Chapter 1147 Hundred Ghosts and Bats Annihilation

The old Hundred Ghost Bat’s claws attacked with a piercing sound, and it was clear that it had exerted its full strength.

His expression was very hideous, and he gritted his teeth as if he was standing in front of him, like his murderous father and enemy. Being attacked by such fierce moves, any existence in the monster world really couldn’t bear it, and had to retreat from the edge, but the conclusion of this weakness didn’t work for Mukuro’s body.

Mukuro is not even interested in avoiding, and is still ready to take the attack of the old Hundred Ghost Bat.


When the old Baigui Bat’s claws were five or six centimeters away from Mukuro, an invisible wall blocked his fingers.

The heavy impact fell on the claws of the old Hundred Ghost Bat, and suddenly broke his finger, opened his nails, and splashed blood.

He cried out in pain: “How could this be?! Would you also arrange enchantments? But why can’t I see it?”

“That is not a barrier, but it is a defensive force that is ten thousand times stronger than a barrier and can only be used by Mukuro.”

The Inuyasha on the ground has almost wiped out the people of the Hundred Ghost Bats, and is proud to explain: “Don’t say your strength is so weak, even if you become 10,000 times stronger, it is impossible to break Mukuro’s defense.”

The old Baigui bat’s face sank like water, cold sweat gradually shed: “So, it’s no wonder you dare to eat my claws, you have such a dependence. If you don’t use such defensive power, I would have dug out your eyes long ago!”

“Exciting generals?!”

Mukuro smiled coldly and said, “Don’t say I won’t give you a chance, you can hit me again and try.”

“What are you talking about?” Hundred Ghost Bat probably couldn’t believe his ears.

Mukuro had to repeat: “I said, you try to attack me again, I don’t need to resist you with repulsive force. But if you still can’t hurt me, I will kill you.”

“Huh, what an arrogant human being, as long as you don’t use that kind of power, you will definitely die in my hands!”

Mukuro was noncommittal, still sneering contemptuously.

The old Hundred Ghost Bat has clearly realized the huge power gap between himself and Mukuro. His self-esteem makes him unwilling to accept Mukuro’s preferential treatment, but not accepting the preferential treatment means losing to Mukuro, and losing means dying.

Between death and losing face, the old Hundred Ghost bat wisely chose the latter.

He attacked Mukuro again, of course, with his uninjured left hand, so his power dropped by one level. When his paw was stuck in Mukuro’s eye, Mukuro closed his eyes lightly, and blocked the attack of the old bat with his eyelids.

The old Hundred Ghost Bat was really scared this time, and his whole body was trembling: “Monster! What kind of monster are you?! Why are eyes so strong? It should be impossible for humans to have such a strong body.”

“However, the matter has been set before you, whether you believe it or not, it is a fact.”

Mukuro shook his head disappointedly, and said, “Fortunately, I thought you could let me experience the long-lost pain, but the result was only this level. What can I say?! Since you can’t even grasp the last chance, Then don’t blame me, I can only send you to the west.”

Mukuro raised the index and middle fingers of his right hand and lightly touched the forehead of the old Hyakki Bat.

The old Baigui Bat’s face changed, and his whole body trembled involuntarily: “You, you…what do you want to do?!”

“go to hell.”

Mukuro said lightly, a wave of qigong shot from his fingertips, exploding the head of the old Baiguibat.

Yes, it is not a penetration, but a bombardment.

In front of Mukuro’s power, the head of an old Hundred Ghost Bat was like a watermelon on the ground, with red blood and white brains splashing around. After his head exploded, the body of the Hyakki Bat was struggling unconsciously, still slamming his hands and feet towards Mukuro, as if he wanted to make the final struggle. It is a pity that such an attack is not even comparable to when he is awake, and of course it will not be useful. Mukuro remembers that the life force of monsters is far stronger than that of human beings. Even if they lose their heads, they will not die instantly.

This is probably the case with the old hundred ghost bats. However, after losing his head, he also lost the ability to think, even if he didn’t die in an instant, he was just a walking dead.

Mukuro kicked him into the sky with one kick, then hit a wave of qigong, and easily blasted his body to pieces. After the death of the old Hundred Ghost bat, the Hundred Ghost Bat clan is also annihilated. Of course, Zizhi and the villagers will no longer be in danger.

Maitreya leaned forward and said, “Mukuro, I didn’t expect you to solve the old guy in the end. It seems that in the future, if you only find a little girl to fool you, you can help…”

“What are you talking nonsense?!” Coral protested dissatisfiedly: “Do you think Mukuro is you?!”

Mukuro said with deep approval: “Actually, what Maitreya said is not wrong. For example, if you kiss me Coral, I will immediately beat Maitreya to show you.”

“Really?” Coral blushed and clicked on Mukuro’s face.

Mukuro was startled, he couldn’t expect coral to do such a thing, and completely forgot to react.

He was just joking with Shan Shan just now, and Maitreya is his companion. How could he get fat and beat Maitreya because of such a trivial matter? But it doesn’t seem to matter whether it’s slapstick.

Mukuro smiled rather than smiled: “Mile, since Coral asks for this, then don’t blame me, Turtle sends Qigong.”

“Wow! What do you want to do?! Murder?!” Maitreya yelled, trying to escape with air dance, but at his speed, it was impossible to escape the attack range of the tortoise school qigong.

When the tortoise school qigong was about to hit him, Mukuro turned the direction of the tortoise qigong attack and flew into the sky wiping his face. Maitreya took his life back, but the cold sweat continued.

Mukuro said lightly: “The farce ends here, let Inuyasha’s broken teeth absorb the power of the barrier.”

Mukuro landed on the ground and pointed to Shiori.

At the same time, Zizhi had fallen in front of the villagers, but she still didn’t know how to control her power flexibly, so the barrier could not be closed. With the 5.0 barrier outside, she certainly couldn’t contact her mother. They tried many methods to no avail, and looked at Mukuro pitifully.

“Forget it, help people to the end and send the Buddha to the west.”

Mukuro had to say: “But, although I can break the barrier, I don’t know if doing so will harm the beads in Zizhi’s hand. To be on the safe side, I can only take you to the barrier.”

Mukuro walked to Inuyasha and said, “Inuyasha, go in with me, others are waiting outside.” Mukuro moved for a moment, and directly crossed into the barrier with Inuyasha, and asked Inuyasha to pull out the iron teeth.

Inuyasha was startled: “Mukuro, what do you want to do?! Don’t you want me to kill this little girl? Don’t be kidding, even if I can’t kill her, I can find other ways to increase the power of the iron shattered teeth, you hurry up Take me out.”

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