Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 854: delicious to...

If the original bamboo rat meat is compared to the rich free breeze, then the softness of the leaves is to add vitality to the whole freedom—the river representing freedom has more life, the riverside has more lush green shade, and the whole world is sublimated—

Such delicious food cannot be enjoyed alone!

Thinking of this, a charming and beautiful figure appeared in Hong Shanks' mind.

As a loyal fan of the big star Fuji Fengxue E's live broadcast, he has also sent gifts several times. Red Shanks found that he could not leave this beautiful figure, so he recruited a waiter and said:

"Can you pack one for me and give it to someone?"

"This..." The waiter hesitated, a little confused: "This doesn't seem to conform to the rules, right?"

"Idiot!" Red Shanks said with contempt: "The person I want to send is in this arena. How long does it take to send a meal?"

As he said that, he simply called another service staff, put the bamboo rat meat wrapped in banana leaves in a bag, and said to the man, "Seat oo2, please send it to me."

Erina Nakiri was taken aback, isn't the big star Fuji Kaze-e also in this place?

As soon as he said it, Hong Shanks delivered the dishes to the big star Fuji Feng Xue E, and then licked his face and looked at Yang Ming.

"Boss Yang Ming, do you still have the banana leaf roll roasted bamboo rat? If not, it's hard to argue whether you win or lose..."

Holy shit! At that time, Yang Ming wanted to slap Hong Shanks in the face, saying that people who are shameless are invincible, this one is really shameless. Is it hard to tell who wins or loses without cooking? God **** it, what did you say before? Victory and defeat have already been decided! This guy obviously wanted to take the opportunity to ask himself for a roasted bamboo rat!

Seeing that there were dozens of pieces of bamboo rat meat left, Yang Ming pondered for a while, and rolled two portions of bamboo rat meat with a palm-sized banana leaf cake. After watching him finish eating, he left the arena indifferently.

So far, the game ended with Yang Ming's crushing victory!

Moderator: "This competition is really exciting. We didn't expect the result to be unexpected. The winner is... Boss Yang Ming! Thanks to him, we have seen the profound cuisine of Ming Xiaodian and the vastness of cuisine. Knowledge, thanks for his miracles!"

With this sound of complete certainty, the audience instantly fryed——

"Mummy, Laozi's 30,000 is gone! Laozi bet 30,000!"

"Uncle's, I also got 10,000 yuan, this time it's really a big loss!!"

"Is the current chef so good? Roasting bamboo rat... It's really interesting..."

"Hehe, I have long heard that Yang Ming's restaurant has extensive and profound cooking. I wanted to see it, but I didn't expect to see it in this game today. It can be regarded as a barely watchable opponent who can interfere with the referee's actions into such chaos. Okay." Yukihiro Ichiro muttered, and then left the auditorium.


"Ah, did you make 100,000?" Hearing Jiraiya's voice, Tsunade's face became a little more smiling, "It's okay, but unfortunately I've been gambling too hard recently, and the pocket money is only tens of thousands. If If you can invest the village's treasury, it is estimated that you can earn several hundred million?"

When she bet, Yang Ming's odds were 1:2, so 50,000 doubled, and the interest was 100,000.

Bet all the money in the Konoha Village treasury?

Hearing this, Zi Lai also shuddered, nodded insincerely and said, "Yeah, it's really easy to get this money."


"Audience friends, look, I'll just say it, this time, it's definitely Boss Yang Ming who wins. Sure enough, I'm not wrong!"

The big star Fuji Kaze-e is still playing with the camera, coquettishly, and his words are full of pride.

Just as she was talking, a eldest sister in her twenties came next to her, carrying a bag of cooking, which was sent by the Red Shankstower.

"Excuse me, are you Miss Fuji Kaze-e?"

"It's me, may I ask you who..."

"Oh, that's it. Lord Shanks just asked me to send you a meal."

I took the bag from the elder sister's hand, and the warm and fresh fragrance wafted into my nostrils.

"This is……"

Taking out the well-wrapped banana leaf cake, the eyes of the big star Fuji Fengxuehui flickered slightly. She knew that this was the cooking made by Boss Yang Ming.

"It's really interesting, just try it."

With the attitude of giving it a try, the big star Fuji Kaze-e picked up the silk and opened his mouth slightly——

He took out the banana leaf cake rolled into a cylinder, opened his mouth | Ba, "Ah~~"

The big star Fuji Fengxue Xiao | bites the banana leaf cake lightly, and bites off part of it with a humming sound, and then, there is a blur in the eyes of black and white Haoming.

The crystal water mist swirled in the eye sockets, and the big star Fuji Kazuki unknowingly grabbed his clothes.

He didn't speak, he just ate the food silently. However, the viewers watching the live broadcast were shocked to see that every time they took a bite, the water mist in the eyes of the big star Fuji Kawhi would spread by one ~ At the same time, there is a bit more blush on the face.

Is this crying? Also, big stars usually like to eat light food! The live audience thought so.

But only the big star Fuji Kawhi knows what's going on!

The big star Fuji Fengxue was chewing in his mouth, and the layers of banana leaf rolled bamboo rat were chewed into pieces. The deliciousness of the sauce and spice was integrated with the banana leaves and bamboo rat, and it was impossible to even distinguish the individual tastes. The combination The deliciousness blooms in the taste buds.

Here is, where?

The big star Fuji Kaze-e looked at the boundless banana leaves and sniffed the fragrance in the air. He seemed to have swept away all the tiredness and found peace of mind in an instant.

Why, there are banana leaves? Looking up and looking around, the sky is dyed with some green, and this sea of ​​leaves is connected to the sky, it seems that the whole world is fused together.

This kind of feeling, is the time quiet? The big star Fuji Kazuki also lay down in his clothes, with the sound of the wind blowing rustling in his ears, and the fragrance of banana leaves at the tip of his nose... In this way, let go of all thoughts, enjoy the banana leaves quietly for a while, and enjoy the relaxation that comes from the heart , really, pretty good.

The big star Fuji Kazee woke up, smiled slightly, and seemed to still feel the joy of running and chasing the banana leaves, and the quiet and softness when lying down.

When he finished chewing in his mouth, the big star Fuji Fuyuki swallowed it in one mouthful.


The warm and moist heat flowed directly into the lower abdomen from the beginning, and the extremely rich sense of pleasure was instantly suppressed for about three seconds, and then turned into a strong passion—


At this time, if the viewers of the live broadcast can see the bottom of the skirt painted by the big star Fuji Kazuki, they can realize that her bottom is already...

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