Chapter 1140 Naraku appears

When Inuyasha rushed towards Wushuang, Maitreya, Shan Shan and others immediately looked at the surrounding sky, seeming to be looking for something. Mukuro stayed with them for so long, and they knew what they were thinking at a glance at their actions. They were worried about Naraku’s fiercest victory and rushed out to make trouble to prevent Inuyasha from killing Wushuang. Although with their abilities, even if the fiercest victory really comes, they can’t stop it, but they seem to try their best to help Inuyasha.

Kagura has been following Mukuro’s side, without any movement.

She whispered: “Mukuro, do you think Naraku’s reaction is intriguing?!”

“Have you found it?!”

Mukuro said indifferently: “It’s worthy of being Naraku’s clone. Naraku’s behavior is really weird. Every time his clone appeared in the past, Naraku would have a clone next to him, but this time it’s an exception. As I said before, Naraku’s behavior is very strange. Most of them regretted after separating Wushuang. But with his current ability, it takes a lot of effort to recover Wushuang, or even impossible, so he needs the power of Inuyasha.”

“If you are telling the truth, do we need to stop Inuyasha?!”

Kagura said, “If 487 kills Wushuang, doesn’t it mean helping Naraku?!”

“Why would Naraku make it so easy for you to kill Wushuang?! What he needs is to make Inuyasha hit Wushuang hard, and then take the opportunity to absorb Wushuang back.” Mukuro said, “Look at the situation first. Killing Wushuang is also a good choice. Of course, I still won’t help you.

“Since you have no objection, I will go up and try it.” Kagura suddenly rose into the sky, flying over the heads of Inuyasha and Wushuang, aiming at Wushuang’s head is a trick of dragon and snake dance.

The Dragon and Snake Dance is truly Kagura’s ultimate trick. She had just shot her, and several tornadoes appeared out of nowhere in the void, rolling towards Wushuang’s head. The tornado rolled up the dust and sand in the sky and rolled up all the flowers and plants on the ground. It was so powerful that even Inuyasha was hit.

Inuyasha was shocked: “Kagura! What are you doing?!”

Kagura said in mid-air, “Mukuro told me that this Wushuang is actually the ghost spider itself. He seems to have important meaning to Naraku. If he can kill him, it may cause some harm to Naraku.”

“That guy Mukuro knows Naraku very well, so kill Wushuang first! Wounded by the wind!”

Inuyasha cut out his own tricks and fought Wushuang with Kagura’s Dragon and Snake Dance. Under the combined attack of Wind Wound and Dance of Dragon and Snake, even Mukuro couldn’t dodge the attack density and could only resist. This guy Wushuang is far behind Mukuro, and it is conceivable what will happen under such an attack.


Wushuang’s body is like tofu, it shattered quickly in front of the dance of dragons and snakes and the wounds of the wind.

Inuyasha sneered and said, “Huh! Fortunately, I thought how difficult ghost spiders are. It turns out to be at this level. Even if you don’t take Kagura, I can easily get rid of him.”

“Strange, Mukuro thinks highly of him, how could he be defeated so easily?!” Kagura was puzzled.

Maitreya smiled and said, “Even Mukuro must have made a mistake in judgment, maybe this time he made a mistake in judgment.”

Mukuro knew that Maitreya was only joking and had no malice, but Maitreya’s innocence still made him unable to resist.

He lightly said, “Mile, do you think I want to teach you how to sense qi?! If you can sense qi, you can understand that qi will disappear after any living body dies, but Wushuang’s qi is still good. No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like death.”

“What are you talking about?! His anger is still there?!”

Maitreya was shocked, his eyes staring like bullseye.

“That’s it.” Mukuro said indifferently, “This Wushuang has a body that is almost immortal. As for how to deal with him, you should slowly observe and find a way.”

During the conversation, Kagura and Inuyasha attacked Wushuang dozens of times. But Wushuang’s body really seems to be immortal. Even if he has been beaten to pieces dozens of times, he can still recover, but the clothes on his body cannot be regenerated. Wushuang found that he couldn’t die, and became more calm.

He laughed at Inuyasha and said, “Puppy, your strange knife can’t kill me, what should I do?!”

“Inuyasha! Mukuro said Wushuang has weaknesses! Just find it! Find it!” Ari reminded loudly.

The eyes of Inuyasha, Maitreya and others searched for Wushuang’s broken pieces of meat. In the end, Maitreya spotted the problem first, pointed to a piece of ground meat, and said, “Inuyasha! Look over there!”

In the direction Maitreya was pointing, there was a piece of Wushuang piece of ground meat with a spider-shaped scar on it, and it was Wushuang’s back at a glance. When Wushuang’s body repaired automatically, the shattered body moved closer to the piece of minced meat. In other words, that piece of minced meat is the core of Wushuang, perhaps as long as the minced meat is chopped up, Wushuang can be killed.

“I see!” Inuyasha attacked dozens of times without any effect. He was already a little discouraged. He finally found a breakthrough. He was as excited as he was hit by a chicken blood. A wind injury struck him with all his strength. To destroy the core part of Wushuang.

But at this moment of the moment, a group of the fiercest victors flew over, and they just took Wushuang’s minced meat and deviated from a certain distance, avoiding the fatal attack.

Inuyasha was startled and was speechless.

Do you bring this? ! There is such a way to avoid attacks in the world? !

Avoiding the attack, Wushuang quickly collected the broken body, restored it to its original shape, and then ran away at the fastest speed.

Maitreya hurriedly caught up with her using her air dance technique, and said, “Inuyasha! Hurry up! Wushuang must have escaped because he knew that he was in danger of his life. Don’t let him run away, otherwise it will be difficult to find him in the future!”

“You don’t need to say, I know it too!”

Inuyasha didn’t care to put away the broken teeth, and immediately flew to Wushuang at the fastest speed.

Mukuro and Kagura slowly followed behind, waiting for a good show.

“Kagura, be careful later, Naraku might take your life at all costs.” Mukuro felt that Naraku’s qi had appeared near Wushuang, and it was impossible for Inuyasha and their speed to catch up.

In other words, it is a foregone conclusion that Naraku re-absorbed back to Wushuang.

Kagura said in amazement, “Nano is ahead?! What is he doing here?! Could it be that he wants to absorb Wushuang again, just like you said?!”

“You don’t know if you look at it.”

During the conversation, Mukuro and others had fallen in front of Naraku. Naraku had absorbed Wushuang’s body, only his head was still exposed.

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