Chapter 1273 Ari’s feelings

Just like what he said before, these things are for them to experience themselves.

Maitreya and Gangya found some dry branches, and after lighting these dry branches, a bonfire was raised.

The crowd sat around the campfire to rest.

In fatigue, Maitreya leaned on the tree to rest.

Coral and Kagura also rested.

Under the curtain of night, Inuyasha was alone, some distance away from the bonfire, looking up at the starry sky.

He didn’t know what he was thinking.

Looking at his back, A Li also had complicated eyes.

In the original plot, she has to say that she has some dependent feelings for Inuyasha.

But now, because of Mukuro’s intervention.

For such a long time, the three people came together, and in her heart, for Inuyasha, she naturally did not have that special emotion in the original plot.

If there is dependence, it is also for Mukuro.

Mukuro is the one who really gives her peace of mind along the way.

And, not only that.

She could also tell that Inuyasha was reluctant to part with Kikyo.

And Kikyo is her past life.

In this regard, she felt a little grudge in her heart.

This kind of grudge, in the first place, came out of her own thoughts.

She is not someone, or someone’s substitute.

She is just herself.

Secondly, in her mind, it is natural to put Inuyasha as a married woman.

And now, even though Kikyo is dead, the soul still exists.

Although the possibility of resurrection is very small, it may not be impossible.

Therefore, in her opinion, she hopes that Inuyasha and Kikyo can resolve their misunderstanding and grudge and come together.

However, at this time, Ari saw that behind Inuyasha, a branch was hanging down, and there was a spider web on the branch.

“Spider web…”

She froze for a moment.

Looking at the spider web, she seemed to feel something ominous.

But in the end, she said nothing.

After all, it’s just a spider web.

However, on the edge of the campfire.

Mukuro was sitting, his eyes closed.

Although his eyes are closed, he can also perceive everything around him.

In his perception, of course he also saw the spider web.

And unlike A Li, what he saw was the source of this spider web.

The source of this spider web is linked to Naraku’s malice!

“Is it because of the increase in strength that your confidence has also increased?”

“Using such a trick, do you think you can hide it from me? It’s naive, Naraku.”

In Mukuro’s heart, sneered.

But he did not take action, because the spider web is harmless.

Among them, there is no miasma of Naraku attached.

In other words, he did not dare to be attached to the miasma on this spider web.

As for the reason, it is simple.

He was worried about being noticed by Mukuro.

As for the purpose of this spider web, it was simple, and it was used by Naraku to monitor everyone.

It’s just equivalent to Naraku’s eyes.

The bonfire burned slowly.

One night’s time, gradually disappeared.

After dawn, everyone continued on their way.

Pursuing Naraku’s breath.

Soon, after tracking for a while, Inuyasha seemed to smell something all of a sudden.

“It’s the breath of Kikyo!”

“There is also the breath of Naraku!”

“Are they fighting?!”

As his words fell, Inuyasha’s expression was full of anxiety.

Then he performed the air dance technique, speeding up and flying towards the front.

At this time, Maitreya suddenly stretched out his hand to the sky in front of him.

“Look, heaven!”

Sure enough, following the direction of Maitreya’s fingers, in the sky in front of him, there were lines of spider silk hanging down.

“It’s Naraku!”

Kagura said affirmatively.

“The bellflower is dangerous!”

A Li couldn’t help but said too.

When her words fell, everyone speeded up, followed behind Inuyasha, and rushed forward.


Everyone saw it in the field.

There is an enchantment.

Inside the enchantment, it is not Kohaku and the two children’s spirits of Kikyo!

Seeing Inuyasha and Mukuro’s arrival, Kohaku shouted loudly.

“Hurry up and help Master Kikyo!”

“Kikyo-sama is in front, Naraku wants to pollute her with spider silk!”

Hearing Kohaku’s words, Inuyasha’s expression changed drastically.

“Platus grandiflorum!!”

He roared loudly.

Then he rushed directly forward.


Seeing Inuyasha’s anxious look, Maitreya hurriedly reminded.

Immediately he also caught up.

After Coral and the others caught up, she glanced at Amber, and finally hurried to the front.

In the front, it is very likely that Naraku will show up.

At this time, she could not stay in order to take care of her brother.

She will also participate in the battle.

When Mukuro and Coral and Kagura catch up.

In the field, a wooden house stands.

The wooden house presents a shrine-like shape.

This shrine seemed to be a trap specially made by Naraku.

From the sky, a large amount of spider silk hangs down and stretches into the shrine.

The door of the shrine opened, and Inuyasha was lying on the wall holding Kikyo.


Maitreya and the others shouted, they wanted to rush into the shrine.

But at this time, Inuyasha shouted loudly.

“Don’t come in!”

“This room is full of Naraku’s spider silk!”

“Spider silk?!”

Maitreya froze for a moment.

He was in the room and didn’t see any spider silk at all.

Thinking about this, he subconsciously rushed into the room, and the moment he entered the room, he was stunned.

Same as Inuyasha said.

Inside the house, all are spider silk.

These spider silks entangled and wrapped his whole body.

He couldn’t break free for a while.

At this time, he was finally able to see it.

It turns out that Inuyasha and Kikyo are also wrapped in spider silk.

These spider silks wrapped around them, making them unable to move!

Behind Maitreya, Coral also rushed in.

Then she was also wrapped in spider silk.

Then there is Kagura.

Mukuro stood outside the shrine, watching them fall into the trap one by one.

It’s a real time, I don’t know if I want to laugh or want to laugh.

He endured the urge to laugh with tears, and finally stretched out his hand, facing the sky, the spiders that were hanging down died, directly raising his hand with a wave of qigong.

This wave of qigong went out and instantly destroyed all spider silk.

And everyone in the room was finally able to get rid of the control of spider silk.

They broke the spider wrapped around their bodies and ran out of the house quickly.

At this time, the spider silk that was interrupted by Mukuro fell from the sky, seemingly unintentionally, just in front of Ari.

She stretched out her hand subconsciously, wanting to touch it.

But at this time, from her hand, Mukuro’s big hand reached out, grabbed her, and pulled her away.

“Don’t touch it!”

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