Chapter 1285 Nai Luo comes

Of course, the final conclusion of the discussion was naturally a battle with Naraku to the death. Regarding the results of their discussion, Mukuro was still quite speechless, but in the end, he still spoke.

“Don’t worry about Amber’s jade fragments of the Four Souls, I have a way to make him survive even after losing the jade fragments of the Four Souls.”

Mukuro’s method is very simple, naturally it is fairy beans. Xiandou can be resurrected with full blood as long as he has a breath. At the same time, the spirit can also be restored to its heyday. This kind of cure of fairy beans affects both the body and the spirit at the same time.

The moment Humber lost the jade fragment of the Four Souls, he would naturally not die. Just because he lost the pillar of life, he would die soon afterwards. But at this time, if you take the fairy beans, there will be no problem with saving his life. If you can’t even do this, then fairy beans are not worthy of being called fairy beans.

A master at the level of Mukuro, even if he is seriously injured, can recover instantly after eating fairy beans, let alone amber. Mukuro is not worried about this.

In the middle of the night, everything that the earth fell into fell into deep sleep. The moon was shining on the earth, and the stars blinked 250 bars. In Coral’s room, after taking a rare hot shower, she put down her ponytailed long hair, sat in front of the window and looked at the stars in the sky, seeming to be in a trance. In her expression, it seemed a little melancholy.

Corals are actually very beautiful, even when compared with Ari and Platycodon grandiflorum, they are not inferior at all. It’s just that she usually wears a refreshing, high ponytail suitable for fighting, and her clothes are also suitable for fighting. Therefore, what sets her off is a bit too heroic. But now she, wearing a white bathrobe, with long hair, and a touch of sadness, she is very goddess.

“What are you thinking about?”

At this moment, a voice suddenly remembered in the room. Hearing this sound, Coral, who was in a daze, was startled. She turned her head subconsciously, but saw Mukuro standing there. There was a playful smile on Mukuro’s face. Looking at Mukuro’s appearance, Coral laughed blankly, and then, her heart seemed to relax a lot.

“No more thoughts? Just wondering, why did Naraku do these things? He clearly…”

“He obviously likes Kikyo? Because he likes someone and wants to attract her attention desperately. When she doesn’t pay attention to herself, even if she hurts her and makes her hate herself, she must regain her attention and care. It’s so sad, Naraku. It’s a pity that no matter what he does, the ending is already doomed. Even the more he does this, the farther Kikyo will be away from him, and even in the end, he can’t forgive him.”

Mukuro said so. With that said, he walked over as if he naturally hugged the coral in his arms, and the coral was also obediently held by Mukuro.

Sleepless all night. In the early morning of the next day, it was Maitreya’s voice that broke the calm of dawn!

“You! You! What did I see?! My goodness! I can’t believe it, don’t you…!”

Maitreya, with his messy grass chicken head, pointed at Coral and Mukuro. Following Maitreya’s words, Shan Hu’s face turned red, but she then shouted sharply.

“What are you doing?! Mukuro has something to do with me in the morning! Don’t judge others by your dirty thoughts! Mukuro and I walk together in the morning, what matters to you, it’s true!”

Coral’s words are justified. Women always have extraordinary talents when they lie.

With a roar from the coral, Maitreya was stunned. Then he subconsciously scratched his head and asked rhetorically.

“Is it for Kohaku?”

As he thought about it, the more he seemed to feel that his idea was right. All of a sudden, Maitreya felt a little embarrassed.

“Sorry, I made the fuss too much.”

Because of Maitreya’s voice, Inuyasha and Granny Feng in the village were also alarmed. After Inuyasha came out, he yawned, looked at the three of Mukuro, and said boredly.

“Early in the morning, what are you doing?! I thought some powerful monster invaded the village.”

Granny Maple looked at Maitreya and Inuyasha with foolish eyes. Compared to these two fools. Kagura looked at Coral with a weird look. When Kagura looked at it like that, Coral subconsciously avoided her gaze. After seeing this reaction from Coral, Kagura covered his mouth and smiled.

Amber, looking at Coral, showed a sincere expression of blessing. It seemed that he had guessed something, but he didn’t say anything.

“Everyone, come and have breakfast. I made porridge and breakfast for you.”

Granny Feng said to everyone. Hearing this sentence, Inuyasha and Maitreya’s attention were naturally drawn to the past. At this time, Kagura turned around, looked at Coral and Mukuro, and said.

“Mukuro, you gave me a new start and new life, so don’t leave me alone, okay?”

Mukuro didn’t answer yet, Shane was looking at Kagura and said.

“We are all a family, aren’t we?”

When her words fell, Kagura was stunned, then she smiled and nodded.

“Yes, we are all one family.”

After having breakfast in the morning, everyone naturally did their own things. Inuyasha took the iron shattered tooth and went to practice. With the help of the Great Sage Demon Spirit, he understood the true meaning of iron shattered teeth, and at the same time gained the ability to peep through the demon lair. It can be said that his current strength has greatly improved. It’s not what it used to be. Now he, not to mention that he is stronger than his father imagined, he is not inferior to his dog Admiral himself.

But he is facing two huge difficulties now. One is a battle with Sesho Maru. And one is to kill Naraku. Both of these are things that are on the eyebrows. But if he wants to solve these two things, even if he has such power now, it is still not enough.

Except for Inuyasha, the rest of the people eventually went on their own practice. Whether it’s Maitreya, coral, Kagura, and amber, it’s natural to understand. This time, I’m afraid it is very likely that they will finally have such a relaxing and leisure time before the decisive battle with Naraku.

However, at this moment of relaxation, something unexpected happened. Naraku came, quietly. Yes, at such a time, Naraku, who had been so desperately wounded by Kikyo, came to the door quietly by himself.

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