Chapter 1248 Gold and silver

The monster that Mukuro and Inuyasha saw was confronting Ningjinmaru.

It was one…or two very weird monsters. The upper body of the monster had the appearance of a human, but the lower body looked like a snake, and they were entangled with each other, looking like a monster with two heads. However, none of their lower bodies are stuck together, they should be entangled actively.

When Maitreya saw the appearance of the two monsters, he couldn’t help showing doubts.

He wondered: “The bodies of the two monsters don’t grow together, so why don’t they separate? Don’t you feel disgusting that the bodies of the two male monsters are tangled together?”

Maitreya is indeed Maitreya, and the focus of attention is very different.

Coral turned over, Byakugan said: “There must be a last resort for them to do this, otherwise the body is entangled and it is inconvenient to fight?”

I have to say that Coral’s focus is right, but a girl’s attention to this kind of thing still makes Mukuro feel weird.

Mukuro said calmly: “They are two monsters. Their names are Golden Peril and Silver Peril. Their bodies have been entangled from the moment they were born. In other words, they are actually 16 brothers. They are here. The destiny of these monsters is very strange, they are destined to fight each other from birth. Only when they defeat the other can their bodies separate.”

“What a weird monster.” Ari muttered, “If this is the case, why would Spritemaru target them? Is there any special ability that Spritemaru needs?”

“You’re right.” Mukuro snapped his fingers and said affirmatively: “As I said earlier, the golden peril and the silver peril are destined to fight each other from the moment they are born. When they decide the victory or defeat, they lose. The one who won will be absorbed by the defeated party and become the opponent’s power. Sprite Maru should be to get that kind of power, maybe because his Pluton beast armor is not perfectly integrated with him.”

Mukuro faintly stated his guess, but believed that the truth was not far away.

When Inuyasha and others heard Mukuro’s guess, their faces became extremely ugly.

After all, the current Sprite Maru was so difficult that Naraku had to use Inuyasha’s power to weaken him. If Sprite Maru uses the natural power of the golden and silver disasters to perfectly blend the armor of the Pluton beast with his body, his strength will definitely go further.

No one can imagine how difficult the sprite pill will be at that time.

Inuyasha directly carried the knife and rushed up and said, “Don’t say so much, hurry up and kill them all.”

Inuyasha quickly rushed forward, splitting the wound from the wind, and it seemed that he was going to fight one against two, no, it was one against three.

Mukuro shook his head helplessly and said, “Although the situation is urgent, it is too reckless to do so. Coral, Kagura, Maitreya, please go up and help Inuyasha.”

However, a few of them did not act immediately.

Maitreya looked back at Mukuro and said, “What about you?”

“Does this need to be asked?” Mukuro said naturally, “Of course I continue to watch the theater. It’s not the first day that you met me. Wouldn’t you think I would do it so easily, right?”

Maitreya was speechless, so he rushed to help.

“Wind wound!”

As soon as Inuyasha went up, he cut the wounds of the wind directly, and the terrifying light of the knife and the wind blade simultaneously enveloped the spoils of gold and silver.

Spritemaru swept towards Inuyasha coldly, and then it seemed as if he couldn’t see anything.

It seems that Mukuro’s guess is very accurate, and the strength of Sprite Maru continues to improve, and it is now strong enough to ignore Inuyasha’s wind injury. However, the gold and silver misfortunes of rivals with Sprite Maru obviously cannot do the same thing. After seeing Inuyasha’s wind injury, although they evaded for the first time, they behaved a little frustrated.

The golden peril raged and said, “The half-monster over there, are you the companion of that ugly monster? Very good! Let me kill you too!”

The Silver Peril sneered again and again: “Huh, you dare to attack our brother, do you really think we are a bully?”

The golden peril and the silver peril joined forces to fight back against Inuyasha and Mangomaru while avoiding the attack of the wind. They even chose to fight both Inuyasha and Manga Maru at the same time, and they were also quite daring.

The golden peril stabbed the spear in his hand, and the monstrous flame attacked like a fire dragon; the silver peril, unwilling to lag behind, attacked likewise, sending out thunder and lightning.

Inuyasha and others were caught off guard and jumped up and down to avoid them.

Mukuro said lightly: “Thunderfire’s power is used, it seems to be very troublesome, after all, it is a very powerful ability in nature. Unfortunately, their own strength is not strong enough, even if they have the power of Thunderfire, it is useless.”


Inuyasha’s wind wound smashed into the body of the Mangomaru, and the skin of the Mangomanu was not broken, and the armor of the Plutonmon perfectly blocked Inuyasha’s power.

The attack of gold and silver disasters followed, and also did not cause any harm to the sprite pill.

Standing next to Mukuro, Ari couldn’t help frowning when he saw the amazing defensive power of Kaikai Maru.

She said in a deep voice: “The sprite pill really became so powerful, and the power of Inuyasha and the golden calamity and the silver calamity hit him one after another, and there was no way to hurt him.”

Mukuro said lightly: “Otherwise, why do you think Naraku is so anxious? At first, Naraku hoped that Naruko had strong power, because Naruko is his heart and needs enough strength to protect himself. But sooner or later he will absorb Naruko again. And Chizi’s powerful strength has made it difficult for him to absorb.” 243

After a pause, Mukuro said again: “Inuyasha and Jinbuyingyinbao should really join forces now to fight against Spikewan. If you do that, you might really kill Spikewan. The golden and silver buns can be supported by the hands of Mangomaru. For so long, it is enough to show their strength, but it is a pity that they have chosen to fight in a three-way melee.”

Ari tentatively asked, “Then can we remind Inuyasha?”

“It’s useless.” Mukuro shook his head and said, “From the moment Inuyasha made his move, everything was too late, and I didn’t know you. Why should I believe you? Even if I propose to join hands with them now, it will be a disaster. I will only think that Inuyasha can’t beat them, and use conspiracy and tricks to deceive them.”

At the same time, Inuyasha and the gold and silver disasters have started a three-way melee.

The main target of Inuyasha’s attack was the sprite pill, and he finally used the dragon scale iron shattered teeth, which he finally obtained the immortal power, to continuously chop and slash the sprite pill. With the absorbing power of the dragon scale iron and broken teeth, even the armor of the Pluton beast is not enough. As long as it is slashed, there must be a gap. After all, the demon power is the root of everything.

If even the demon power is absorbed, the demon power armor that persists will be useless.

However, whenever Inuyasha was about to seriously inflict Sprite Maru, the attack of gold and silver would surely strike him down, forcing him to retreat.

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