The dead body was broken, and the dead body was broken.

Tazna and a group of villagers watched Cardo being stabbed to death by Naruto with a kunai in 0.5 seconds. They all shouted like they were celebrating a festival, with excitement and excitement on their faces.

The Cardo Group, which has been entrenched in the Wave Country for 20 years, was finally completely eradicated today!

From now on, their lives will get better, and no one will exploit them anymore! All the villagers' faces were filled with happy smiles.

"Old man, the bastard who harmed your Wave Country has been killed by me. From today on, you can live with peace of mind!" Naruto walked in front of Tazna and others and said with a smile.

Tazna's face turned pale and red, his complexion kept changing. His pale face was because he was frightened by the fierce battle, and he was not the only one. The farmers behind him were like this. His red face was because he was excited!

Seeing Cardo being eliminated with their own eyes, no one was more excited than those who had been oppressed for a long time. Tazna held Naruto's hand with trembling hands, tears kept flashing in his eyes. He wanted to say something but seemed to be blocked by something in his throat, and he couldn't say it!

Looking at Naruto and the others with tears in his eyes, Tazna didn't know what to say, so he simply stopped talking and knelt on the ground and began to kowtow to Naruto and the others!

"Old man, I really don't know what to say. The ninjas of Konoha are so kind! Not only did you not blame me for my deception, but you also sent me back home safely after risking my life. Now you have even helped us get rid of the bully Kado. You are the angels sent by God to help us!"

When the villagers standing behind saw Tazuna kneel down, they also knelt down in a large group, and they all talked about the great deeds of Team 7. They have been bullied by Kado for too many years!

Kakashi walked up quickly and immediately helped Tazuna stand up with both hands. There were too many people, so he couldn't help them one by one, so he could only help Tazuna, the leader!

"Mr. Tazuna, you are too polite. This is what we should do. As Konoha ninjas, we are supposed to help the weak and fight against the strong. It is our mission to escort you home. Protecting everyone and getting rid of bullies is the consistent purpose of Konoha!"

"We have always been fighting against gangs and evil, and we must get rid of all the evil! Please rest assured, and please be at ease. This is what we should do. Everyone, get up quickly!"

After Kakashi helped Tazuna stand up, he quickly helped the others behind him stand up one by one. So many people knelt to thank him. To be honest, he was a little panicked, after all, he had always knelt to others before!

This was the first time so many people knelt to him.

Naruto also cooperated with Kakashi at this time. After all, he was a child. It was a bit embarrassing to let so many adults kneel down to thank him: "Everyone, get up quickly. Teacher Kakashi is right. This is what we should do!"

Sasuke also joined in and helped the two old men closest to him: "Get up quickly. This is what we should do!"

Sakura didn't say anything. She had been running around to help people one by one. After all, she was a girl. She usually had a lot of tears and was always full of saintly hearts. Now it is even more out of control.

"There are still many good people in Konoha! I want to write a thank-you letter to you and give you an umbrella! I must thank you with a whole banner!"

Tazna excitedly shook Naruto's hand. Although Sasuke contributed the most in this battle, the one who killed Kado in the end was the yellow-haired boy in front of him!

Sasuke looked at Tazna's excited expression and immediately became unhappy. He worked hard for a long time and killed most of the people. Why didn't anyone come up to thank him? Why are they all surrounding Naruto!

In terms of effort, he contributed the most; in terms of leadership, it was Kakashi, after all, he was the team leader. Why did you all gather around Naruto to thank him? Because he has yellow hair?

Sasuke was a little depressed, but he was aloof by nature, and didn't like crowds of people, let alone being surrounded by people. But when he saw Naruto being surrounded, he was unhappy.

"No one cares about the process, everyone only cares about the result!"

"The process takes a lot of time, but the result is often a moment and what everyone desires the most!"

Kakashi made a small off-site broadcast appropriately, as if he saw through Sasuke's mind.

"Damn! After all this time, I'm just a worker! I said, this kid asked me to keep Kado for him!"

Sasuke slapped his head, and instantly felt that everything was right. It turned out that Naruto was waiting for him here! He is really shrewd.



Kakashi called Naruto, there are still some things that need Naruto to do!

Naruto, who was leaving with Tazuna, heard Kakashi's call, turned around, and looked at Kakashi in confusion. Very puzzled, Kado was killed, what else is there? Just agreed to go to Tazuna's house for a big meal, and several villagers around said that they would take out the best ingredients in their homes for him to taste!

"What's the matter? Hurry up, Uncle Tazuna is going to make a better meal for us today!"

"Don't just eat, come here first!" Kakashi waved his hand.

"What for?"

Although Naruto felt something was wrong, he still came over.

"Well, you have a lot of chakra, you can create a thousand clones to deal with these people, kill those who are dying, and let those who can live stay. After we leave, Tazuna still has to repair the bridge! It's so messy, it's not good!"

Kakashi pointed at the men of Kado who were still wailing on the bridge.

Naruto was stunned, no, this guy also belongs to him!

"Whoever did it, you can blame him! This is all Sasuke, you let him do it!" Naruto immediately pointed at Sasuke, indicating that he killed the people.

"Humph, you didn't say a word when the villagers gathered around to thank you, but now you remember it? What were you doing before? Go! Go!" Sasuke snorted arrogantly, and directly confronted Naruto in a bad mood.

Naruto shook his head helplessly: "Good fellow, you really picked on the honest man and bullied him!"

After hearing this, Sasuke sneered and said: "You are honest? You are not honest at all! You are full of dirty minds! Look at those I killed, and look at those you killed? When did you not attack people in the lower three ways? Did you see the one with fecal incontinence?"

Sasuke pointed at a big man among the twenty or so people who rushed towards Naruto before.

"The reason why that kid is shitting all over the place is because you used your kunai to make a hole in his anus!"

"You are honest? If you are honest, there will be no honest people in the world!"

Sasuke felt like vomiting after he finished speaking. Naruto was too rogue. The big man was lying on the ground, and the red and yellow things kept mixing and flowing everywhere. He couldn't control it at all. Obviously, the sphincter that controlled the switch had been damaged by Naruto!

"No, no! I'll ask Ergou, the man who collects excrement in the village, to do these little things. He specializes in this!"

Tazna appeared at the right time and proposed a solution! The smile on his face was like a flower, and he couldn't stop smiling.

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