Chapter 1093 Human face fruit

Seeing them catching up, Mukuro slowed down and waited for them in mid-air.

A Li has insufficient experience in using the Dancing Technique, and her own physique is also very poor. Using Dancing Technique seems to be a great burden for her. As she flew upwards, she pressed her lips tightly and looked at her own toes, as if she would fall off when she relaxes. The first time she flew so high, it might have put a lot of pressure on her heart.

Qibao and Maitreya’s psychological qualities are slightly better than Ali’s, and their faces are slightly relaxed.

After finally getting used to it, A Li said strangely: “Did you find it weird? Why do fruits like human heads grow on trees?”

Maitreya thought for a while, and said, “It should be related to the monster known as the immortal, but I can’t guess what it is. When we see the so-called immortal, we will ask him again.”

At this moment, a pile of bones suddenly fell from above.

The pile of bones fell on the heel 16 of the big tree, slowly being absorbed by the roots, and at the same time a human head appeared on the tree.

When A Li and Maitreya Master saw this scene, their pupils shrank.

Maitreya said in a deep voice, “It turns out that the fruits of human heads come from this way. Does that so-called immortal not only eat human bodies, but also human souls?”

A Li already knew the existence of the soul, and such a bad practice made her face change again. Even though A Li was used to seeing monsters that cannibalize, it was the first time that he had not let go of his soul.

The bones that fell from the top just now are obviously human bones left over from eating, but when the bones fall on the roots of the tree, the human head fruits that appear on the tree do not need to think about it, but also know that it is the fruit of the human soul.

Mukuro said indifferently: “It’s no longer the time to deny what the monster did. There must be other living people in his hands. If we don’t hurry up to save people, more people will die in his hands.”

Only then did A Li and the others wake up and flew upwards suddenly.

But A Li really hasn’t fully mastered the air dance, she suddenly accelerated, and her energy consumption also suddenly increased, which seemed unbearable with her strength. She exclaimed and fell suddenly. If she fell from this height, she would definitely fall to pieces based on how strong her body was.

Maitreya and Qibao were taken aback, and hurriedly rushed towards A Li, trying to save people. With this attack, they immediately threw A Li into a cave.

Mukuro shook his head helplessly, and had to abandon Inuyasha first and descend to see the situation.

In fact, if Maitreya and Qibao hadn’t intervened just now, Mukuro could also use gravity to rescue Ari. However, since Maitreya and Qibao had already started, Mukuro did not do anything extra.

After Mukuro flew into the cave just now, there was a square in the cave, resembling a potted plant. There were various sceneries in it, and there were people moving in the scene, among them Ari and others. It may be because they fell into the cave with too much momentum and fell directly into the bonsai.

Mukuro remembers that this bonsai was used by the so-called fairy to keep humans in captivity. As long as humans fall in, the size will shrink quickly.

Even if A Li and the others were taken out of it, they seemed unable to recover.

Mukuro wanted to destroy this bonsai for a try, but he was afraid that Ari and others would be harmed.

With the huge power gap between A Li and his colleagues, as long as there is a slight mistake, A Li and the others will die in his hands. Mukuro had no choice but to jump in and try it by himself.

Even if he himself becomes smaller, he is confident that his ability can kill the guy who claims to be an immortal. But when Mukuro jumped directly above the bonsai, Mukuro did not feel that his body was shrinking.

He did feel that a strange energy was approaching, but that energy was too weak to affect Mukuro at all. When Mukuro jumped into the bonsai, the bonsai seemed unable to withstand such a huge amount of energy, and was directly torn apart by Mukuro’s impact.

After the bonsai was shattered, all the people inside appeared in the cave, and the speed visible to the naked eye of justice increased. Maybe in five or six seconds, they will return to their original size.

With the space of this cave, it is absolutely impossible to accommodate so many people, and it will definitely be squeezed to death by then.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Mukuro quickly took Ari and the others, and rushed out of the cave at the fastest speed. After rushing out of the cave, Ari, Maitreya and others also recovered to their original size.

A Li said strangely: “What happened just now? Why did that bonsai shatter for no reason?!”

Maitreya recalled the situation just now and said: “It seems that the bonsai began to shatter after Mukuro jumped into the bonsai. It is not because Mukuro’s strength is so strong that even the bonsai can’t hold him?!”

After this conjecture was put forward, everyone looked at Mukuro with very strange eyes.

“What are your eyes?”

Mukuro shrugged and said, “If you are willing to spend more than ten or twenty years in hard cultivation, you can do the same thing. As long as the energy contained in your body is greater than the so-called bonsai, the bonsai will naturally treat you invalid.”

“As long as ten or twenty years of hard practice can do this kind of thing?!”

Maitreya suddenly exclaimed with excitement: “Then what is the purpose of my hard training over the years?!”

Mukuro was shocked, and suddenly understood what Maitreya meant, and felt that he was very pitiful.

Because Maitreya, as a mage, is actually considered strong among ordinary people, and his mana must have been cultivated since he was a child, and it has been more than ten years, let alone. In the same ten years, his current strength of 280 is obviously much weaker than that of the Dragon Ball fighter with the same training. This pay and gain are obviously out of proportion.

Even if he changes his Qi now, with the expansion speed of the wind cave on his right hand, it is already impossible.

Mukuro comforted: “Don’t think about these things, as long as we defeat Naraku in the future and let the wind acupuncture point on his right hand disappear, you can practice as you want.”


Maitreya nodded and said, “With you here, we can definitely defeat Naraku as long as we meet Naraku.”

“I’m afraid I can’t find Naraku.”

Qibao murmured, “If you don’t know where Nana is, there is no way even if Mukuro is there.”

Mukuro shook his head, did not continue the topic, but flew up to the top of the cliff, looking for the so-called fairy. After flying to the top cave, Mukuro, Ari and others just went in and saw the Inuyasha inside was tied up with vines and could not move.

Beside Inuyasha, there was a fat man with a huge body.

Mukuro fell next to Fatty and said, “Are you the so-called fairy? I didn’t expect Inuyasha to end in such a mess in your hands. How about replacing me as your opponent before Inuyasha’s demon power is restored?”

When Inuyasha saw Mukuro appear, he was overjoyed.

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