Chapter 1072 Ari’s determination

Mukuro clearly remembers that this modern monster can be said to be a masked monster.

Hundreds of years ago, a fragment of the jade of the four souls was bombed on the trunk of a big tree, and then the trunk was carved into a mask called Noh. The mask became a monster with the power of the jade of the four souls. Of course, such a monster has no body, so it needs to devour human body and soul.

Otherwise, there is only a mask, it cannot move. The soul that Mukuro let go just now was the hapless one who had been absorbed by him. Inuyasha slammed his broken teeth, smashing the Noh mask to pieces.

Ari and Ari’s brother sat slumped on the ground, finally letting out a sigh of relief.

Mukuro opened his mouth and said, “Ari, you should already understand that the life span of the monster who gets the jade of the four souls may become very long. The reason why the monster can live to this age and harm you is because of the jade of the four souls. If If you don’t go back to the Sengoku era and find all the jade of the four souls, the number of people killed by monsters in modern times will continue to increase.”

“Good way! So that’s why you don’t worry about A Li not going back!”

Inuyasha’s eyes lit up and he shouted excitedly: “Ari, Mukuro is right, you are a person in this world, and you must consider your world.”

Ari suddenly became angry, but couldn’t refute Mukuro and Inuyasha’s words.

All in all, after Ari’s exam was over, Ari brought a lot of luggage and snacks, followed Inuyasha and Mukuro back to the Sengoku era, and embarked on a journey to find the jade fragments of the Four Souls again.

On this day, they passed through a battlefield, and the hungry Inuyasha directly asked Ari for a bowl of instant noodles.

But A Li seems to have no appetite.

Inuyasha defeated the five internal organs temple, and curiously said: “Ari, what’s wrong with you? Are you hungry?!”

A Li pointed to the skulls and corpses all over the floor, and vomited: “In this kind of place, it’s only strange that I can eat! I’m not you!”

Mukuro shrugged and said, “Inuyasha, Ari is not from your time. In your terms, the people of Ari’s time were too spoiled to eat in this environment. And, Inuyasha, you continue. Is it really good to eat?! Little fleas appeared.”

“Little flea?!” A Li looked around suspiciously.

As soon as Mukuro’s voice fell, a swirling flame suddenly appeared in the air and quickly approached Mukuro and others, with a great momentum. But apart from A Li, the rest of the people did not respond.

Because the flame looked fierce, but when it approached, Mukuro couldn’t even feel the high temperature. I believe Inuyasha is the same. Even if they were approached by such flames, they didn’t feel any danger at all. And in the flames, Mukuro felt a very weak breath.

Mukuro even felt that the air was weaker than the one hundred feet temptress.

Seeing that Mukuro and Inuyasha were so calm, Ari stopped and asked strangely, “Did you find something?!”


Mukuro snapped his fingers and said, “Did you not notice that the temperature of the flame is very low? It’s just a visual illusion. In fact, it has no power. Even you can easily defeat the monster hidden in it.”

“What do you mean even if it is me?!”

Ari grumbled dissatisfiedly, but he also heard what Mukuro meant.

At the same time, the monster probably understood Mukuro’s words, and felt that he was underestimated. The original flame turned into a huge ball, which looked like a head. But no matter how you look at that head, it doesn’t feel any horror at all. On the contrary, it feels funny, even A Li is not afraid!

He pretended to say: “You carry the jade of the four souls, don’t you?! Give it to me, otherwise you will be killed!”

Inuyasha slapped it out and slapped the ball effortlessly, revealing his prototype.

If it were a monster kid, the kid would only be as tall as Inuyasha’s knees, with pointed ears and teeth, and his tail almost as long as his body.

He clutched his beaten face and said, “It hurts.”

A Li couldn’t help being shocked when he saw that the prototype of the monster turned out to be a child.

Inuyasha grabbed the monster kid’s tail and lifted him up: “What, it turned out to be a civet cat.”

“I am a fox!”

The child screamed excitedly, broke free of Inuyasha’s hand, and rushed into Ari’s luggage.

Those luggages were brought by A Li from Hyundai, and there were all kinds of mess in it. The child turned upside down inside, and finally found the bottle containing the jade fragments of the Four Souls from the inside.

Mukuro leaned behind him, grabbed his back collar and said, “Boy, even if a small character like you gets the jade of the four souls, it’s useless… and I really don’t feel malicious in you, saying Find out why you want the jade of the four souls. If you really have trouble, Inuyasha and the others may be able to help you.”

“Hey, don’t just say that we promised to help.” Inuyasha exclaimed excitedly.


The child brightened his eyes and said excitedly: “My name is Qibao. I am a fox demon. I want the jade of the four souls because my father was killed by the thunder beast brothers. My father once had fragments of the jade of the four souls. It was only snatched by the Thunder Beast brothers, so as long as I have the fragments of the jade of the four souls, I will definitely be able to draw them out.”

“If you just lead them out, you can’t act with us, Thunder Beast brothers will come to the door sooner or later. Will you help me kill them?” Qibao looked at Mukuro expectantly.

After Mukuro had a meal, he always felt that Qibao’s words were not quite right.

He just promised to help Inuyasha, but he didn’t say that he would do it himself. He quickly refused: “Don’t make a mistake, Inuyasha is the one who helped you get revenge, not me.”

While speaking, Mukuro pointed a finger to Inuyasha who was aside.

Qibao looked at Inuyasha, his nose twitched, and the excitement on his face completely faded.

He disliked: “Is it really okay?! He is just a half-demon, and I smell humans in him. How can a low-level creature like this agree to a real monster?!”

Before Qibao’s words came to an end, Inuyasha had already smashed Qibao’s head with a heavy punch.

This guy Inuyasha was really stingy, and said angrily: “Do you have a long nose to talk? The person you’re asking for is just a human!”

“But I think he is very strong.”

Qibao said seriously: “Although he is a human being, I think he is many times stronger than you.”

Ari couldn’t help chuckling and said, “I don’t see that you are young, but you have a good vision. You are right. The human is called Mukuro. If he wants to beat Inuyasha, one finger may be enough. ”


Inuyasha couldn’t hold his face, opened his throat and roared.

Mukuro shook his head helplessly, and said, “Anyway, I don’t have the idea of ​​avenging you. If everyone comes to me, how busy will I be?!”

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