makes people addicted to it, it is difficult to extricate oneself!

The sauce made from Trensu Qingcao has a unique earthy fragrance, but it does not have that earthy disgust. Some are just refreshing and delicious. When eaten with fat cows, it is a perfect match, peerless. Incredible!


In the midst of a crisp sound, Yang Ming lowered his head in astonishment, but was surprised to see that the clothes he was wearing burst open!

Seeing this, Yang Ming couldn't help showing a strange expression.

He almost forgot that the delicacy in the world of the spirit of eating halberds can burst clothes after eating it!

This is a little embarrassing!

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