Chapter 1205 White Boy Folding Arm

The moment Bai Tongzi’s arm broke, he screamed, and a large amount of blood splashed out from the broken arm.

There was a heart-piercing scream from his mouth, and his whole body trembled because of the pain, and it seemed that he could no longer bear it. Looking at him, it seems that the pain of a broken arm is more uncomfortable than a broken body. While struggling in pain, he seemed to be completely distracted, unable to stop in mid-air, and fell directly.

Inuyasha and others were stunned when they watched Bai Boyzi’s changes before and after.

Inuyasha was surprised: “I beat him to pieces and he didn’t have any pain. Why can’t he take it after Mukuro cut his arm?”

Maitreya despised: “I really don’t know where your eyes are. Have you seen Mukuro hit his arm? Mukuro broke the sky. It must be like the last time I fought against Naraku at the intersection of this world and the other world. , It directly attacked Naraku’s heart. The heart is hurt, can Bai Tongzi not suffer? Maybe even Naraku is implicated.”

Coral nodded and said, “A direct attack on Naraku’s heart is indeed a good way to kill Shiro Boy, but it is a pity that Naraku will not let the heart appear in front of us easily. Only Mukuro can do this kind of thing.”

Once Mukuro succeeded in hitting, he didn’t attack any more, and even changed his form back.

As for Naraku, Mukuro believes that he is not implicated because of the damage to his heart, because Nako is just a heart to Naraku. As long as the heart is not dead, he will not die. But for Bai Tongzi, the heart is himself, because Bai Tongzi split from his body and has a closer relationship with him.

If you have to say a difference, then Bai Tongzi is equivalent to a clone of Naraku’s heart.

Mukuro sensed Naraku’s anger and found that there was no movement there. Mukuro’s idea should be right.

Of course, Mukuro is not in the mood to take care of Naraku right now.

He looked down at Bai Tongzi high in the air and said, “Bai Tongzi, you seem to have said that I can’t kill you. Would you like to say it again?”

Gradually, the bleeding from Shirato’s broken arm stopped, but his body was still trembling from the intense pain, and his eyes were full of fear when he looked at Mukuro. After suffering the pain of a broken arm, how can he dare to speak up? After all, since Mukuro has the ability to chop off his arm, it means that he can chop off his head and put him to death.

Seeing his scruples, Inuyasha quickly went down and said, “White boy, Mukuro asks you, do you want to say it again?”

“If you don’t speak, no one will treat you as dumb!” Bai Tongzi said viciously: “Let Mukuro help. It doesn’t matter if you win. Are you honorable? You have the ability to stand up against me!”

“Come then!” Inuyasha cut the wound of the wind without hesitation, and once again tore Bai Tongzi’s body to pieces.

After suffering heavy damage, he seemed to lose even the ability to arrange barriers.

But even so, Inuyasha still does not have the ability to kill Bai Tongzi. No matter how many times he shreds Bai Tongzi, Bai Tongzi can repair his body without any accident.

After watching them repeat the battle dozens of times, Mukuro said calmly: “Inuyasha, don’t waste your energy to do meaningless things. Naraku is transforming to increase your strength. If you waste time on meaningless things, you are equal to Naraku. Opening up the power gap will not do you any good.”

Inuyasha snorted and drove the white boy away.

Fighting for so long has not been effective, and he seems to be tired.

After driving away the white boy, Inuyasha curiously said: “Mukuro, you always say that you want me to increase my strength, but how can I do it? I exercised myself the way you said, but it really didn’t work for a while. Is it true? I really can’t find a powerful monster and use iron shards to snatch his abilities?”

“Yes, of course.” Mukuro said lightly: “Only the most powerful weapons require the strong to exert their power. If your own strength is not enough, it doesn’t make much sense even to make the iron shattered teeth stronger. You If you have been training yourself, then strengthening the ability of iron shattering teeth is indeed a shortcut to improve your strength. Let’s go, let’s find a powerful monster.”

Seeing Mukuro’s consent, Inuyasha was overjoyed and hurried forward to Luffy.

In fact, Mukuro really didn’t understand what Inuyasha was thinking in his heart. Mukuro was just giving him advice, and he didn’t have to do what he wanted.

If he feels that it is effective to improve the ability of iron shattered teeth, just do it directly, can Mukuro still stop him?

Of course, Inuyasha is willing to follow his own words, and Mukuro is quite happy.

After running around on the road for two more days, Mukuro suddenly felt the aura of Amber ahead, and there were monsters nearby. Amber seemed to be fighting some monsters. Mukuro found it strange that even though Kohaku had regained his consciousness, he still pretended to be obedient to Naraku in order not to arouse Naraku’s suspicion.

That being the case, why did he fight the monsters for?

The energy of the monster that Mukuro felt was very weak. Logically speaking, he should not enter Naraku’s eyes. Naraku had no reason to kill such a monster.

Mukuro thought for a while and said, “Coral, your brother is not far ahead, fighting a monster. If you want to see him, go and take a look, or he will run away again.”

“Amber?” Coral was surprised and said, “Why is he in such a place? Is it because of Naraku’s order?”

Coral seems to be asking Mukuro, but before Mukuro can give an answer, she has turned into a sharp arrow and rushed out.

“This coral…”

Mukuro shook his head helplessly and said, “Inuyasha, Kagura, let’s follow. I’m not sure if it’s Naraku’s trap. Traveling with Coral for so long, we can’t watch her adventurously but leave it alone.”

Kagura nodded and immediately caught up.

With the speed of the air dance, Coral, Mukuro and others flew for more than a minute, and they had already seen Kohaku’s figure. He was indeed fighting with a monster.

But what Mukuro couldn’t think of was that the monster with a very weak aura turned out to be a kennel with a huge body and almost twice the height of Amber. The whole body of the kennel was snow-white, and his mouth was full of blood. There were many ordinary people’s corpses nearby. There were signs of biting on the corpses, which were clearly the work of the kennel.

There were black radioactive stripes on the left eye socket of the kennel, which looked very hideous.

When Mukuro and the others arrived, she happened to see Kohaku throwing out the iron hook in his hand and chopping off the head of the kenya. It’s just that the kennel didn’t die because of it. He dropped his corpse and flew into the distance.

Inuyasha said in midair, “What’s the matter? Why can that guy run away with his head cut off?”

Coral was also stunned and said: “Even if the monster’s vitality is relatively strong, it will not die immediately if its head is cut off, but it is impossible that the head will run away by itself?”

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