Chapter 1131 The power of the curse

After Iron Broken Tooth regained his strength, Inuyasha and others decided to take a short break, and Ari also wanted to go back to modern times to take the exam.

Mukuro used teleportation to directly take them back to the village.

Three days later, Inuyasha rolled around at Granny Feng’s house, and said impatiently, “Why isn’t A Li coming back? It’s been three days!”

Coral, Master Maitreya, Mukuro, Granny Feng and others were all at home, but no one answered him.

Suddenly, Mukuro felt a strange energy appearing in the village, covering almost the entire village floor. If it is not for someone who is quite sensitive to energy, it is impossible to detect this kind of change. In the world of monsters, someone could control the energy to this point, which was beyond Mukuro’s expectation.

But this level of ability is not enough to make Mukuro feel threatened.

In his opinion, there is only one more toy at best.

While sensing that energy, Mukuro noticed that the expressions of Maitreya and others had also changed more or less.

He asked: “You also found out?”

Inuyasha froze for a moment: “What did you find?! Is Ari back?!”

“Do you have A Li alone in your mind?!”

Mukuro said helplessly: “You are indeed a half-demon, and you don’t have any outstanding abilities except for fighting. They didn’t find A Li came back, but someone was making trouble in the village, knowing that we are here, they dare to make trouble. Such a guy is bolder than Naraku.”

Mukuro picked up the teacup and poured a sip of tea into his mouth.

Maitreya stood up and said, “Fortunately, you are still in the mood to drink tea. Are you not going to investigate? Maybe it’s Naraku’s conspiracy. If you don’t investigate it, you will be very passive.”

When Kagura heard that it was related to Naraku, he quickly stood up and said, “I’ll go too. Naraku is tricky. If you leave him alone, I really can’t rest assured.”

Mukuro didn’t make a statement, and still sat in the house honestly watching the show.

What he didn’t expect was that even if Kagura had been following him for such a long time, she had not yet emerged from Naraku’s shadow.

Mukuro’s strength has been completely exposed to her. If she can’t feel confident about her safety like this, no one in the world can help her.

After Maitreya and Kagura left, Mother-in-law Feng asked, “Mukuro, are you really not going to help them? With their strength, it would be very troublesome if they really met Naraku.”

“Mukuro will move instantaneously. It must be too late to save people. This is how he rescued Kagura from Naraku.” Coral said, “Although it is impossible for Maitreya and Kagura to be life-threatening, think about it. As a person, are you really relieved?!”

Mukuro was slightly startled, really ignoring this question.

As long as the mage sees a woman, he thinks of having a baby. It can be said that he is hungry and never chooses food. Although Kagura isn’t the beauty of the sky, it’s not bad. It is indeed a bit dangerous to let her and Maitreya be alone.

But with Mukuro’s current ability, he could use repulsive force to bounce Maitreya away from Kagura from a long distance, as long as he pays attention to the movement of Kagura and Maitreya.

Therefore, Mukuro calmed down again quickly, smiled, and said indifferently: “It’s impossible for Maitreya to do that kind of thing, and it’s hard to say whether he has the courage.”

Traveling with Mukuro for such a long time, Maitreya should know the relationship between Mukuro and Kagura as long as he is not stupid, but Mukuro hasn’t figured it out yet.

Even if he had that kind of mind, he had to have the courage to bear Mukuro’s anger.

At least in the original Inuyasha, Maitreya never attacked Ari.

When Mukuro felt the breath of Maitreya and Kagura, he just sensed the breath of Ari appearing on the Gujing side. In other words, Ari has finished the exam and returned to this Sengoku era. At the moment Ari’s qi appeared, Mukuro clearly felt the energy that covered the village fluctuated, and he didn’t know if it was affected by Ari.

But apart from the slight fluctuation just now, Mukuro never felt anything. After waiting for a while, A Li and Shan Shan came back, and they didn’t notice the slightest.

Maitreya frowned, and said, “We have already turned the village through, and we barely dig three feet. Why can’t we find Naraku? We can’t even find the source of that spiritual power.”

The fruitless search seems to have caused a great blow to Maitreya.

Kagura also sighed: “That power shouldn’t belong to Naraku, but I always think it has something to do with Naraku, but I can’t find a basis. Mukuro, don’t you really go out and investigate? You are the only one who can find it!”

Maitreya and Kagura didn’t have a long time to go out, but it made them desperate in such a short period of time. Naraku’s ability made Mukuro a little surprised.

But even so, he has no interest in continuing to investigate, because he already knows the answer.

He looked at A Li, and saw that on the surface of A Li, there seemed to be no strangeness, but there was clearly a breath far different from her in her body. On her ankle, there were two small wounds, which seemed to have been punctured by a needle.

Mukuro said indifferently: “Ari, you are also a person who can use qi anyway, don’t you feel any abnormalities in your body? If so, your apprentice disappointed me very much.”

Mukuro shook his head helplessly and sighed.

A Li’s face was embarrassed, and he looked like he wanted to defend himself, and said with a blushing face: “Even if you say that, I really don’t feel anything wrong with my body.”

Coral, Maitreya and others also looked at Mukuro suspiciously, apparently standing on the side of Ari.

On the contrary, Inuyasha twitched his nose, and said suspiciously: “A strange smell can be smelled on Ari’s body, do you mean that?!”


Mukuro nodded and said, “The power covering the village is obviously human power. This is Naraku’s desire to use human power to kill Ari and Inuyasha. Then, if you don’t want to die, it’s best to stay away from Ari. ”

As soon as Mukuro’s voice fell, the shards of the jade of four souls in Ari’s hand suddenly turned black, and the bottle exploded.

The fragments of the jade of the four souls all rushed into A Li’s body, hiding in his throat.

The moment the jade fragments of the Four Souls entered the body, A Li fell softly, his eyes became hollow, and the sudden change made Inuyasha and the others surprised.

Maitreya said in amazement, “It turned out to be true! I didn’t even notice it? How could it be done?”

Kagura said in a deep voice, “It really has something to do with Naraku. If you want Ari to recover, you must find Naraku first. But we don’t have a clue at all.”

Coral solemnly said: “Is it a curse? When did anyone curse A hedge?”

“The curse is on Ari’s ankle. She was bitten by a snake when she was back in the Sengoku era.” Mukuro pointed to Ari’s ankle and said, “If you want to solve the curse for her, you have to take it down. The curse person is killed, that guy is near the village, he should be hiding in an enchantment.”

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