Chapter 1216 Underworld

Mukuro and the coral flew quickly in the passage to the underworld, and soon they saw a physical existence in front of them.

Yes, when moving in the passage, Mukuro saw nothing but the void, dim all around, almost unable to see his fingers. It was hard to see that there were real things ahead, and he couldn’t help being shocked, at least knowing that he could get his feet on the ground. Walking through the void has no effect on Mukuro, but the coral is obviously already anxious.

She didn’t slowly relax until she saw what was ahead.

Of course, this is the underworld after all, even if there are real things, the surroundings are still very dim.

Even Mukuro can only vaguely see that it is a winding path, and the path is lined with abyss. Both Mukuro and Coral can dance in the air and can stay in mid-air, and of course they are not afraid of falling into the abyss. But seeing such a dangerous path, they were still secretly shocked.

If you change to someone who can’t fly, you will fall off a little carelessly, and you will be overwhelmed.

Coral looked down at the small intestine path below and said, “Is that the road to the underworld? It’s so dark. If we walk on this path, will there be monsters like tautou horse face coming out to kill us later?”

It may be because the environment is too depressing and the corals are a little nervous.

And last time when I went to the intersection of Yin and Yang, Mukuro had a battle with the bull head and horse face. It seems that it left a lot of shadow on the coral at that time, otherwise she would not immediately think of those two guys. But even if the tautou horse noodles really reappear, Mukuro will never take them to heart.

Mukuro said lightly, “Don’t worry, what if there are monsters blocking the way? What can it do to us?”

Mukuro smiled lightly, and immediately flew forward with the coral.

After flying for a while, Mukuro frowned secretly, feeling very upset.

It wasn’t because of the cold and cold atmosphere of the underworld, but because the surroundings were too dark, he was a living person anyway, and preferred a bright environment. There is almost no light in the underworld, and it is even darker than the night when there is no moon in the world. Mukuro certainly felt very uncomfortable flying in such an environment.

He slightly increased his Qi and directly turned into a Super Saiyan, and the bright and dazzling golden light immediately illuminated the surroundings like daylight.

As the surroundings become brighter, Mukuro can clearly feel that the vigilance of the coral has also decreased a lot, and the bright environment seems to give her a strong sense of security.

However, while relaxing, Coral smiled bitterly and said: “If others have power like you, they will definitely be used to fight, maybe some people will have the idea of ​​conquering the world. It’s good for you to use such power to illuminate. ”

Mukuro disagrees: “Power is used to serve oneself. Of course, it can be used as convenient as it is. I want it to illuminate now, that’s enough.”

After a pause, Mukuro murmured again: “But this underworld is so big, even the light of the Super Saiyan couldn’t reach the end of this path.”

“Why don’t you use qigong wave to hit it?” Shanhu teased easily: “Using your qigong wave, you can definitely hit the end of the road all at once.”

“Don’t be kidding.” Mukuro didn’t even think about it, and immediately rejected Coral.

Because the destructive power of qigong wave is too great, if you accidentally destroy the underworld, you will have a lot of fun.

After flying towards the front for more than ten minutes, Mukuro finally saw the end of the gut path. At the end, there was a black figure, lowering his head as if he was doing something. Under that black figure, there are mountains of bones, both humans and monsters. Using those corpses as reference objects, the black figure is too huge.

In front of him, the human corpse was as small as a cockroach at the foot of a human.

Coral’s expression changed obviously when he saw the guy, and asked nervously, “Mukuro, have you seen it? What is that?”

Mukuro nodded lightly and said, “I see, that guy’s position in the underworld should be very special. Let’s go over and ask, maybe we can find the whereabouts of your relatives and companions.”

“Can you?” Coral said nervously, “That guy is so big and looks very strong. We don’t know anything in the underworld, so let’s not provoke powerful people indiscriminately?”

“That guy is not a human anyway.” Mukuro smiled disapprovingly, and flew up quickly.

As Mukuro and Coral got closer, the huge guy seemed to feel the presence of Mukuro and Coral, and turned his head to look over. His two blood-red eyes glowed with terrifying cold light in the darkness, but they were instantly pressed down by the golden light of Mukuro Super Saiyan. With Jinguang, Mukuro can also see his appearance clearly.

It was a huge mountain of meat, and there wasn’t any muscle in it.

His mouth was full of fangs, and between the fangs were blood and crumbling corpses. It seems that this guy was eating the corpses of humans and monsters just now. No wonder he was so fat. And when he thought of this guy feeding on the corpse, Mukuro’s stomach was overwhelmed, almost vomiting out.

The monster said coldly: “Who?”

“It’s very smart, knowing that we are human.” Mukuro floated in front of the monster and said faintly: “What are you guys doing? You can see a living thing like you in the underworld. In your body, indeed I can feel the aura, but isn’t this the world of the dead?”

Coral was taken aback and said, “Mukuro, what did you say? Is he alive?”

Mukuro couldn’t laugh or cry. He didn’t know how to answer Coral’s question. Looking at this guy’s appearance, it was obvious that he was alive, OK? Did Coral see the dead jumping alive like this guy? Mukuro did think so at the first time, but think about the Dragon Ball warriors who are still jumping up and down after the death of the Dragon Ball world, and think about the various dead souls in the world of Inuyasha, Mukuro is speechless.

Mukuro ignored the coral drop and looked at the monster.

The monster said coldly: “Fortunately, you know that this is the world of the dead. I don’t know what method you two humans used to get here, but in this world, nothing is allowed to exist except me. You two Now that I’m here, don’t even think about leaving and stay and make my food.”

The monster opened its blood basin and bite directly at Mukuro and the coral.

Although the size of the monster is huge, the attack speed is very fast, making Mukuro quite surprised. Of course, no matter how fast he is, before turning into a Super Saiyan, the speed is no different from that of a snail crawling. Mukuro dragged the coral, and easily avoided the monster as soon as he moved, looking down at him out of the monster’s reach.

Mukuro said lightly: “You actually said that you are the only thing qualified to live in the underworld. It seems that your identity is not trivial.”

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