Chapter 1260 Demon lair

Inuyasha’s eyes lit up, and he quickly looked down at the broken teeth in his hand.

He was reminded by Kagura.

Although with his strength, even if he finds out how to use qigong wave, he can’t really hurt the snake-shaped monster. However, if used to attack the seal lock of the Great Sage Demon Spirit, the result may be completely different, because the demon power of the snake-shaped monster and the injuries suffered will be quickly restored due to the demon power provided by the internal organs of the Great Demon Spirit.

But the seal that the Great Sage Demon Spirit placed on the broken teeth could not know how to replenish and restore itself.

As long as the power on the seal is consumed cleanly, breaking the seal is a very simple matter.

Inuyasha hurriedly held a knife in his left hand, and squeezed out an energy bomb the size of a ping-pong ball with his right hand, and pressed it hard on the broken teeth.


The energy bomb exploded on the broken teeth, and the power of the explosion was completely resisted by the seal lock of the Great Sage Demon Spirit. In order to prevent Inuyasha from pulling out the broken teeth, the demon spirit great sage can be said to have resisted. However, the seal lock will block the attack for the iron shattered teeth, and on the contrary reduce the pressure on Inuyasha, because he can let go of his hand to attack.

He immediately condensed a more powerful gas bomb and printed it again.


Seeing the effect of the gas bomb attacking the seal lock, Maitreya also helped.

During this period, Kagura, Shanhu and others are of course responsible for blocking the attack of the snake-shaped monster, to prevent him from disturbing Maitreya and Inuyasha, and even Ari is forced to join the battle.

Mukuro saw this scene through the space gap and said to the Great Sage of the Demon Spirit: “Great Sage of the Demon Spirit, your seal is about to be unlocked. Once it is unlocked, Inuyasha can use the iron shattered teeth to slay the monster to death. If the monster dies, will your internal organs be affected? Or in other words, your internal organs can regenerate by themselves like sea cucumbers?”

The Great Demon Spirit’s face is a bit ugly: “Inuyasha broke my seal, then I can’t learn how to use Qi?”

Mukuro dissatisfied: “You have successfully condensed the demon power, which is equivalent to saying that the Master has the trick. As long as you find the qi in your body, you can jump over the dragon gate. What else do you want? Even if you really can’t find the qi in your body, you still have a fairy. Qi can be used, and even if it is not as good as Qi, it is many times stronger than demon power. Even if you are a monster, don’t be too greedy.”

The great demon spirit laughed twice, suddenly speechless.

At the same time, Inuyasha, who successfully broke the seal, pulled out the broken iron teeth and let out a hearty laugh, and the whole person’s spirit changed upside down.

I have to say that the power of broken teeth may not be seen by Mukuro, but it is most suitable for Inuyasha.

Inuyasha with broken teeth and Inuyasha without broken teeth are two people at all.

Inuyasha pointed at the snake-shaped monster with his broken teeth and said, “Let’s decide the victory or defeat, the wound of the wind!”

However, unlike the past, when Inuyasha splits the wind wound to attack the snake-shaped monster, as long as the knife light is slightly close to the opponent, it will seem to be attracted by a strange force and stay away from the snake-shaped monster. Although it can’t be completely deviated, it is an iron fact that it cannot cause fatal damage to the snake-shaped monster.

Kagura was taken aback and stunned, “How come? Why is the attack of the wind wound deviated? Is it because of the power of the Great Sage Demon Spirit?”

“Why didn’t I know that the Great Sage Demon Spirit has such power?” Coral murmured: “Impossible, how could the Great Sage Demon Spirit be attacked successfully if he had such an ability?”

Of course Mukuro and the Great Sage of the Demon Spirit heard the conversation between them.

Mukuro really felt that Coral’s cleverness was used in the wrong place, and the Great Sage of the Demon Spirit didn’t lose his internal organs because of a sneak attack. There are so many coral analyses, which are just superfluous. However, the demon spirit great sage heard Coral’s words, his old face turned red, and he lowered his head to find a crack in the ground.

Even if he deliberately threw out his own internal organs, he still felt ashamed of being evaluated by a human exorcist.

Mukuro was not in the mood to wear it anymore, and reminded through the space channel in mid-air: “Inuyasha, listen, stare your eyes, you should be able to find something wrong around you. Think about how your wind injury came back. Thing, think again about the true meaning of your broken teeth. Don’t always think about solving problems with dragon scales and broken teeth. That’s all I can remind you.”

After Mukuro finished speaking, he silently observed Inuyasha’s battle and stopped talking.

Because the wound of the wind is a unique technique to use the wounds of the wind to attack, and the blasting is the special technique of using the wounds of the wind to slash the opponent’s demon power. As long as Inuyasha is not stupid, you should be able to find the problem. Around him and the snake-shaped monster, there are many Uzumaki composed of monsters. That is the key point for the gathering of monsters…

Even Mukuro’s qigong wave is the same. Whenever power is gathered, there will be a key point, which is the so-called core.

Once the core is destroyed, the power will disintegrate, or even lose control, and counterattack the more and more master.

As long as Inuyasha uses iron shards to slash the demon power Uzumaki, which is the demon lair, the principle is actually similar to the wind injury.

But Mukuro doesn’t know if Inuyasha can figure it out.

The snake-like monster also heard Mukuro’s words, and immediately sneered and said, “So there is someone helping you in secret. Call him out. I’m going to pack you all together. It’s meaningless to hide your head and show your tail.”

“I understand.”

Inuyasha suddenly sneered and said: “With your three-legged cat kung fu, are you qualified to let him show up? I can take care of you myself.”

“Three-legged cat kungfu? You will know how terrible my three-legged cat kungfu is!” The snake-shaped monster said gloomily, trembling with Inuyasha’s anger.

You know, before he eats the viscera of the Great Sage Demon Spirit, he was just a monster fish.

In the world of monsters where the weak and the strong eaters, the miscellaneous fish monsters like him can only survive and live like a mouse.

Finally, because of the internal organs of the Great Demon Spirit, he gained a powerful force. The past days were tantamount to purgatory on earth to him, and it was the greatest pain in his heart. But Inuyasha even revealed his scars mercilessly. 1.5 This is a deep hatred of blood.

He lunged at Inuyasha, the fangs in his mouth gleaming with a strange light, which was clearly poisonous.

If he was bitten by him, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Maitreya quickly reminded: “Inuyasha! Be careful!”

Inuyasha didn’t respond, and with a light step on his feet, he flew up with a dance technique, and at the same time slashed towards the demon lair in mid-air.

The moment the demon den was successfully attacked, the snake-shaped monster was struck by lightning, and his body was shaken, and soon fell to the ground, his breath quickly weakened. On the other hand, Inuyasha’s broken teeth absorbed the power of the demon’s den. On the surface, it didn’t seem to have changed, but it felt completely different.

Inuyasha raised the Iron Shard, probably feeling the change of Iron Shard, looking at Iron Shard, he couldn’t say a word.

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