Chapter 1203 Broke out

Inuyasha and others stared at the big hole in the monster’s stomach, and they were sluggish for a while without responding.

Until the monster died completely, Inuyasha was stunned and said: “Mukuro, I really want to ask you, how much effort it took you to hit the golden ball of light just now? Even my vajra can’t break my stomach, why are you Can you break it in one move? Is your golden ball of light so powerful?”

Mukuro said with a smile, “The name of the ball of light has energy bombs, gas bombs, etc. As for its power… When have you seen someone or something that can withstand the impact of its explosion? If you have to ask me to use it It’s almost a strength, then I can only tell you that I can’t even use a ten-thousandth of my strength.”

“What? Can’t even use one ten thousandth of the power? Fake?” How can Inuyasha dare to believe this number.

Mukuro didn’t make any excuses, the facts are facts.

With his current combat power, transforming into a Super Saiyan will have the powerful destructive power of destroying the earth even with a single blow. Compared to the entire earth, what is the belly of a monster? It is said that 1/10,000 of the power is less than 16, but Mukuro is actually humble.

After killing the monster, Mukuro returned to normal and flew out from the hole in the monster’s stomach.

While in the belly of the monster, Mukuro clearly felt that Naraku and Shirodo’s anger were outside, as if he wanted to wait for the result. However, when Mukuro, Inuyasha and others rushed out, they ran away without a trace. Even with Mukuro’s eyesight, there was no way to find them. The ghost knew where they were going.

Mukuro sneered: “It’s really fast, I guess it was sensed when I attacked. Don’t waste time, let’s act quickly.”

“Have you found the position of Shirato and Naraku?” Inuyasha said in surprise: “You once said that you can use your breath to find the position of each other. This kind of thing should be very simple for you. Now it seems that it is true. , Tell me, which direction did Naraku and Bai Tongzi escape to?”

Mukuro froze for a moment, thinking that Inuyasha might have misunderstood what he meant.

He wanted to find the location of Naraku and Shirato, of course, very simple, but when he discovered the location of Naraku and Shirato, Mukuro also discovered the qi of Kikyo and Spritemaru. It seems that Kikyo and Jingjingwan have already fought. Compared to finding Naraku and Shirodo, the more important thing is to save Kikyo.

With Kikyo’s current ability, it may be a little difficult to deal with Sprite pills.

Mukuro said lightly, “Inuyasha, are you sure you are going to find Naraku and Shirodo? Then I will tell you that Kikyo and Sprite Maru are fighting somewhere, and Kikyo was eroded by Naraku’s miasma not long ago, but now it has recovered. No one knows how much power. Between saving Kikyo and finding Naraku, you can choose any one.”

“What? Bellflower is dangerous?” Inuyasha was taken aback.

Between Kikyo and Naraku, Inuyasha obviously had no choice.

He leaped forward and stared at Mukuro firmly and said, “Quick! Come on! Where are Kikyo and Jongomaru fighting?”

In fact, Mukuro would like to say that what should be cared about the most right now, isn’t it the mystery of the life and death of Sprite Maru?

Not long ago, the guy who resembled Sprite Maru was killed by Bai Tongzi, but Sprite Maru appeared again in a blink of an eye. Isn’t Inuyasha curious about the relationship? But looking at what he looks like now, it is obviously Kikyo who cares most. If Mukuro does not tell him the whereabouts of Kikyo, it is estimated that he can muster the courage to fight Mukuro.

Mukuro said lightly: “It’s hard to tell the position clearly with your mouth. I’ll take you directly.”

Mukuro took Inuyasha and others, and then used teleportation, and appeared directly on the battlefield of Kikyo and Manimaru. At this moment, Campanulaceae and Sprite Maru seem to have reached a fierce battle. Spiracle Maru can fly on its own, and its arms can be extended at will to attack Bellflower in mid-air.

On the contrary, because Kikyo couldn’t fly, the only attack method was the Demon-Smashing Arrow. As long as the Jojimaru dodges her Demon-Smashing Arrow, there is nothing for Kikyo.

As the battle continues, Kikyo’s arrows have become fewer and fewer. If there is no one to help her, only defeat and death are waiting for her!

Inuyasha obviously saw this too, and couldn’t help panicking, and rushed up with his broken teeth. After learning how to dance air, he can also fight in mid-air, and there is no need to worry about facing opponents who can fly. Inuyasha was blocked by Jinjinmaru, and Kikyo could finally breathe a sigh of relief and retreat to Mukuro and the others.

She was curious: “Why are you here?”

Maitreya smiled and said: “It was Mukuro who discovered that you were fighting with Jade Maru, and fortunately he was there, otherwise you might be killed by Jade Maru.”

A Li quickly glared at Maitreya and said, “Is there anyone who talks like this?”

Maitreya was startled and couldn’t help laughing. He directly said that Kikyo would lose. He really didn’t consider Kikyo’s feelings.

But Kikyo seemed not to care at all, and calmly said, “It doesn’t matter, what he said is the truth. I really appreciate your coming in time. Mukuro, you saved my life again, thank you.”

Mukuro said lightly: “It doesn’t need to be so serious. Whoever made me promise Inuyasha will never put your life in danger.”

“Inuyasha?” Kikyo looked at Inuyasha in the battle with a complex expression: “I am already a dead person, where is my life in danger? Even if I die, I just go back to where I should be. However, Inuyasha’s strength has improved so fast. , He is by your side, it is indeed the right choice for 490.”

Mukuro said lightly: “But no matter how fast he progresses, it is absolutely impossible to defeat Naraku with his current strength. You are the person among us who has the most contact with Naraku. You should know this. If I Without doing anything, you can purify Naraku while purifying the jade of the four souls. This is the easiest way.”

“The easiest way?” Kikyo thought suddenly, “Is there a more complicated way?”

Of course there are more complicated methods, but Mukuro is not going to tell them, even if he wants to say, he doesn’t know how much it will take.

Mukuro made a sloppy look and said: “Of course there are. For example, the Maitreya Master desperately used the wind cave to swallow Naraku, as long as he finds a way to restrict Naraku’s actions.”

Kikyo gave a wry smile, and then looked at Inuyasha and Mangamaru in mid-air.

Spritemaru and Inuyasha continue to fight, and Inuyasha has gradually gained the upper hand.

Inuyasha grabbed a gap and slashed at Kaijinmaru’s body, slashing Kaijinmaru’s arm off. Sprite pill was in pain and pushed away quickly, never daring to fight Inuyasha at close range anymore. His eyes turned left and right, as if he wanted to find a space to escape, but it was obviously not easy to escape from Inuyasha, who had learned how to dance.

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