Chapter 1230 The monster in the temple

Maitreya knew his own affairs, and of course he could understand Mukuro’s words, so he burst into tears without tears.

He didn’t seem to have much confidence himself. He quickly stared at the nun’s face, and then asked Inuyasha, “Inuyasha, you tell me quickly, is there a monster smell in her? Is she a human?”

The nun said quickly: “You are too rude to say that. Are you suspecting that I am a monster?”

Inuyasha ignored the nun’s dissatisfaction and said faintly: “She only smells of humans, no smell of monsters, but there is a strong smell of monsters in this temple. It is a cat monster. This nun is so monster. It’s not right no matter how you look at it, but it’s not hurt.”

Inuyasha’s temper is like this, and the nun is not his companion, so he doesn’t care about the other’s mood.

When Maitreya heard the first half of Inuyasha’s words, before he had time to be happy, Inuyasha’s last words gave him a blow.

He concentrated quickly, probably because he really sensed the existence of the evil spirit, and his face was dusty: “How can this be?”

The nun still said calmly: “Of course there is a demon in the temple, because in addition to providing accommodation for the passing practitioners, the body of a cat demon is buried under the temple. The demon aura you feel must be from there. The body of the cat demon is exuding, do you want to take a look?”

Although nun 327 said so, Inuyasha and others were not convinced.

Because the monster’s demon power is the same as the human energy, once it dies, its demon power and energy will disappear.

The cat demon was buried under the temple and died for so long.

Of course, the nun suggested that they go to the temple to check it out, and they agreed with them, so they did not refuse.

After some discussions, it was finally decided that Inuyasha, Mukuro and others would go under the temple to have a look, while Coral, Ari, Kagura and other girls would stay in the temple and wait. Of course, Qibao, who had no combat effectiveness, was also counted among the girls and did not participate in the battle.

Because the temple was suspended and supported by wooden pillars, Inuyasha and others got in and soon discovered that there was a secret passage under the temple, which should lead to the place where the cat demon was buried. Before entering the secret passage, Maitreya asked: “Mukuro, what do you think? Believe it or not?”

In front of Mukuro, Maitreya was reasonably sensible.

It seems that even if he likes girls, he still distinguishes the importance and does not lose his sense.

Mukuro’s breath sensed, of course, he could see that the nun was indeed alive, but was occupied by the cat demon and controlled her in the body. It’s just that Mukuro still doesn’t want to tell them the answer directly, and deliberately sold it.

He smiled faintly: “Mile, you are the real mage, and I am strictly a warrior. Shouldn’t you be better at removing demons than me?”

“Don’t ridicule me.” Maitreya said with a dry smile: “Even if you don’t know how to eliminate monsters, your mighty power is enough to help you solve all monsters. If you want, I’d rather trade your ability to eliminate monsters. ”

Mukuro smiled indifferently and pointed to the secret passage and said, “Anyway, let’s go down and see.”

They walked all the way along the secret passage, and soon they saw a pile of Mukuro bones of the cat demon. The Mukuro bones are very large, just like a cat-shaped dinosaur. The powerful monster aura that Mukuro felt was indeed emanating from Mukuro’s bones. When Mukuro and others approached, the Mukuro bone of the cat demon seemed to move.

Also noticed the movement of Mukuro’s bones, apparently Maitreya and Inuyasha.

Maitreya’s face changed sharply and said, “Inuyasha, Mukuro, have you noticed?”

Inuyasha pulled out his broken teeth and said, “Interestingly, this cat demon is not dead.”

As soon as Inuyasha’s voice fell, the pile of Mukuro bones automatically assembled and opened his mouth to pounce on Inuyasha.

Inuyasha quickly backed away and retreated from the battle, and soon came to the open space in front of the temple.

The reason why he didn’t fight under the ground was of course because the temple was above his head. If he and the cat demon had a fierce battle under the ground, the temple above his head would definitely be implicated, and perhaps it would be devastating. Blow. And when Ari and others are in the temple, they can’t even think about peace at that time.

After arriving in the open space in front of the temple, Inuyasha had no such worries.

He said coldly: “You cat demon is really weird. There is a nun in the temple, but you don’t hurt her. Instead, you come to attack us passers-by in order to let that nun be a bait and relax those who pass by. Alert?”

“You got it right.” The cat demon said coldly, “I didn’t expect you to really come here to find me. Since you are here, don’t leave.”

Inuyasha said disdainfully: “Hmph, like you monster, I can take care of it with a single knife, wind injury!”

Inuyasha smashed the wound out of the wind, and the terrifying force instantly shredded the cat demon’s body. However, the body of the cat demon was originally made up of a pile of bones, and even if it was shattered, it could be quickly reorganized. As the cat demon’s body was reorganizing, Ari, Coral, and Kagura’s exclamation suddenly heard from the temple.

Inuyasha and others hurriedly looked back, only to find that the temple had been wrapped in an enchantment.

“What’s the matter?” Inuyasha was surprised and said, “It’s the nun? But isn’t that nun an ordinary person?”

Maitreya panicked: “This barrier was arranged by a nun? She trapped Ali and the others in it. What does she want to do?”

Mukuro said faintly, “You are really slow. You haven’t noticed it until now. Didn’t the cat demon just say it? He didn’t expect you to go underground, and you don’t want to think about who made you go underground.”

Of course, it was the nun who made them go underground. Inuyasha and Maitreya suddenly realized that they rushed into the barrier.


Inuyasha slashed on the barrier, but the barrier was so strong that there were no cracks at all.

At the same time that Inuyasha’s blow was invalid, the cat demon had already rushed forward.

Mukuro said lightly: “Inuyasha, Maitreya, this cat demon will be handed over to you, I will go in and see the situation.”

Without waiting for Inuyasha and Maitreya to answer, Mukuro directly flashed into the temple with teleportation.

Inside the temple, Ari and the three girls have been surrounded by the Mukuro bones of countless kittens, and there is also the nun in the circle. Compared with before, the nun’s expression became obviously hideous and terrifying, and there was still a strong demon qi coming out of her body. In her heart, there is a conspicuous cat’s claw, which is the source of demon power.

Mukuro sneered and said, “Sure enough, the cat demon controlled this nun with a part of his power, and at the same time used this nun as a talisman. As long as it doesn’t hurt the nun, under normal circumstances there is no way to harm the cat demon.”

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