Chapter 0075: This TM is Hanging Up!!!

“I grass!”

Ebisu lost his voice and exclaimed, this TM is open and hanging!

Under the explosion of the Eight Gate Dun Jia, Ding Ci’s Chakra successfully soared to the bottom line of giantization.

The huge Dingji directly appeared in Konoha.

Originally, the ape flying sun, who had just finished fooling Kakashi, was in a good mood, but suddenly a roar came, and the huge Ultraman stood directly where the ninja school was.

Ape Fei chopped: “??? ”

Someone attacked the ninja school!?

That’s the seedling I worked so hard to dig up: “Come man! Fast! Follow me to the ninja school! ”

On the other side, Kakashi was originally remembering Toko at the memorial monument.

Suddenly, he turned his head behind a tree and said, “Are you waiting for me?” Tenzo. ”

Yamato walked out from behind the tree and shook his head, “Don’t call me Tenzo, senior.” ”

“Then you shouldn’t call me senior either.”

Yamato spread his hands and said, “Seniors are still seniors, even if you leave the dark department, this will not change.” ”

Kakashi narrowed his eyes, “Is it? How to say it, I heard that you filled my vacancy, and the wind is flourishing. ”

“Are you here to mock me for being a babysitter?”

Kakashi, a former Dark Captain, understood Sarutobi’s thoughts very well

At this time, he had already seen through his father’s affairs.

Therefore, he is not as inactive as Sarutobi knows, and seems to be bent on dying because of Obito and Rin.

He wanted to protect his companions, and he had long managed the dark department he led like an iron plate.

It was clear that Yamato had appeared this time to show Kakashi his attitude.

“Where, I’m just the same even if my senior left the Dark Department.”

Kakashi nodded, “Sorry, I’m busy today and don’t have time to chat with you.” ”

Yamato laughed: “Is it almost time to meet with Shinobu?” ”

Kakashi rolled his eyes, there was a ninja out there who wasn’t yet.

However, before he could say goodbye, Dingji’s huge figure stood directly from Konoha.


The two glanced at each other in unison, and then quickly flashed away in the direction where Ding Ci was.

At this time, Dingji’s body size was comparable to half of the Outer Path Golem, and his huge palm smashed down towards Ebisu like a small mountain.

Ebisu looked at the huge palm without tears at this time, and this TM stand-in technique couldn’t dodge!

So he hates this group of famous ninjas, too TM bully!

He then looked at Naruto with a fawning expression, and if anyone could stop it, it was undoubtedly the guy in front of him who tied him up.

Naruto rolled his eyes, spineless guy, I still like the way he was unruly before.

“Scoundrel, do you want to smash Master Wei to death?”

Naruto yawned and yelled, and a huge nine-tailed chakra arm suddenly appeared on his body and collided with Dingji’s giant hand.

The violent impact instantly shattered the windows of the entire teaching building, and because of the graduation exam, other grades were already on holiday, otherwise this would definitely make the students howl.

After performing this trick, Ding Ci instantly lost his strength, he became smaller again, fell from mid-air with a face that was unloveable, it was over, he was about to run…

And at this time Naruto’s voice came: “Count you guys this time, fight very well, don’t fight again next time.” ”

Ding Ci suddenly turned his worry into joy and shouted flatteringly: “Thank you, teacher!” Long live the teacher! ”

Shikamaru breathed a sigh of relief, only the taste of regret that seemed to appear in Ino’s eyes.

And Naruto withdrew the nine-tailed chakra arm from Ebisu who had some weak legs.

“Good, there are two more groups.”

Ebisu looked at Naruto with wide eyes and waved his hand repeatedly: “No comparison, no comparison!” ”

This TM is careless, and the little life is gone!

Naruto looked at Ebisu with a look of disgust and said, “How about that!” There are still two squads to finish! ”

Ebisu looked at Team Shino and Team Sasuke again.

Finding that the two teams were not frightened by the shocking scene just now, I wiped it?

Could it be that these two squads are more awesome? Ebisu shook his head again and again when he thought of this, saying that he would not conduct the next test at all.

Naruto pouted, can this make you pinch?

“Sasuke, get on top! Cut him! ”

Ebisu: “??? ”

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, suddenly a voice came from a distance, “What are you doing?” ”

Sarutobi was dressed in a combat suit and looked nervously at the fragmented playground.

Ebisu ran over as if he had seen a savior,

“Naruto-sama! You have to save me, that Uzumaki Naruto is too much, he arrested me to be a graduation examiner, but he didn’t tell me there were family ninjas in it. ”

“Did you see it just now, that fat man directly overmultiplied the technique! This is something that a person who has not graduated can do? ”

“The giant just now was Dingji?!”

Sarutobi Hinata’s eyes widened and looked at Hinata Dingji in disbelief, and at this time, Akimichi Dingji suddenly roared with fire in his eyes when he heard the word fat.

“Bustiness is not fat! You are the fat man! ”

The Qiu Dao clan was originally a family of physical arts secret arts, and apart from Xiao Li, he was the first to successfully open the third door.

Ding Ci, who was originally at the bottom of the strength, opened the super multiplication technique at this time, and his combat power directly soared to the forefront of Xiaoqiang…

Although it only has the power of one hit, it is enough to kill a special Shinobi.

Dingji’s murderous eyes made Ebisu shiver.

Ape Fei Ri Chop breathed a sigh of relief, it was not an enemy village invasion, and he saw that Ding Ci’s strength had grown so fast, Ape Fei Ri Chopper was also very happy, this is all his son’s family background!

“Good! Ding Ji is plump, not fat, and the three of you teamed up to defeat Ebisu, it seems that the strength is enough to graduate from the ninja school. ”

“Wait for your guidance to come and meet you in the afternoon, and then you will be ready.”

Shikamaru was relieved to hear this, and this farce finally came to an end.

However, Naruto stepped forward and said, “They have graduated, and the other two teams have not yet tested.” ”

Kagami and Inuzuka immediately straightened their chests when they heard Naruto’s words.

Can’t just let Ding Ci show his face, he still wants to show his performance in front of Hokage, Ape Fei Ri glanced at a few people with a smile,

“I am in charge of these two teams, as long as they perform a doppelgänger technique, they will graduate.”

“Originally, the content of the graduation exam should be the three-body technique.”

However, in this place, those candidates who were previously labeled as eliminated did not do it.

“Naruto-sama! It’s not fair! Why are they so simple, if I rely on the three-body technique, we can also become a subordinate! ”

“Exactly! Can’t be treated so differently! ”

Ape Fei Ri looked at the excited trainees with a confused expression, “You haven’t taken the exam? ”

He also thought that this group of people had already finished the test.

The civilian trainee said with a sad face: “1.8, we really can’t beat Ebisu-sama.” ”

Ape Fei Ri almost didn’t spew out a mouthful of old blood, good guy, let this group of civilians beat the elite teachers they found, and they will only be beaten together.

He looked at Naruto, who naturally touched his nose: “I taught it, even Ebisu can’t beat it, Finish Thread Industry.” ”

Ebisu on the side gritted his teeth with hatred, why did he think of himself as the content of the graduation exam!

The ape flying sun beheaded the black line.

“Do you think everyone is famous?”

He knows the quality of this ninja, even in many lower ninjas, I am afraid that there is a mid-stream or even a front-end level.

“I decide! All the candidates have graduated, so take pictures of yourself and go to the Hokage Building to register. ”

The trainees below cheered.

Only Naruto looked at them as if he were looking at a fool, forget it, Hades didn’t save the damn ghosts.

When the four battles started, this group of unlucky children knew how happy it was not a ninja…

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