Chapter 1233 Dependence on good and bad

Inuyasha chuckled dryly, not daring to be vague anymore, and quickly turned the iron shattered teeth into dragon scale iron shattered teeth.

In the blink of an eye, a very powerful attraction erupted from the broken teeth of the dragon scale. Even Mukuro, who does not know much about the power system of the monsters, can clearly feel that it is an attraction specifically aimed at the monster power. Maybe this is the dragon scale. Characteristics. When the attraction broke out, Qibao, Kagura, and Mica were obviously uncomfortable.

Mukuro hurriedly used gravity to bring them to his side, and then used repulsion to protect them.

Under Mukuro’s protection, their expressions finally gradually improved.

Mukuro said lightly: “The ability of dragon scales to crush teeth is stronger than I imagined, but unfortunately there is a fatal drawback.”

Kagura looked at Inuyasha and the nun and said, “Is it the problem that absorbing too much demon power will make the iron shatter the teeth and heat up? Even you can’t overcome this problem?”

Mukuro shook his head and said, “Even if it’s me, I can’t modify such rules, otherwise the world will collapse.”

Mukuro only briefly mentioned the weakness of dragon scales and iron teeth to Kagura and the others, but they didn’t expect them to remember it.

However, even if there are obvious weaknesses, it is still more than enough to deal with the cat demon. In fact, if you just want to eliminate the cat demon, Maitreya has a way to do it, but the use of the wind cave will make the wind cave become bigger and bigger, which will affect Maitreya’s life. Therefore, if it is not a last resort, Maitreya generally does not use wind acupoints.

Under the attraction of the dragon scales and iron teeth, the nun’s expression gradually distorted, seeming to be very painful, and she let out a screaming scream.

Inuyasha gritted his teeth and said: “Huh, I can hold on for so long, I want to see how long you can last.”

As soon as Inuyasha’s voice fell, the nun let out an unprecedented scream, and the cat demon’s soul flew out of his body and was swallowed by dragon scales and iron teeth. After the cat demon’s soul was swallowed, the nun naturally returned to normal.

After the cat demon left her body, the nun once lost all her strength and fell to her knees for a moment. When her own consciousness regained control of the body, she staggered up again and apologized to Inuyasha and others. In other words, she still remembers how she was controlled by the cat demon.

For her, it is also good news, at least his consciousness has not been swallowed by the cat demon.

Inuyasha jokingly said: “No, we only destroy the monsters to protect ourselves, not to save you.”

It was meaningless for Inuyasha and others to continue to stay, so they immediately declined the nun’s stay and turned to leave the temple.

On the way out, Mukuro asked, “Inuyasha, the dragon scales and iron teeth are getting hot again, right?”

Inuyasha said uncomfortably: “It’s fever, but it’s not as severe as when it absorbed Maitreya’s qigong wave last time. As long as it takes a little longer, it will definitely make Iron Broken Tooth adapt to this ability.”

Mukuro shook his head and said, “Inuyasha, don’t be naive. The most fundamental reason for this problem is that the power absorbed by the broken teeth has no place to vent. This time the heat is not so amazing, just because of the power of the cat demon and Maitreya. Qigong wave is trivial compared to that. If you don’t believe it, you can try it next time with a stronger monster.”

“You mean the sprite pills?” Inuyasha paused, the first to think of his rival.

I have to say that Inuyasha really dared to think that he wanted to deal with Sprite pills so quickly. Not to mention whether his dragon scales and broken teeth can restrain the sprite pill, even if it can be restrained, the heat generated is definitely not in Inuyasha’s ability to bear, so Mukuro can’t agree with his absurd idea.

However, with Inuyasha’s temper, it is basically impossible to convince him with empty words.

The only way to calm him down is to make him recognize the facts. As for the way to recognize the facts, of course, let him challenge another slightly stronger monster.

Mukuro sensed the aura around him, and soon discovered a powerful monster, whose strength was even higher than that of Kagura, and he was the right opponent to use as Inuyasha. However, the monster is hiding in the lake, and Inuyasha is not good at water warfare, so Mukuro is not in a hurry to lead Inuyasha and the others.

Mukuro slowly flew in that direction and said, “Inuyasha, in your current state, it’s definitely not suitable to find Sprite Maru, and it is impossible for Sprite Maru that has not been transformed to escape. Before that, I will find it for you. Let another monster be your opponent, as long as you can defeat him with dragon scales and iron teeth, I promise not to stop you.”

That night, Mukuro led Inuyasha and others to fly over a poisonous marsh, just in time to see a frog snake emerging from the poisonous marsh and crawling towards the landing site, very fast. In the place where the snake crawled, the grass withered quickly, and even the mud ground left clear purple traces, and black smoke was blowing.

Even if Mukuro’s nose is not as flexible as Inuyasha, he can smell a distinct burnt odor.

Inuyasha pinched his nose and said, “It smells so bad, what’s the origin of that snake?”

Mukuro observed the traces on the ground and said, “It seems to be the body fluid of a snake. It is probably poisonous. Inuyasha, this guy can be your opponent. You can kill him, but you must be careful when fighting him. Don’t let him. The poison pit.”

Inuyasha said disdainfully: “There are dragon scales and iron teeth, I can absorb all his venom, how can he be pitted?”

Maitreya said solemnly: “Stop chatting, don’t you think it’s weird that the snake crawls out in the middle of the night? He may 593 go to kill.”

Mukuro looked at the direction the snake was leaving and said, “That guy is really going to kill people. Of course, he is looking for food. You can clearly feel a lot of human breath over there, and it’s probably a human village over there.”

“Then what are we still stunned? Go over!”

Maitreya’s face changed, and he flew over and said: “The strength of that snake is not weak, and ordinary humans can’t resist him. If we are late, we don’t know how many people will die because of it.”

The situation was critical, and Inuyasha, Kagura and others did not dare to be vague, and flew forward at full speed, catching up with the snake in a short while.

When they stopped, the snake rushed into the village. Many people in the village were already alarmed and rushed out with bows and knives. But the snake didn’t take those human weapons to heart at all, and opened its mouth to spit out a large cloud of venom.

Mukuro hurriedly said: “Inuyasha, quickly stop the snake with dragon scales and iron teeth, otherwise the venom will hurt ordinary people.”

The moment the voice fell, Mukuro kicked out and kicked Inuyasha between the snake and the human.

Inuyasha exclaimed angrily, “I can fly by myself, do you need to kick me?”

Although he was grumbling, Inuyasha happily pulled out his broken teeth.

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