Chapter 1137 Possessed princess

Mukuro sneered coldly, and did not answer the princess.

Anyone with a normal mind can see that there is something wrong with the princess, and she probably knows it very well herself. But she still asks Mukuro’s stupid questions. If Mukuro answers her, it feels like thinking of herself as a fool.

He simply stepped aside with Kagura and Shan Shan, and handed the princess to Maitreya to settle. While pulling Kagura and Coral away, Mukuro took a special look at Coral.

In the original Inuyasha plot, Coral may gradually fall in love with Maitreya because there is only Maitreya in the team. When Maitreya had to go up the mountain alone to find a monster, she worried that Maitreya would be fascinated by the princess, so she deliberately caught up. Nowadays, due to Mukuro’s intervention, Coral’s attitude has changed a lot, but Mukuro has not asked what she thinks about Maitreya.

At this moment, Shanhu didn’t seem to care about Maitreya’s situation at all, but rather looked forward to it.

Mukuro curiously asked, “Coral, Kagura, you are all assured Maitreya, are you afraid that he is really fascinated?!”

Kagura said indifferently, “You can snatch my heart back from Naraku. What is this kind of monster? You must have your reason for letting Maitreya go up.”

Shanhu nodded and said: “This is the truth. As long as you don’t want Maitreya to die, Maitreya will definitely not die. What are we worried about?!”

Mukuro pondered for a moment, but was speechless.

At the same time, Maitreya had already stepped up and greeted the princess, and the princess, as if forgetting the temptation with Mukuro just now, responded positively.

Mukuro was watching by the side, suddenly feeling very divorced.

Even if you know that Maitreya and the so-called princess are only acting, even if you know that the princess is actually a monster, it is still very embarrassing to watch them talk about love. At this moment, he even wanted to drag Coral and Maitreya before turning and leaving.

At this moment, the guy posing as a princess and Maitreya looked at each other, and there was a lot of demon power in his eyes. It was estimated that he was performing magic tricks. After Maitreya and her looked at each other, it seemed that they had been controlled.

You know, Maitreya Master is considered to be a good one among their companions, except for Naraku’s men, few monsters can make him fight hard. But now Maitreya looks like being controlled, even if they are not worried about Maitreya’s safety, they can’t help but be a little surprised.

Shanhu said with a look of surprise: “It’s really a monster, and he’s not too courageous, so he dared to do this kind of thing in front of us in front of the mage.”

Kagura didn’t have a deep friendship with Maitreya, so he asked faintly, “Mukuro, do you want to save him?!”

“You can save if you want to save, and you won’t save if you don’t want to save.” Mukuro said indifferently: “Anyway, with Maitreya’s strength, this situation can still be dealt with.”

As soon as Mukuro’s voice fell, he suddenly saw the coral throwing out the flying bones and attacking the princess.

I have to say that even if it is impossible for Coral to fall in love with Maitreya because of Mukuro’s intervention, their friendship is still there. It seems that he can’t manage her to watch Maitreya in danger.

When Feilai Bone flew towards Maitreya and the princess, the exaggerated movement had obviously attracted their attention.

Maitreya quickly blocked the flying bone with a rod of coral and said, “Coral, you are too impulsive.” While Maitreya blocked the flying bone, the princess became like a monster, jumped up, and her body swelled three or four. Times. He has a dog’s head, his white hair falls behind his back, his long tongue comes out of his mouth, and his mouth is full of sharp teeth.

He furiously said: “Damn it! You dare to attack me! Do you want the princess to die?”

“It turned out to be a female mountain dog.”

Maitreya sighed: “I originally wanted to rescue the princess in a more gentle way. Now that this is the case, I won’t be polite to you anymore, just die!”

Suddenly Maitreya jumped high, and the staff in his hand slammed into the female mountain dog.

The female mountain dog grabbed Maitreya with a paw and said, “Stupid human beings jumped up and attacked. Do you think you can avoid my paw?!”

The female mountain dog smiled terribly and proudly, as if he had seen Maitreya be defeated by him. However, his thoughts are not unreasonable. If a human being cannot fly and cannot move his position in mid-air, he can only watch himself be beaten once he is attacked. Given the sturdiness of the human body in the Yokai World, of course, it cannot withstand the attacks of the Yokai. As his paws got closer and closer to Maitreya’s body, the female mountain dog’s laughter became more and more proud and arrogant.

At this moment, Maitreya smiled coldly, changed positions like lightning, and flew to the top of the female mountain dog with air dance, moving very fast. Although, in Mukuro’s opinion, his speed is still similar to that of a snail, but it is enough to make the monsters of the monster world beyond the dust…

The female mountain dog exclaimed: “How could this happen?! Are you not a human? Why do you fly?!”

“Thank you Mukuro.”

Maitreya explained: “He taught us a very magical and practical ability. If it were not for his confidence in his own strength and arrogance, you would have died in his hands. Even if he didn’t kill you, he The abilities taught me can easily let me kill you.”

“What?! That inconspicuous human is the one who taught you to fly?!” The female mountain dog looked back at Mukuro in astonishment, her already round and big eyes staring even more exaggerated. I have to say that he was really shocked. Facing Maitreya who wanted to take his life, he even dared to turn his head and turn his back to Maitreya.

Maitreya didn’t let this opportunity pass, and smashed the female mountain dog’s head with a stick, like a wooden stick smashing a watermelon, directly smashing the female mountain dog’s head to pieces.

Mukuro said faintly, “Mile, it seems that your dance skills have been mastered quite well, and you are even better than Inuyasha in terms of application.”

“This kind of thing only requires a brainstorm.”

Maitreya said: “Inuyasha is just not accustomed to fighting with dancing, so he is so clumsy. As long as he is given time to adapt, he will definitely become stronger quickly. If you don’t take action in the future, Inuyasha will definitely be us defeating Naraku. The most important force.”

Although Maitreya is 2.8 modest, he should have such thoughts in his heart, which can be seen from his expression.

Even Mukuro had to admit that Inuyasha’s fighting talent was really good among the monsters, otherwise he wouldn’t have fought with Sesei Maru so many times, and he didn’t die.

Only with the current Inuyasha, wanting to defeat Naraku is just talking in a dream.

Mukuro shook his head and said, “Naraku is now in a metamorphosis period. He cannot fight Inuyasha until he metamorphoses successfully. But if he waits for him to metamorphose successfully, Inuyasha now can’t compare with him at all.”

“How strong is Naraku who has successfully transformed?” Maitreya was taken aback, and said: “If this is the case, why do you want to let him snatch the fragments of the jade of the Four Souls? Are you not afraid that Naraku will become so strong that you are no match for you?!”

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