Chapter 1124 Crush Inuyasha

Mukuro didn’t actually take Inuyasha to his heart.

When helping the coral to use suction to offset the impact of the flying bone, Mukuro turned his back to Inuyasha, looked at the coral, and was relieved to make sure that the coral had already got the flying bone.

When the coral took the flying bone, her tense expression became visibly loose.

But her smiling face hadn’t really bloomed yet, Mukuro saw her pupils shrink sharply again, and her expression became anxious. She walked towards Mukuro quickly, opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but couldn’t say it because she was too anxious. I have known coral for so long, except for Amber’s danger, Mukuro has never seen coral in such anxiousness.

But even if Coral was too anxious to speak, Mukuro knew what she wanted to say.

Because while Coral walked up quickly, Mukuro already felt a strong wind rolling up behind him. Inuyasha’s qi was approaching at an alarming speed and attacked Mukuro from behind.


At the last minute, Coral finally had time to remind Mukuro.

Maitreya also reminded anxiously: “Mukuro! Beware of Inuyasha! He was attacked by the back!”

Ari said anxiously: “Hurry up and avoid it! If you are hit, even you are in danger!”

Mukuro did not answer them, nor did he turn around anxiously to resist Inuyasha’s attack.

Although at his speed, as long as he was willing, he would definitely have time, but he didn’t do that because he still had an easier way.

Mukuro snorted coldly, surrounded himself with repulsive force, and flew out the Inuyasha that was approaching him. Even the demonized Inuyasha still couldn’t see enough in front of Mukuro’s repulsion, and flew out with a scream.

He rubbed a severe depression on the ground, then rolled over, kicking his feet on the ground and rushing up again. Seeing this movement of Inuyasha, he seems to have forgotten how to use Wukongshu.

Mukuro stepped out, flicked his finger on Inuyasha’s forehead, and flew him out, saying, “It was hard to teach you to use the dance technique. You would rather awaken the power of the monster than use it at a dangerous moment. Sky dance?! You disappoint me too much.”

Inuyasha screamed again, fell to the ground and struggled, never moving.

Seeing Inuyasha motionless, Maitreya, Shan Shan and others finally stepped up slowly with the courage.

Maitreya said anxiously, “Mukuro, what’s wrong with Inuyasha?!”

Coral also asked, “Mukuro, would you kill Inuyasha? Although Inuyasha was completely monsterized just now, it is a situation that every half-demon will appear when encountering danger. Just let them recover. That is, there is no need to kill them.”

“Who do you think of me?!” Mukuro said helplessly: “I just knocked Inuyasha into a stun. When he wakes up, he will naturally return to his original state.”

The fainted Inuyasha was lying on the ground, the canine-like mark on his face that represented the monsterization has faded, as for the look in his eyes…because he was unconscious, he obviously couldn’t see it.

Maitreya and Shan Shan walked up to Inuyasha and took a look, and they were relieved to make sure that he really still had a heartbeat.

After all, Inuyasha is a monster and possesses very powerful self-healing ability. As long as he is still breathing, he can recover on his own no matter how serious the injury is.

After a sigh of relief, the look they looked at Mukuro became very strange again.

“What’s wrong with you guys?!” Mukuro was already quite speechless.

Is the expression of these guys getting too fast? !

Maitreya whispered, “Mukuro, you just slapped Inuyasha’s head with your finger?! The monster-like Inuyasha is so powerful that even Inuyasha who smashes iron teeth is not his opponent, you only use your fingers. He stunned with a bounce of his head. Do your fingers have that much strength?!”

As Maitreya spoke, reaching out his hand was like grabbing Mukuro’s wrist.

Mukuro was startled, and quickly retracted his hand and said, “Go! How far is it!”

It’s so messy, Mukuro feels uncomfortable when he thinks of a man trying to grab his own hand, especially when the man trying to grab his own hand is Maitreya, Mukuro’s discomfort will at least increase more than a hundred times.

Maitreya lowered his head and said dejectedly: “If you are not allowed, you are not allowed. What are you doing so fiercely?!”

Ari curiously said, “Mukuro, if you turn into blond hair, play Inuyasha like just now…”

Ari didn’t finish asking the question, but Mukuro understood what she meant. She wanted to know how strong Mukuro really is. After all, people are curious. While curious, he asked Mukuro this way. Another reason should be that he was worried that Mukuro could not control his power and hurt his companion.

Mukuro said calmly: “If I transform into a Super Saiyan and attack with the power ratio just now, Inuyasha’s head will definitely become a mass of paste, and even I can’t save him.”

“Then you don’t turn into blond hair in the future, I don’t want to see your own people die in your hands.” I have to say that Inuyasha is indeed a half-demon, with a very strong physique and amazing recovery ability. Mukuro, Maitreya and others just waited for a while, and he woke up faintly, and his injuries were almost recovered.

He clutched his head and said, “What happened just now? Why am I lying on the ground?!”

Mukuro looked at Inuyasha and said, “After the iron shattered tooth is bitten off, you are completely desperate and become an irrational monster that only knows about killing. I am not afraid to tell you that the iron shattered tooth your father left you is just for It is used to suppress your monster’s blood. Because you are a half-demon, the human blood in your body cannot withstand that power. If you become like that again, you will lose your heart forever if you don’t use it.”

“Forever?!” Inuyasha’s expression became solemn.

After a pause, he looked around again and said: “By the way, my broken iron tooth was bitten off, and the broken iron tooth left by my father would be defeated by Naraku’s clone, Damn it!”

“Facts have proved that my father made the wrong decision to leave the broken teeth to you.”

Sai Sheng Maru suddenly walked out of the dark and said, “Huh, it’s not that the broken teeth left by my father is not good, but you, the user. If the broken teeth were in my hand, Naraku’s clone would have died long ago.”

After speaking, Shasheng Maru walked to the body of Wu Xingui again, chopped off his head, and left.

Inuyasha was taken aback, and quickly asked: “Hey! What did you do with Wu Xingui’s head?!”

Sai Sheng Maru coldly said, “Do I have to report to you?!”

As soon as the voice fell, the Shashengwan was already far away.

Mukuro laughed and said, “The Shashengwan was aimed at Wuxingui’s teeth. Since Wuxingui’s teeth can crush iron and broken teeth, it proves that his teeth are powerful enough. Just give Wuxingui’s teeth to the knife. Dao Dao Zhai can make Dao Dao Zhai a good weapon. Of course, Dao Dao Zhai’s willingness to help is also a question.”

After a pause, Mukuro reassured Inuyasha and said, “Don’t mind too much. Even if the broken teeth are broken, you just need to recast the knife and knife.”

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