Chapter 1209 Newborn Inuyasha


Manjimaru was taken aback and said: “Inuyasha, you are only a half-demon, and you should be very fragile when you become a human. Even if you learn Mukuro’s power, how can you become so much stronger in such a short period of time? If you had learned that power long ago , Why don’t you come out when you haven’t become a human?”

It’s no wonder that Sprite Maru would be surprised, after all, if Inuyasha had had Master’s power for a long time, he would have become much stronger in the monster state.

However, in the monster state, Inuyasha has never used Qi to fight, except for the use of dance art.

While doubting, Jingjingwan was also obviously surprised.

In the world of monsters, it is very incredible that a human uses his body to fight a monster in close combat.

Inuyasha said triumphantly: “You look surprised, but you use a power similar to Mukuro. Do you need to be so surprised? I have just started the power of Master. If you give me enough time, I will still Can become stronger! But you must die here today, it is impossible to see that day.”

“Huh! Don’t brag!” Jingjinmaru said disapprovingly: “Even if you are no longer a weak human being, you are not as good as you who have not lost your demon power. You can’t be my opponent!”

Sprite pills floated in mid-air, and took another palm shot.

Inuyasha let out a cold snort and bit his scalp to greet him with a punch.

In fact, Inuyasha didn’t think about running away, but after losing his demon power, even if he uses the Master Qi, his flexibility is much worse.

It is simply unrealistic for him to avoid the quick and incomparable attacks of the sprite pills.

In this case, Inuyasha’s only choice is of course head-to-head.


Head-on head-on, Inuyasha obviously suffered a big loss in strength, and was blasted out immediately. He was tumbling in mid-air, like a kite with a broken line, directly landing on the ground more than ten meters away, smashing the soil into a slight depression. If an ordinary person bears such an impact, his bones and tendons will be broken long ago, and he will die!

Kaijinmaru sneered and said, “I thought you were much stronger. It turned out to be only this level. Compared to Mukuro, it is a thousand miles away! Inuyasha, wake up, stand up and play a few more games with me, should you? Will you be beaten to death by me?”

Inuyasha stood up on his knees and staggered and said, “I won’t die anyway before I kill you. Don’t worry.”

“That’s the best, let’s come again!” Kaijinmaru grinned, and rushed to Inuyasha again.

Mukuro looked at him lightly, knowing the situation of Inuyasha and Mangamaru better than anyone else.

Through the perception of qi, he could find that Inuyasha’s power had been greatly weakened, and his combat effectiveness had basically been lost. If you have to compare, he is actually inferior to a mature man now. Just now, he was blown away by the fist of the sprite pill, and he had exhausted his whole body without dying. If he was hit by the sprite pill again, the consequences would be disastrous.

However, Maitreya, Shan Shan and others seem to have not seen this.

Mukuro said lightly: “Kagura, Maitreya, Coral, let’s save people, Inuyasha is no longer good.”

Kagura and the others were enthusiastic at first, but they were shocked when they heard Mukuro’s words.

Kagura quickly asked, “No? Inuyasha just suffered a small loss. Isn’t it going to work so soon?”

Coral nodded and said, “But Inuyasha doesn’t seem to be injured. Is it really okay for us to take action?”

Maitreya said solemnly: “It’s a good face. If we save him, will he think that we look down on him?”

Although there was worry on his mouth, Maitreya still silently opened the wind cave and prepared for rescue, and the coral directly threw the flying bones out; Kagura did not move slowly, and slammed the dragon and snake dance away from the old man. Yuan used a tornado to attack Sprite Maru. Under their attack, Sprite Maru had no choice but to stop.

He shook his right arm vigorously, slapped the flying bones to the ground like a fly, and Kagura’s dance of dragons and snakes was also slapped away.

He grinned and said, “Do you want to be nosy? Do you want to die before Inuyasha?”

Maitreya’s face changed, and he immediately said in a pretended manner: “You can try it if you have the ability.”

After a pause, he pointed to Coral and Kagura again and said, “They are all Mukuro women. Do you have the ability to try one of their hairs? Seeing that Mukuro doesn’t take you apart and frustrate your bones, he will even Nairot. You can take it away, believe it or not?”

“Mage!” Coral flushed, turned around and hit Maitreya’s nose with an elbow.

Kagura was calm, as if Maitreya was not talking about her, and the thinking of monsters seemed a little different from that of humans.

Mukuro turned directly to Byakugan and had nothing to say.

I have to say that Maitreya’s intimidation was very effective. Jingjingmaru looked at Mukuro and never dared to act rashly anymore.

He left Coral, Kagura and others, turned and continued to attack Inuyasha.

Just like before, Coral and Kagura naturally stopped again.

After several consecutive times, he couldn’t help snarling, “What do you guys want?”


At this moment, a sharp sword chopped off the left arm of Jie Jie Maru, and the figures of Sai Sheng Maru and Xie Jian gradually appeared under the night sky.

The evil view stared at Sprite Maru and said, “Master Shisheng Maru, this monster is really not spooky.”

“What? There is no evil spirit?” Shanhu said with a shock: “In other words, the non-demon wall that Naraku snatched from the Yueshan people is hidden in the body of the ghost pill? Why? Why did Naraku do that?”

Inuyasha suddenly realized, “Spirit Maru, you are Naraku’s heart, right?”

However, Jojimaru directly ignored Inuyasha and said to Seshomaru, “Who are you?”

Said in a perverted manner: “He is Master Sasheng Maru, the brother of Inuyasha.”

“No matter who you are from Inuyasha, if you dare to attack me, there is only one dead end!” Jing Jing Maru roared and flew up to attack Shi Sheng Maru.

Sesho Maru did not move, but the ghostly spirit in his hand swung a wave of evil spirits to attack the sprite pill. The demon energy condensed into a sphere in mid-air, which looked like an energy bomb, directly hitting the sprite pill. Body. But the demon balloon did not explode, instead it was absorbed by the sprite pill, and then bounced back.


Sesho Maru and Kazun dodged at the moment of the moment, but the demon balloon still blasted a deep hole on the ground, and the rocks were splashing.

Kagura was taken aback and said: “It is a terrible ability to absorb the opponent’s demon power and rebound. Fortunately, Inuyasha loses his demon power, otherwise he will bounce the wind wound back, and the consequences will be disastrous.”

Coral nodded and said, “That’s the truth, but what should we do now? You can’t use the evil spirit to attack the sprite pill, and you can’t kill him if you have a chance. Do you want Mukuro’s help again?”

Mukuro resolutely refused: “Don’t say anything stupid, I am not your nanny, this time you will find a way.”

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