Chapter 1280 Bone extraction

After leaving the village, following Naraku’s breath, everyone moved on. However, soon, on the way, Mukuro and the others encountered a new situation. Inuyasha found some weird bodies and fell on the side of the road.

The appearance of these corpses is very miserable. And after careful inspection, it is unbelievable that their skin and flesh are not damaged in the slightest. But their skulls have disappeared. The mouths of these corpses were wide open, like skulls, which were taken away from their mouths.

This kind of death is simply extremely miserable. Even when Maitreya looked at them, there was a feeling of cold behind them. And A Li looked at these corpses, and couldn’t help showing compassion in his eyes.

“Don’t sympathize with them. These people themselves are not good birds.”

At this time, Mukuro spoke.

“Look at their dressing, most of them are robbers.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Ari subconsciously looked at the back of the corpses. As expected, all the corpses were carrying bows and arrows, and beside the corpses, there were swords falling. Even these swords have dried up Bloodline.

“Although I said so, it is a bit far-fetched, but the 730 that attracts monsters may be their own evil thoughts.”

Mukuro’s words fell, and Maitreya nodded thoughtfully. A Li nodded too, but she finally spoke.

“The deceased is the big one, help them condense the corpse.”

Mukuro naturally did not object to Ari’s suggestion. So Inuyasha shot and dug a few big holes in the ground. These corpses were thrown into the big hole and buried. After the burial, a piece of wood was inserted into each of these wild tombs as tombstones and markers. To do this is to do their utmost benevolence.

After condensing these corpses, Mukuro and the others naturally continued on the road. However, along the way, I saw some such corpses again. These corpses, Mukuro and the others all shot and restrained them. In this way, everyone came to a village all the way.

In the village, Maitreya bought some food from the villagers. Then I asked them about these strange corpses on the road. After all, if it were a monster, he, as a mage, would naturally not be able to sit idly by.

As a result, after Maitreya’s words were asked, the villagers showed a shocked expression.

“You met too?!”

Hearing this answer, Maitreya was of course a little surprised, he couldn’t help but asked.

“You mean it? Could it be that some people have encountered it here.”


The villager nodded. Then the villager continued.

“In our village alone, there are already more than ten people who have died because of this. Their deaths are all weird with their skulls drawn. Moreover, people who survived by chance say that that monster seems to be a very strange one. A beautiful and gorgeous woman. Her beauty is even so beautiful that there is no way to describe it.”

The villager’s words fell, just when Inuyasha and even Mukuro didn’t react. Maitreya looked at the villager with a righteous face and said impassionedly.

“Let me see her!”

Upon hearing Maitreya’s words, the villagers asked again in surprise.

“You mean, mage, you want to get rid of her?!”

“Of course! Except for the demon Anliang, guarding justice, this is the bounden duty of this mage.”

Maitreya said without hesitation.

However, behind Maitreya, Ari and Shan Shan both looked like I didn’t know this person.

“Master Maitreya, I thought you have become honest recently.”

A Li’s rare complaint.

“Master Maitreya, you really like beautiful girls regardless of occasion.”

Mukuro also complained.

“You are not saved.”

Inuyasha also agreed.


Even Qibao and Kagura nodded in agreement.

“Okay! I will kill this monster.”

At this moment, Inuyasha said while holding the broken teeth in his hand.

“Yes. If it’s an honest monster, forget it. Since it’s a monster that kills people at will, it’s natural that you can’t let it go.”

Mukuro said the same.

After Mukuro and the others expressed their willingness to remove the monster, the villager naturally hurriedly told everyone about the information about the monster. According to this villager, the monsters seem to appear in the wilderness of the village tile face in the middle of the night.

Hearing his words, many people and Maitreya also showed thoughtful words. Sure enough, just like Mukuro said, it was still wandering in the wilderness in the middle of the night. Sure enough, most of them are not good people.

Everyone took a break in the village. After midnight, everyone left the village again and went to the wilderness outside the village, looking for the female monster that the villager said was so beautiful that people could not believe it.

The night was deep, and the night breeze was blowing, with a hint of coolness. Because there was no destination, everyone was walking around in the wilderness outside the village. Inuyasha, on the other hand, is always paying attention to whether there is any evil spirit. After all the people wandered for a while, they really encountered the legendary female monster.

In the darkness, a strange fluorescent group of light lit up in front of it, and the fluorescent light seemed to glow like dead human bones. Gives a creepy and ominous feeling. And under the shroud of that kind of light, gradually, a figure walked over.

This figure is indeed the figure of a woman. It’s just that her whole body is wrapped in luxurious robes. The robe seemed to be the attire of a married woman. And beside her, followed by an ox cart. What’s shocking is that this bullock cart is not a living bull, but the remains of a dead bull.

The remains of the cow, pulling the cart, walking slowly. Step by step. And on the ox cart pulled by the skull bones of the cow, all the skulls of the dead were carried!

The woman seemed to be holding the bullock cart like this, walking with her head down step by step, as if on the bullock cart behind her, the cart full of skulls all belonged to her dowry as a monk.


I don’t know when, just as everyone looked into the distance, when the figure came step by step, abruptly, above the wilderness, there was a loud howling figure of wolves, and then in the night, a team of wolves rushed out. group! These wolves were rushing, and they surrounded the woman from all directions.

The smell of a wolf is very amazing. She carried a whole cart of bones, and the smell on these bones obviously attracted the arrival of wolves.

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