Chapter 1246 Work hard

“Living hard? What is that?” Inuyasha asked strangely.

Er Kuxian replied self-consciously: “I am an immortal, and I learned how to absorb the essence of trees a long time ago to make myself immortal. Now I have become a monster, and my head is just like a branch to me. It doesn’t affect my life. But every time I grow my head, I have to consume a lot of nutrients, and I have to replenish it from you!”

Suddenly something like branches grew out of Erkuxian’s body, entangled in Inuyasha and Ari, even Qibao and Mukuro didn’t let it go.

Qibao exclaimed in horror: “Does he want to absorb us as nutrients?”

Mukuro said lightly, “Isn’t it obvious? But this guy even wants to absorb me, so courageous, who does he think he is?”

Erkuxian wanted to absorb Mukuro as well, which made Mukuro very uncomfortable.

After all, with Mukuro’s ability, even one billionth of energy is enough to hold Erkuxian to death. This guy even dared to hit Mukuro’s idea, and he didn’t weigh his own abilities.

Mukuro snorted coldly, raised his qi a little, and shook Erkuxian away at once.

Of course the branches of Erkuxian reaching Inuyasha, Ari, and Qibao were also interrupted.

Er Kuxian said in shock: “You…Why are you such a human being so strong?”

Mukuro said coldly, “When Naraku met you, didn’t he tell you? He should have told you not to provoke me or something.”

Based on Mukuro’s understanding of Naraku, if Naraku really wants Erkuxian as bait, he will definitely not let Erkuxian die too easily, so it is very irrational to let Erkuxian provoke Mukuro.

Of course, it is also possible that the guy Naraku said, but Erku Xian Da didn’t put humans in his heart, so he didn’t care.

In the world of monsters, humans are synonymous with the weak, even the so-called wizards, witches, and monks are not worth mentioning compared to the truly powerful monsters. It is not surprising that Erkuxian despise human beings.

Erkuxian climbed up with difficulty and said, “Nairo said, but I really didn’t expect a human being to be so strong and so young, it’s hard to imagine. But if I can absorb your power, there will be no more in this world. No one is stronger than me! You become a part of my body!”

Erkuxian was really crazy, even though he knew how powerful Mukuro was, he rushed forward regardless of Mukuro’s strength, and greeted all the branches on Mukuro’s body.

Mukuro said lightly: “Strictly speaking, you are just a hapless person who was used by Naraku. The only person you want to kill is Inuyasha, so I really have no reason to kill you. But you took the initiative to send it to the door, I I really don’t know what to say about you. You can give Inuyasha as a gift for the hard work in your body.”

Mukuro’s figure flashed, suddenly appeared above Erkuxian, and slashed again.

In front of Mukuro’s attack, Er Kuxian’s body really looked like a dead tree, and it was split open at once, revealing the vitality of his body.

That is a similar meridian, storing a lot of immortal power.

Mukuro grabbed Jingminggan and directly pulled it out of Erkuxian’s body, and Erkuxian lost his Jingmeigan, as if he was tens of years old all of a sudden, falling to the ground without the strength to get up.

Mukuro shook his head disappointedly.

After a pause, Mukuro turned around and said to Inuyasha, “Inuyasha, take the Dragon Scale Iron Shards and cut off Erkusen’s vitality. As long as he absorbs Erkusen’s power, he can temporarily use Dragon Scale Iron Shards. Tooth.”

Inuyasha froze for a moment, and stepped up suspiciously, “Is it really possible? But didn’t you say it a while ago? There is no safe solution to dragon scales and broken teeth.”

Of course, Mukuro remembers what he said, and said lightly: “I was right. There is no absolutely safe way to use dragon scale iron fragments. If you insist, you need to be strong enough to resist dragons. The backlash of the scale iron and broken teeth. Even if the dragon scale iron and broken teeth absorb the immortal power, it is only temporarily safe.”

Seeing Inuyasha’s appearance, he obviously ignored the four words of temporary safety.

After being emphasized and reminded by Mukuro, he suddenly realized: “In other words, I still have to look for new power? Didn’t you ran to the Sashiwanu a few days ago and said that his natural teeth can have attacking ability? What was the result? ”

Inuyasha seemed to care about the situation of the older brother Sessumaru.

Mukuro said lightly: “Natural Tooth does have an offensive ability, named Mingdao Canyue Broken, but that ability will belong to you sooner or later.”

Mukuro clearly remembers that the natural tooth is actually part of the broken tooth. It was after the broken tooth absorbed the broken moon of the underworld, because the broken tooth could not control that power, it was forcibly stripped by the king of fighting tooth. When the time is right, the natural tooth will always fuse with the broken iron tooth again, and the broken moon of the underworld will naturally return to the broken iron tooth.

But Inuyasha obviously doesn’t know why.

He asked in astonishment: “Why? Then what’s the matter of Zhao Mingdao’s broken moon?”

Mukuro probably told Inuyasha about the broken moon of the underworld and said: “The basic situation is like this. As long as the master of the broken moon on the underworld is broken, even if Naraku or the ghost maru really get the defensive power of the Pluton beast, it does not make any sense. But perfecting the broken moon on the underworld. Breaking requires the power of the Sansei pill, and it is not easy for you to take the power from the Sansei pill.”

You know, the broken moon of the underworld is indeed a very powerful offensive ability, which can kill the enemy regardless of the opponent’s defense.

For Sesei Maru to get that kind of power, it also had to pay a lot of money.

Since it was the power that the Sahsho Maru paid a lot of money to get, of course Sahsho Maru would not be easily given to Inuyasha, and there would be a battle between their brothers.

Inuyasha nodded and said, “I understand. I’ll talk about it when the time comes. Maybe I can get more powerful power, and I don’t need Sesho Maru’s Mighty Moon Broken.”

Because Sesho Maru is the older brother, Inuyasha doesn’t seem to be willing to snatch the broken moon from the underworld.

Mukuro didn’t force him, anyway, in order to defeat Naraku and Kaiganmaru in the future, whether Inuyasha likes it or not, he will do that.

And even if Inuyasha was unwilling, once the Sesei Maru knew what happened to the Tooth King back then, it would definitely be difficult to accept Sessei Maru’s temperament. Natural tooth is only a part of the broken tooth, but the king of fighting tooth gave him such a knife, and it was hell that Sashengwan could calm down.

Mukuro said lightly: “Let’s go, Inuyasha, do you still have the ability to fly now? Let’s go and take a look at Maitreya and Coral, hoping that they will not fight the White Night of Dreams.”

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