Walk the streets of Konoha

The villagers cast disgusted looks at Naruto

Beginning when Naruto was thrown out to live alone

The rumor that he was a demon fox spread quickly in Konoha Village.

This demon fox is the demon fox of the night of the nine tails

Instead of Konoha’s war weapon, the Nine-Tails Pillar Force.

For this group of civilians,

They didn’t know that the so-called nine-tailed demon fox was made by the high-level of Konoha Village.

So when Naruto supported I-Airo

Chiyo’s mother-in-law felt contempt for Naruto and the others who didn’t even know the meaning of their own human pillar power.

At this time, it had only been three years since the Night of the Nine Tails.

Many of their relatives died in the catastrophe of the night of the Nine Tails.

Suddenly, I heard that Naruto was the incarnation of the demon fox who was the culprit

This made the villagers’ eyes full of disgust when they looked at Naruto.

However, due to the order of the three generations of Hokage,

They didn’t dare to take the initiative to provoke Naruto

But the coldness and disgust revealed in his eyes is enough to make a 3-year-old child feel extremely painful.

Fortunately, Naruto was a crosser

The eyes of this group of wastes that can only be slaughtered do not care.

Ignorance exists in every world

It’s just that the villagers of Konoha Village are stupider.

As long as they don’t take the initiative to find fault,

I am too lazy to see them in general, after all, people will not lose a piece of meat after a few glances.

He was now thinking about where to go for a big meal

Now there are not too many places to not dislike him and let him consume to his heart’s content.

Basically, they are shops owned by some big families or some villagers who are as kind as Uncle Handa.

Many of the remaining shops, restaurants will turn themselves away.

Naruto passed by a maruko shop

This is also one of the few bosses who does not wear colored glasses on himself

And when he looked into the store, his pupils suddenly shrank

A figure in a green tights in the store was particularly eye-catching

Beside him sat a few familiar Konoha Nakasin.

It is several conbiotics of the same level as Kakashi.

Hachimon Kaihuang and Kaiji, who almost raised the finale, were the same as Bukai Genma and Yamashiro Aoba

And beside them sat a petite beauty with black hair and red eyes, which made Naruto’s eyes shine.

It is the widow who will be regretted by everyone in the future.

And ate a bunch of balls and sighed

“It’s been three years since the three generations were reinstated as Hokage.”

On the other side, Unknown Fire Genma held a toothpick and bit and complained:

“I thought that the change of generations would give the times a new atmosphere.”

Kai on the side was also depressed, and his relationship with him had worsened since Kakashi rejoined the Dark Ministry.

Kai couldn’t help but complain

“I understand what Genma means, but…”

The people on the side looked at this Tie Hanhan who was about to make some inappropriate remarks, and hurriedly stopped him:

“Hey, three generations of adults are not easy, after all, they are all old.”

Yamashiro Aoba spread his hands and said:

“Whatever you do so much, we just have to work for the village anyway.”

Sunset Hong raised the ball to interrupt the awkward atmosphere and said loudly:

“Okay, let’s toast with dango to celebrate the third year of the third generation of Hokage!”

The rest of the people glanced at the lively sunset red, and they all raised their balls and applauded.

And Naruto walked in just then.

“Can you add me one?”

Naruto blinked and looked at the balls in Sunset Red’s hand with wide eyes.

The Nine Tails inside him shouted loudly in his body:

“Can you not act so mentally retarded!”

Naruto rolled his eyes in his heart and drank:

“Shut up, Lao Tzu is now a 3-year-old cute baby, what’s wrong with taking advantage of his body to soak up a girl?”

When the Ninth Lama heard this, he immediately looked disdainful

He didn’t think that the little color batch who talked to him about women at the age of two would be a cute baby.

He wondered why Naruto was so precocious.

Considering that the average life expectancy of ninjas during the Sengoku period was 40 years, the Nine Tails reluctantly convinced himself that this was normal

But it’s time to despise

He would still despise Naruto’s oil-pumping behavior in the seal.

Before living alone,

Naruto didn’t take advantage of his baby to take advantage of some.

For example, after the night of the Nine Tails

When a legendary woman with three ninja was watching her apprentice, she was severely ravaged by this guy pretending to be a baby looking for milk.

Finally, he grabbed the necklace around the woman’s neck before coming out of her arms.

The Nine Tails suspected that half of the woman’s departure from Konoha was the credit of this little color batch.

Now he sees that the girl starts to pretend to be a child and sell cute again

This made the Nine Tails suddenly couldn’t help but complain.

And Matkay and the others watched in amazement as Naruto’s face changed as he walked in from outside the door.

Naturally, they had heard rumors about the demon fox.

Several people looked at the sunset red in unison

You must know that her father died in the night of the Nine Tails.

A hint of sadness flashed on Sunset Red’s face

Immediately, he looked at Naruto’s pitiful little face, and sympathy suddenly flooded.

Although sad, they all participated in the burial ceremony of the four generations and others

Naruto was placed in the C position next to the tombstone

These ninjas who have participated in the funeral know that the Naruto in front of them is actually Konoha’s human pillar force, and he is also the widow of the fourth generation of Hokage.

The disaster of the night of the Nine Tails was not to blame Naruto’s head at all

Even if it weren’t for Naruto, the damage caused by the Nine Tails would have been even greater.

So the group of people who know the truth know that Naruto is actually the hero who saved Konoha.

And before the fourth generation died, he originally made Naruto’s identity public with his own merits.

As a result, he did not expect that the third generation chose to hide the truth in order to control Naruto.

That’s why he was so surprised to hear Naruto say that his identity as the son of the fourth generation had been concealed when Payne attacked the village.

At that time, because the three generations were dead, Naruto did not grow crooked

In the end, Wave Feng Shuimon could only comfort Naruto by fearing that his enemies would assassinate Naruto in the end.

But that kind of inferior excuse, Naruto’s kind of single-celled would believe.

So now Naruto’s body is sealed with the culprit who caused his father’s death.

But the kind Sunset Hong still hated the poor orphan.

She looked at Naruto and smiled and said:

“Of course, let’s toast together.”

Naruto heard this and ran unceremoniously to the side of Sunset Red

In the confused eyes of Matt Kay and others

With a grin, he took a half-eaten red ball and stuffed it into his mouth:

“Thank you beautiful sister~”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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