Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 964: I will never tell you that the author took leave yesterday to go out to eat...

And the face of Yang Ming who ate it also changed!

this... this is...

At the moment of entrance, the energy of the ingredients is continuously launched like a turbulent wave!

It's too late to's simply impossible to refuse!

Like "delicious" bullets, all shot~~~

Incredibly delicious!

Yang Ming looked at the ramen in front of him with a little excitement, and said, "Whether it's the soup base or the ramen itself, it's an extremely delicious and powerful impact that makes people unable to stop!"

"The sauce for that small plate should be [Japanese Eclipse Orange Oil Chili Sauce], with chili powder, coriander seeds, lemon juice, garlic, etc... Then it is prepared by adding a certain amount of chili, and then putting it into the noodles will have this Such an impact!"

"And this soup base is also very delicious!" Yang Ming said with a look of joy on his face: "The base of the soup base is stewed with chicken, nuts and tomatoes. The richness of the soup is amazing, and the soup base is good or bad. It determines the taste of ramen, so this soup is also the 'soul' of ramen. And this barbecued pork is also delicious when grilled, and the pleasure of a bite of barbecued pork can't stop!"

"Not bad, not bad~ Togetsu Shijie's cooking still surprises me as always!"

After tasting the dishes of Saito Somei and Megishima Tousuke respectively, Yang Ming left the small shop.

Yang Ming was strolling along the road.

The phone rings.

It's my phone number for a long time.

"Master! Where did you go!"

Yang Ming just picked up the phone, and the roar from inside made him almost throw the phone away.

"Tsk tsk..." He smacked his lips, "I would have turned off my phone if I knew it earlier."

"Master! Can you please stop being so self-willed!" The voice of the person on the other side of the phone seemed urgent, "At least say hello wherever you are going!"

Say hello?

He said leisurely: "Don't stay in the store all the time, you should go out and see what other people are cooking!"

"Master, at least tell me where you are now!"

"What did you say?" Yang Ming stretched out his phone slowly, "I can't hear you clearly, the signal seems to be bad here, forget it, I'll come back and talk about it!"

Then he made a quick decision, turned off the phone, swiped on the screen with his finger, and temporarily dragged the other party's phone number into the blacklist.

That way no one should bother, right?

Yang Ming smiled slightly.

During the summer festival, the streets were crowded with people, like the stars in the starry sky. Yang Ming stood in the center of the crowd and looked up at the surroundings.

"Well, this is the summer festival of Togetsu Academy. There are more people today than yesterday, and it looks really good!"

"Walk around and see what's delicious!"

Tightening his clothes, Yang Ming stepped forward.

"Well, the first thing to do is to exchange food coupons..." Yang Ming came to a booth and smiled gently, "Excuse me, are you exchanging food coupons here?"

"Ah! Yes!" The female student he asked stood up in a panic, "How much do you want to exchange?"

How much? He thought about it, took out his wallet, and took out two banknotes, "Help me exchange it."

"Okay, is it 20,000 yen..." She took it and asked, "Then exchange it for ten plum coupons, five bamboo coupons and one pine coupon!"

A plum ticket is 500 yen, a bamboo ticket is 1,000 yen, and a pine ticket is 10,000 yen.

"Okay, sorry to bother you."

The food coupons that are not used in the summer festival can be refunded later, and Yang Ming also wants to buy some snacks unique to Dongying to take back for Jiu I to taste according to the rules, so let’s exchange this amount first.

Putting the food coupons in his pocket, he returned to the crowd of people coming and going, and moved forward in the direction of the surging.

On both sides of this road, there are densely packed tents, and under the tents are students in Totsuki uniforms shouting hard.

“Welcome to the beef kebabs! The best beef kebabs!”

Beef kebabs...

It looks very good, and there are many people around there, let's try it.

He walked over, passed through the hustle and bustle of the crowd, and asked the student over there who was grilling beef skewers, "How much is this skewer?"

"One plum coupon and two strings!"

It's quite expensive...

However, Yang Ming has also seen the price of Dongying. A bowl of ramen or udon noodles is 1,000 yen a bowl, and a roadside fried chicken leg is 500 yen a piece. Converted to RMB, this price is nothing like stealing money. two.

On the other hand, the prices of ingredients in Dongying are still acceptable. It can only be said that the rent and labor costs of these stores are too high, which has a great impact on the price.

"Give me two strings." He took out a plum coupon and handed it over.


The students who received the food coupons immediately handed over the grilled beef skewers, "Be careful, it's just hot!"


Yang Ming blew twice on the steaming beef and then brought it to his mouth, and the aroma of barbecue immediately hit his nostrils.

The fresh beef and roasted spices exude a unique fragrance, constantly entering the lungs from the nose, and just smelling this fragrance can feel that the saliva in your mouth is constantly overflowing.

"Well, it tastes good!"

He let out the heat of the barbecue that was just baked, and Yang Ming enjoyed the delicious food with satisfaction.

The beef that broke into the mouth, as long as the teeth touched gently, the hot gravy overflowed from the plump beef.

The right amount of heat keeps the chewiness and spiciness, while the flavor of the sauce on top neutralizes it, making it easier to enjoy the second and third after one piece is eaten. Delicious beef.

So even though the taste was very strong, he was very satisfied to finish it.

"I really want to go back and buy two more..."

By the time the two skewers of beef were eaten, he hadn't walked a few steps at all, and the barbecue was so delicious.

Although it is not impossible to go back and buy a few skewers, but there are so many shops here, let’s save some stomach and taste more.

Thinking like this, Yang Ming walked towards the next store again.

"What is this..." He looked up at the shop surrounded by many people, "ka...karei?"

"Is that so, "Curry Lab"? "There are many foreign words in Japanese. When encountering unfamiliar words, sometimes you only need to try to read them according to katakana to understand the meaning.

"Wow - so pretty!"

"Is this really chocolate on top of the curry?"

Most of the people surrounding the stall were children, all looking at the side dishes on the bowl of curry rice with amazement.

He also leaned over to take a look, um, it was a chocolate flower with a very complicated pattern and a delicate structure...

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