Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 93: Food comparable to medical ninjutsu!

In less than ten minutes, he came back without cutting.

In order to save Bai, he went out of his way. He used the fastest speed in his life to finish the half-hour journey.

"Here, boss."

Zai Bujian handed Yang Ming a pack of wild mushrooms and a bag of water.

That's right, what Yang Ming wants to do is very simple, mushroom soup!

Remember the explanation of the function of Wanbao purple casserole?

It can cook any kind of food into magical kitchen utensils with medical effects.

In other words, even simple cooking has the effect of healing!

The next thing is very simple, make a fire, boil water, and boil soup.

After a process, it took less than ten minutes.

At this time, Shiro's breathing became weaker, even his limbs began to stiffen, and his face was even more terrifyingly pale.

"It must be done!"

Yang Ming prayed secretly in his heart, blew the soup to cool, handed it to Bai's mouth, opened his cherry-like mouth, and poured it in.

Zai Bu Zhan squeezed his fist nervously, and secretly said, "Is it possible?"

Although Yang Ming has done many miraculous things and can save people with food, this is the first time I heard about it.

Under the uneasy expectation, Zabuzhan suddenly found that Bai's face suddenly turned rosy.


Bai suddenly opened his eyes, arched his body, and spat out a mouthful of bruised blood.


When the blood in the stomach left the body, Bai let out a big breath.

Seeing this, Yang Ming hurriedly asked, "How is it, is it better?"

Bai covered his stomach, shook his head, and said, "My stomach still hurts, and the two ribs in my chest are not healed."

"Then you should finish the rest of the soup."

With that said, Yang Ming handed the Wanbao purple casserole up.

"Drink soup?"

On Bai's face, it was clearly written in capital letters.

Don't you want to treat yourself?

Why do you want to drink soup?

This plot is not right!

Seeing this, Yang Ming secretly rejoiced, and said, "Don't believe it? You were about to die just now, and it was because you drank this soup that you survived."


Bai said that he really lived a long time to see him!

But whether Bai Xiang believed it or not, his body was still very honest. He took the purple casserole and drank the rest of the soup in one gulp.

The soup was blown by Yang Ming, so it wasn't very hot.

The warm soup passes through the throat and slowly flows into the stomach, making people feel very warm and comfortable, and it feels like basking in the sun in winter.

In particular, the fragrance of wild mushrooms is particularly strong, and the essence of the body is all incorporated into the soup, so that the tip of the white tongue is surrounded by a strong fragrance, just like butterflies flying among the flowers, full of fragrance.

After drinking the soup, Bai stretched out his lovely tongue, licked his lips, and looked at the remaining mushrooms.

Since these mushrooms are wild, they appear to be relatively small, and the area of ​​the mushroom umbrella is not much better.

However, Bai didn't care, he stretched out his scallion-like fingers, picked them up one by one, and threw them into his mouth.

The tip of the tongue rolls and the teeth chew.

When the mushrooms entered, Bai discovered that although the mushroom umbrella looks small, it can absorb a lot of soup, and it tastes very thick.

When you bite down, the soup hidden inside will splatter out, soaking the entire tongue, making the mouth salivate, and it has a unique flavor.

The most amazing thing is that after eating the food, Shiro felt a tickling in his chest.

This feeling is no stranger to Bai, and it is a manifestation of the wound beginning to heal itself.

Even the pain in the stomach, after eating the mushrooms, gradually turned into a dull pain from the pain that was stirred by the blade of a knife.

Good and unexpected!

Bai stood up, moved, and exclaimed, "It's amazing!"

"so so!"

Yang Ming looked calm, waved his hand, and pretended not to care.

Seeing this, Bai's admiration for Yang Ming was like a torrent of water.

"Boss." At this moment, Buchan came over with a head, it was the root ninja who was hacked to death by him, "How to deal with this?"

To be honest, Yang Ming was also curious about the identity of this root ninja.

He walked over and took off the mask of the root ninja.

What caught my eye was a completely disfigured face.

How should I put it, this face seems to be specially designed to make people unrecognizable, and the face is full of scars and traces of being scalded by fire.

Even if the relatives that the ninja was familiar with came, they probably wouldn't recognize him.

Seeing Yang Ming's frowning expression, he said in a low voice, "Boss, do you want to..."

What I want to say again is that it is through extremely cruel ninjutsu to obtain information from this head!

Although this is **** and inhumane, since he is an enemy, he cannot be merciful.

This truth has been understood since Yang Ming was robbed of the steamed buns by the elderly poor when he was a child.

What's more, Yang Ming was also curious as to why Danzang was targeting him.

Therefore, Yang Ming just didn't speak, and acquiesced to the action of not slashing again.

"Boss, don't worry!"

Zabuzhan showed a cruel smile and raised his head to the no-man's land. As a former member of Anbu in Kiriyin Village, he is very good at this!

But who knows, just when the ninjutsu is halfway through, a mutation suddenly occurs!


The head of the root ninja suddenly burst open, turned into countless pieces of meat, and sprayed everywhere!


At this time, only after I cut it did I realize that the enemy was so!

Moreover, this hidden enemy can be described as cold-blooded and unscrupulous, actually sealing this secret technique in the minds of his subordinates.

This is simply inhuman!

Originally, I didn't think that I was cruel enough and poisonous enough, but compared to Danzo, it was nothing but insignificant!

Failing to extract information, Zaibuzhan came to Yang Ming with an obscure face and said, "Sorry, boss, something happened."

Yang Ming raised his brows and asked, "What's the accident?"

Afterwards, Zai Bujian revealed everything he knew.

Yang Ming frowned, he could only sigh, Danzang deserves to be the hidden boss!

However, in this way, Yang Ming has to face the endless means of group Tibetans in the future, but it will be more difficult to handle!

"Otherwise, I'm going to seek the protection of the third generation purpose?"

Together with this thought, Yang Ming forcibly suppressed it.

Without him, the third generation would not abolish the regiment of a dynasty elder for Yang Ming's sake.

You must know that the current Konoha Village looks very strong, but in fact it is not connected. The old generation of strong people is about to die, while the new generation of strong people has not yet grown up.

That's why Danzo once failed to assassinate Sandaimu, but Sandaimu still let it go. Even though the root was disbanded, he was still loyal to Danzo, and he always turned a blind eye.

Because, now every shadow-level powerhouse is an important weapon that Konoha Village relies on to deter neighboring countries!

However, this does not mean that Yang Ming will admit his counsel!

Yang Ming has already thought of his own way of responding!

(There are enthusiastic book friends in the bookstore who have set up a group. Friends of the bookstore can go to the comment area to check the group number. As for the main site of the starting point, the author has no time to create a group, so he can only say that he is alive.)

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