Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 807: It is such a powerful chef who was defeated by Yang Ming

"Why are you so stupid!"

He walked behind Erina, grabbed Erina's hands from behind with both hands, and embraced Erina's entire body in his arms. Erina's face was flushed red, her heartbeat was racing, and for some reason she did not push Soma Yukihira away.

"Pay attention to your feelings, don't think about it!".

After all, Koping Soma put down the teapot and found a few pieces of high-quality dried tofu on the ingredient rack. In the eyes of the people who were surprised, they cut the white dried beans into thin slices and shreds them, and put them into a basin full of water as they were cut, so that they would spread apart and not stick together. Then pick them up and scald them in boiling water three or four times. The silk is scalded and soft, take out and drain the water, and pour the sauce on the plate with seasonings such as ginger, shredded pork, soy sauce, sesame oil, vinegar, sugar, cooking wine, chicken essence, dried shrimp, coriander, mustard, chives, etc. On the dried silk that has been piled into a pile, it is done.

"Big blanched dried silk, please taste."

Erina was puzzled to pick up the juicy dried silk with chopsticks and put it into her mouth. She wanted to sit in the shade of a willow tree on the shore of the lake, sipping tea, while the man with a blurry face sitting opposite fed the snack with chopsticks. In his mouth, he still ate it sweetly, and through the mottled sunlight under the shade of the tree, Erina finally saw clearly that the person feeding her was Soma Yukihira, and Erina woke up and instinctively smashed the teacup in her hand. out.

With the sound of the broken teacup screaming, Erina, who had recovered, saw Soma Kohira, who was squatting on the ground, bleeding from his forehead. The three women hurriedly helped Soma Kohiira stop the bleeding, and then, under the poor dressing skills, Koheira Chuangzhen's head was successfully wrapped into dumplings.

"Okay, okay!" Xingping Chuangzhen drove away the clumsy three daughters and said, "A small scratch can soon be severely injured by the three of you."

Afterwards, he asked Hisako Shinto to take a Band-Aid and stick the wound on his forehead.

After sticking the wound, Soma Kohei stood up from the ground and complained to Erina:

"I worked so hard to explain to you the core skills of Hu Spicy Soup I learned from the master Yang Ming, and I taught you hand-in-hand. You actually hit me with a cup."

Erina whispered weakly, "I'm sorry."

"Forget it, I have a lot of adults, so I don't care. By the way, do you understand the skills and precautions?"

"Yes!" Erina replied with a knowing smile, remembering that Yukihira Soma really took the trouble to teach herself.

"That's good, secretary, help me find these ingredients. I'll cook a pot of medicated porridge for you. You should make up for it. Look at your sallow complexion and dark circles under your eyes."

Yukihira Soma said, he picked up a pen and wrote several raw materials on the paper, and handed it to Feishako.

Xingping Chuangzhen put the casserole on the mountain spring water rack and put it on the stove, and turned on the fire. Feishako also found all the ingredients and returned to the cooking room. Xingping Chuangzhen took the ingredients and Chinese herbal medicine from Feishazi and said to the three girls: "You sit down first and wait a moment."

Xingping Chuangzhen washed the red beans, black rice, rice and peanuts, soaked them in water in advance, poured the rice into the casserole, boiled it into porridge, and then poured the soaked red beans, black rice, longan, peanuts, and red dates. Into the casserole, cover the lid, and simmer on low heat.

Soma Kohei set the timer and put it next to the casserole, and started to process the herbs by himself.

"Danggui nourishes qi, Tianma clears the orifices, Ejiao nourishes blood, look at you, as a girl, why can't you take care of your body? Especially secretary you! Why are you so haggard, did Erina abuse you? "

"No, no. Miss Erina is very nice to me."

Xingping Chuangzhen poured the medicinal materials into the casserole, covered the lid and continued to cook. After a while, the timer sounded. Xingping Chuangzhen opened the lid, took out a packet of brown sugar, and poured it into the medicated porridge to reconcile the taste of the medicine.

"It's done, it's good to drink it while it's hot. Summer is here, let's blow some less air-conditioning, and make up more when the menstrual period comes."

Saying that, Kohei Soma really filled three bowls of medicated porridge and handed them to Erina Nakiri, Hisako Shinto, and Miyoko Hojo.

The three of them took a mouthful of porridge and felt warm all over, as if there was a warm current flowing in their bodies. Shinto Hisako is good at medicated food, but there is no record of this medicated porridge in the ancient books of the family, so she asked curiously.

"Xingping-kun, why can the medicinal materials be matched like this, and it is not recorded in the book?"

"This is the porridge for nourishing qi and nourishing blood from the three gods. It is specially designed for pale complexion, sallow skin and dark circles caused by blood deficiency in women during their menstrual period. It is used for conditioning and nourishing. The three of you remember the formula, and you should cook it yourself. Adjust it."

"I didn't expect that, Yukihira-kun, did you observe very carefully, he is really a gentle boy." Hojo Miyoko Xia flew her cheeks and said wryly.

Shinto Hisako and Nakiri Erina looked like boiled lobsters, shyly bowed their heads to drink porridge, and thanked them softly.

"You're welcome, the secretary is good at medicated food. I will go back and sort out the medicated food recipes I know, and I will give them back to you, hoping to help you."

Yukihira Soma akimbo smiled and said, "It's still early, it's rare that Erina is here, Miyoko, let's discuss it?" Hojo Miyoko couldn't ask for it, so he agreed.

Miyoko Hojo cut the pork tenderloin into small pieces, marinated with green onions, ginger, garlic and cooking wine, took out the large plate and shredded green peppers and pineapples around the edge of the plate as decoration, and wrapped the finished small pieces of tenderloin with flour, Fry in hot oil until lightly browned, remove and set aside. Put the wok on the stove, add tomato sauce, white vinegar, sugar, cooking wine, and salt to the pot to make a sweet and sour sauce, and then stir-fry the fried meat pieces and sweet and sour

"It seems that Hojo-kun is planning to make the 'sweet and sweet pork' in Chinese cuisine. The loin was changed and fried just right."

Erina pinched her chin and analyzed it. Looking back, she saw Kohei Soma was still observing the operation of this Hojo Miyoko, and she still had no intention of doing it, so she asked, "Aren't you going to start yet?"

Xingping Chuangzhen put his arms around his arms, and he was so lonely that he wanted to lose. He said as lonely as snow: "Masters, always come last!"

"Cut! Be careful that the cowhide is broken." Erina sneered at Soma Yukihira with the contempt of a queen.

At this time, Miyoko Hojo had boiled a lot of white sugar into syrup, and there was a large bowl of ice cubes next to it.

I saw that Miyoko took a deep breath, suddenly picked up the wok with the meat cubes mixed with sweet and sour juice in her left hand, poured it into the syrup, quickly fry it, and then took it out with chopsticks and put it in the ice cube bowl next to it. , holding up the heavy ice cube basin with both hands and turning it up and down, the low temperature of the ice cubes made the syrup covered with the sweet and sour pork quickly condense into transparent crystals, and Miyoko stopped her hands and took out the sweet and sour pork from the ice cube basin. , loading the plate.

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