Chapter 1256 The battle to lose the iron shattered teeth

Mukuro opened up the space channel and immediately put his head over, wanting to see the battle of Inuyasha.

But before he could see clearly, he felt a powerful force knocking him away. He turned his head and looked, and saw that the person who smashed him was the Great Sage of the Demon Spirit, who was using the space channel created by Mukuro to observe the situation on Inuyasha. Although Mukuro was not prepared just now, it was not easy for this guy to knock Mukuro away.

It’s because he looks thin, and there is such a powerful force in his body, he really deserves to be the Great Sage of the Demon Spirit.

But Mukuro was knocked away by him, and it seems a bit unreasonable if he doesn’t find the place back.

Mukuro leaned behind him, punched his head and said, “Great demon spirit, are you begging?”

“It hurts!”

The great demon spirit sage pressed his head embarrassedly and said, “What are you hitting me for? Don’t you know how terrible your fist is? Fortunately, I was the one who was hit. If a monster comes over, your head will be blown up. .”

“If you know, don’t push me away.” Mukuro said viciously, “I’m still waiting to see what’s going on in Inuyasha.”

When the Great Demon Spirit complained to Mukuro, he actually moved away from position 190 so that Mukuro could see the situation on Inuyasha without getting close to the passage.

Mukuro can clearly see through the void he penetrated that Inuyasha has already fought against a monster that looks like a snake.

The monster was more than ten meters long, just lying on the ground, slightly raised his head, the height was far higher than Inuyasha. From the outside, it was a miscellaneous fish monster, but since the monster was used to train Inuyasha by the great sage of the monster, of course his strength could not be really weak. The breath Mukuro sensed also proved his strength.

Inuyasha cautiously said to Ari and the others: “You stand back a little.”

Allowing Inuyasha to say such a thing proves that Inuyasha is no longer sure to protect Ari and others in battle.

The monster said coldly, “Who are you? Why did you break into my house?”

Inuyasha yelled coldly: “Don’t pretend, you are the monster who attacked the Great Sage Demon Spirit and ate the internal organs of the Great Sage Demon Spirit! I smell him in you!”

“Oh? So what? Do you want to rip my belly and take it back?”

The snake-shaped monster gave a long roar, and its body became larger, and the monster energy it radiated became stronger and stronger.

He swooped down at Inuyasha, using his head as a weapon. When his head hit the ground, he even smashed the wooden boards and mudstones on the ground into splashes, and the impact was very terrifying. Even Inuyasha just dodges the attack dangerously and dangerously, which shows how amazing the attack speed of the serpentine monster is.

Inuyasha wanted to pull out the broken iron tooth to fight back, but the seal imposed by the demon spirit great sage still entangled the broken iron tooth.

Inuyasha yelled anxiously: “The Great Sage of the Demon Spirit! What’s going on? The one who fought with me must be the real murderer! Why I still can’t pull out the broken teeth? Didn’t you say that the seal is only used to prevent me from killing? ”

The Demon Spirit Grand Sage did not answer, but opened his eyes strangely, and looked at Mukuro and said, “Mukuro, why is Inuyasha talking to me? Doesn’t he know I’m at home? I shouldn’t have heard him.”

If Mukuro hadn’t opened up the space channel, the Great Sage Demon shouldn’t have heard these words, no wonder he would be surprised.

But Inuyasha seemed to be sure that the great demon spirit was peeping in the dark.

Seeing that the Great Sage Demon Spirit did not respond to him, he shouted again: “Great Sage Demon Spirit! Don’t pretend to be deaf! I know that Mukuro must have a way to see the battle on my side, and you must be watching too! Answer me!”

The great demon spirit said in a cold sweat: “Inuyasha can really trust your strength, then you teach him the real method of using iron shattered teeth is to come to trouble my old man, what do you do?”

After a pause, he pointed at the space gap created by Mukuro and said: “Inuyasha, I’m very sorry, maybe I made a mistake when sealing it. Come on, I believe in your strength.”

“Bad old man! I killed you!” Inuyasha suddenly exploded.

It’s a pity that the snake monster will not stop attacking because of Inuyasha’s depression.

Shan Shan, Maitreya, Kagura and others rushed up and said, “Inuyasha, let’s help you!”

Coral, Kagura and others are of course kind, but even through a fist-sized space passage, Mukuro can see Inuyasha blushing and his face is full of unwillingness, as if to treat their help as humiliation. This guy has too much self-esteem, and sometimes it’s not necessarily a good thing.

With self-esteem, Inuyasha refused without hesitation: “No! I can take care of him by myself! Otherwise, why am I looking for the Great Sage Demon Spirit?”

Shan Hu and others had no choice but to retreat to see the situation.

Mukuro said faintly to the Great Demon Spirit: “Aren’t all this your layout? It’s a shame that you can give your internal organs to other monsters.”

The great demon spirit said nonchalantly: “Anyway, if the heart is still there, you can’t die. What are you afraid of? If you don’t do this, there will be no way to make Inuyasha stronger, and there is no way to defeat Naraku.”

Mukuro was speechless, and suddenly felt a little sympathetic to the hapless monster who had eaten the internal organs of the Great Sage Demon.

The Great Demon Spirit deliberately fed him his internal organs, which of course could greatly enhance his strength, turning him from a miscellaneous fish monster into a existence that even Inuyasha would not dare to underestimate. But getting this power is not without a price, he must risk his life to fight Inuyasha, even if he defeats Inuyasha, he must face the demon spirit again.

Although the Great Sage Demon Spirit does not look very good, since he is called the Great Sage Demon Spirit and dares to send out his internal organs, he must have a strong fighting power.

In this world of monsters, there is no such thing as a big monster.

Mukuro said lightly: “Your monsters have a special physique. As long as your heart hasn’t stopped beating, you can’t die even if you leave your body. I’ll see if Inuyasha can defeat the opponent with my own strength.”

You know, Inuyasha can’t use Iron Shards now, saying that his strength has fallen by more than half is still a face.

And the internal organs of the Great Demon Spirit are within the body of the snake-shaped monster, and the monster’s power will be gradually absorbed, and the strength of the snake-shaped monster will gradually increase with the passage of time. The situation is how bad it is for Inuyasha. If Inuyasha wants to win, he must defeat the serpentine monster before it can truly improve.

However, the only attack method Inuyasha can use now is the Iron Claw of the Soul Diffusion.

The power of his claws is pitifully weak.

Mukuro said indifferently: “The Great Demon Spirit, why did you seal Inuyasha’s broken teeth? Not to mention an accident, I don’t believe you would make such a serious mistake at your level.”

“Because I want to see Inuyasha’s own strength.” The demon spirit sage said with a smile, “Inuyasha can fly to the sky by his own ability. That’s not his ability.”

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