Chapter 1061 Inuyasha goes into battle

Mukuro withdrew from the villager’s room and immediately caught up with Inuyasha and Granny Maple with his breath.

Inuyasha was carrying Granny Maple into the woods.

Mukuro followed them with a dance technique: “Inuyasha, didn’t you just keep saying that you will never save Kikyo’s sister? How can I say nothing?! I didn’t expect you to be a Tsundere monster.”

“Tsundere?! What is that?!” Inuyasha asked inexplicably, without any slowness under his feet.

“Tsundere is…Uh…” Mukuro thought for a while, but gave up the explanation reluctantly: “Forget it, this question is more difficult to explain, you treat me as I didn’t say it.”

Inuyasha snorted again, even if he didn’t understand the meaning of Tsundere, he probably guessed that it was not a good word.

Granny Maple lay on Inuyasha’s shoulder and said weakly: “Don’t discuss this kind of meaningless thing, that unreasonable human being, what do you call it?!”

“Call me Mukuro.” Mukuro said lightly.

“Mukuro? What a weird name.”

Granny Feng complained, and then continued to ask: “You just used a finger to block the kitchen knife. What is your body made of? If you are asked to defeat the monster that uses hair, can you win?! ”

“It doesn’t make sense to discuss this kind of thing.”

Mukuro shrugged and said, “In my dictionary, there is no question of whether I can win, at least in this place. So the first thing you have to consider is whether I am willing to make a move, not whether I can win. The problem.”

At the same time, Inuyasha had already taken Granny Feng to the depths of the woods, buried her in hiding, and no one would find it here. After confirming that Grandma Maple was not in danger of life, Inuyasha and Mukuro went back to the village to find the monster who controlled the hair.

When returning home, Inuyasha looked at Mukuro who was flying aside: “Humans are so powerful that they can fly in the air. They are simply monsters.”

Mukuro completely ignored him.

Inuyasha continued: “I ran too slow, how about you fly back to the village on your back?!”

“Don’t even think about it.” Mukuro resolutely refused: “No one in this world can let me do this kind of thing. Well, if you are a long and beautiful female monster, you can still consider it.”

Inuyasha glanced at Mukuro with a look of disgust.

After a while, they returned to the village and saw that the people controlled by their hair had become six, including the girl at the beginning. They all brandished kitchen knives and surrounded Inuyasha and Mukuro. A barefoot woman with very little cloth stands in the air with her hair, looking down at Mukuro and Inuyasha.

She smiled coldly: “You dare to come back, aren’t you afraid of death?!”

“It will only be you who die, it can’t be me!” Inuyasha grinned and rushed forward and shouted:

“Soul Iron Claw!!”

As soon as Inuyasha made his move, it was a signature technique, and his paws made a piercing sound in the air. But before his claws touched the female monster in mid-air, he was already entangled in his hair and couldn’t move.

He tried to struggle again, but with more and more hair wrapped around him, his struggle became weaker and weaker. After all, hair is a very tough thing. If there is only one, it may not be able to withstand the power of Inuyasha, but if there are tens of thousands of hairs tangled in Inuyasha, the result is very different.

Mukuro watched the scene and said, “Inuyasha, you can’t see the position of your hair. It’s a disadvantage.”

“Don’t talk nonsense?!” Inuyasha yelled, “You have the skills to dictate, so why don’t you find a way to break these hairs for me!”

“Didn’t I tell you?! Ari can see these hairs, you just have to get him back.” Mukuro said indifferently, “I am a bit nasty, there is no sense of urgency. I want me to do this. It’s really embarrassing for a small character to shoot.”

Slowly, Inuyasha’s struggle became weaker and weaker, and his neck was entangled with hair, and he was about to be hanged. Mukuro couldn’t help it, a super-small Qi Yuan slashed over, and then controlled it with a gas bomb, and immediately cut all the hair entangled in Inuyasha.

Mukuro looked at Inuyasha and said, “Inuyasha, let’s go, go to Ari’s world and get Ari back. I can’t save you every time.”

Inuyasha gave a cold snort again, still reluctant to do this kind of thing. But while he hesitated, the female monster who controlled the hair had attacked again.

Inuyasha had no choice but to leave quickly and bite the bullet to find Ari.

Mukuro smiled lightly and flew up again, following Inuyasha. At this moment, the female monster actually controlled her hair to wrap around Mukuro’s ankle, causing Mukuro’s body to stop for a while.

Mukuro turned his head and snorted coldly: “You dare to attack me. Are you buying a coffin and don’t know where to find a place? Get out!”

Mukuro exploded with repulsive force, breaking the hair wrapped around his ankle, and then hit a small wave of qigong, exploding a hole in the female monster’s body that was transparent and the size of a head.

After a small punishment and a big punishment, Mukuro continued to chase Inuyasha.

When Mukuro taught the female monster, Inuyasha looked back at Mukuro, and he just happened to see this scene, and he turned pale with fright. When Mukuro flew up and approached him, Inuyasha shouted as if he had seen a ghost: “Stop! Don’t come near me! What power did you use just now?! You can blow that monster to pieces all at once! You! Is it a monster?!”

“In your opinion, I may be a monster. There is no way. Who can make our power so far apart.” Mukuro hit Inuyasha mercilessly and said, “Do you think this kind of thing is really good?! Come to you Say, isn’t the most important thing now to find A Li? By the way, the woman who used the hair had the fragments of the jade of the Four Souls, which was snatched from A Li. If you leave it alone, hehe… that guy will. stronger.”

“What?! The jade of the four souls?!” Inuyasha said angrily: “That stupid woman, how could such an important thing be snatched away?!”

Inuyasha was so angry that the movements under his feet sped up again, and finally rushed into the dry well with Mukuro. When Mukuro and Inuyasha came out of the dry well again, they had come to the modern world. Mukuro felt that the effect of this dry well was really like Trunks’ time machine.

After rushing out of the dry well, Inuyasha, relying on the smell of Ari, soon found Ari’s family who was eating.

Seeing Inuyasha, Ari was shocked and couldn’t help but exclaimed: “How did you get into this world? Isn’t Iguchi already sealed by Grandpa?!”

Mukuro tore off Inuyasha’s charm, and said, “Is it this thing? A discerning person knows that it’s not valid for Inuyasha. Ari, don’t talk nonsense, and quickly follow us back to that world. Without your help, Inuyasha is not someone else’s opponent at all. If you leave the jade fragments of the Four Souls over there, this world will also be affected. Don’t forget that dry well can connect the two worlds.”

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