Chapter 1135 Widowed mother village

After the Black Witch was killed by Mukuro, Inuyasha snorted, her face a little ugly, but also a little depressed. It should be a great pity for him to not be able to kill the Dark Witch personally for revenge.

But since the matter had happened, even if he was upset, he had no choice but to admit his fate.

He took a deep breath, put away his broken teeth, and slowly walked towards A Li.

But when he put away the broken teeth, Naraku’s fiercest victory happened to fly over to snatch the fragments of the Four Soul Jade, and the sudden change caught him off guard. He quickly drew out his iron and broken teeth again, attacking Naraku with the wind wound the most violent victory, but because it took a while for him to draw the knife, the most violent victory had already brought the jade of the four souls out of the attack range of the wind wound.

Inuyasha yelled aloud, then flew up again with his air dance, trying to catch up with the fiercest victory.

Mukuro yelled to him and said, “Inuyasha, forget it, Ari’s body is more important, and the fragments of the jade of the four souls can be snatched back later.”

Inuyasha hesitated for a moment, although he was unhappy, he could only snorted and landed.

After he was sure that Ari was not in danger of life, he asked Mukuro strangely: “If you wanted to stop, you would definitely prevent the jade of the four souls from being robbed. Why didn’t you do that? I always feel like you really want the jade of the four souls. The fragments were snatched by Naraku.”

“You are wrong.” Mukuro said lightly, “I don’t want the fragments of the jade of the four souls to be snatched away, but I don’t object to Naraku’s snatching him. As long as Naraku has the ability of 660, I will not specifically stop it. To understand, I am looking forward to the extent to which Naraku’s strength will increase after obtaining the complete Four Soul Jade Fragments.”

Mukuro’s statement was obviously difficult for Inuyasha to accept, his eyes widened in astonishment, unable to understand Mukuro’s thoughts for a long time.

After a while, he smiled bitterly and said, “Want to see what strength Naraku has after obtaining the complete Four Soul Jade? You are so easy. But only you can do this kind of thing. If Naraku really gets complete Four soul jade fragments, we may not be his opponents, if you are going to kill Naraku yourself, I have no objection.”

Mukuro thought for a while, and he really didn’t think it mattered, so he didn’t refuse Inuyasha either.

After all, he is really curious about the limits of Naraku, and Naraku can be said to be the most powerful monster in the world of Inuyasha. No monster can beat him single-handedly. Even the current Sesomaru cannot be the strongest. Naraku. Against such an opponent, Mukuro, who has Saiyan blood, certainly wants to try against him.

Of course, even if you want to fight, it will be a long time later.

For Mukuro, Inuyasha and others, the most important thing now is undoubtedly sending Ari back to the village to rest.

After resting in the village for a few days, they continued to embark on the journey, searching for the jade of the four souls, and at the same time looking for Naraku.

After searching for a few days, they walked to the vicinity of a big mountain, and there was a small village at the foot of the mountain. It is rare to build small villages at the foot of the mountain. But Mukuro’s attention was no longer here, because he felt a very peculiar aura on the mountain, which was different from monsters, humans, immortals, etc.

Coming to the world of Inuyasha, Mukuro asked himself that he had seen all kinds of monsters, but it was the first time that he encountered this strange anger.

He looked up to the top of the mountain, but unfortunately he couldn’t see anything except the trees.

Since Kagura was rescued by Mukuro, she likes to be by Mukuro’s side when she acts. Maybe she feels safer. When Mukuro moves, she is the first to notice Mukuro’s strangeness.

“Mukuro, what’s wrong with you? Did you find anything?” Kagura asked strangely.

“It can be said that there is a discovery, or it can be said that there is no.” Mukuro still looked at the top of the mountain, curiosity had long been aroused, and replied absently, “It might be difficult to understand this way, as long as you know that there is something very strange on the mountain. The energy of life is that that guy is not a monster, not a human, or a fairy.”

“Is it a ghost?!”

After thinking for a while, Kagura said with speculation in his tone: “Excluding the above life types, only ghosts are left? But are ghosts counted as life?!”

“Of course not.”

Mukuro gave an affirmative answer without even thinking about it.

After all, Mukuro has never seen ghosts, Kikyo is the best example, and Kikyo’s aura is indeed different from that of monsters and other life forms. However, even compared with Doraji, the life energy on the mountain is quite different, which shows that it is not as simple as an ordinary ghost.

If it wasn’t for the worry that Kagura and others would be attacked by Naraku again, Mukuro really wanted to move in and take a look. He said helplessly: “Anyway, there happens to be a small village at the foot of the mountain. Let’s go to the village and ask others.”

Mukuro and Kagura and others walked into the small village together, and saw that the people in the village were all sad and sighing as if they had encountered a big problem.

Moreover, all the people in the village turned out to be women, which is really rare.

Mukuro teased Maitreya and said, “Mitreya, this place should be heaven for you? Do you want to stay here for a few days?”

Maitreya looked at the women in the village and let out a long sigh, as if he was a few dozen years old. When Mukuro saw Maitreya, he almost laughed.

Because he can understand Maitreya’s mood well, the women in the village, regardless of their age, are not outstanding in appearance, and a considerable part of them can even be described as crooked melons and cracked dates. When they showed a sighing look, they were even less expensive. How could Maitreya’s pickiness look at them?

It’s just being forced by Mukuro, even if he doesn’t want to go up and negotiate, it doesn’t seem to work.

He bit his head and negotiated: “Everyone, why are there only girls in your village?!”

Mukuro couldn’t help but shudder, and goose bumps all over his body appeared, and immediately dragged Coral, Kagura and others away, because he couldn’t stay any longer.

Maitreya is only a young man of about 20 years old, and the women in the village are basically 30 to 50 years old, so Maitreya can call them girls. But at this moment, Mukuro also began to understand why Maitreya was so popular with women. In addition to his good looks, that mouth is probably one of the main reasons.

But Mukuro really can’t learn this.

He waited outside the village for a while, and finally waited until Maitreya came out. However, compared to his listless appearance earlier, he is obviously more energetic now, and his eyes are shining.

He happily said, “Mukuro, Coral, Kagura, you can just wait for me in the village. The monster on the mountain is just a very ordinary monster, and I will be able to clean him up immediately.”

It may be that Master Maitreya’s reaction was too abnormal, which immediately attracted the attention of Kagura and others.

Kagura suspiciously said: “I’ve never seen you so active to eliminate monsters.”

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