Chapter 606 Zero Division

“You actually contacted our zero team… it’s incredible.” Ichibei Hyōsube first sighed, and then asked: “What happened to Soul Society!? You gave up your principles.”

“Meeting mentor Habach… is about to resurrect.”

Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni said.

In fact, if it weren’t really impossible, Yamamoto would never contact the zero team. Because although the zero division is called the zero division, in fact it has nothing to do with the Gotei 13 division! The responsibility of the Zero Division is to guard the Palace of the Soul… and the responsibility of the 13th Division of the Gotei is to guard the safety of the Jingling Temple. So even if the Gotei thirteenth squad was destroyed, it is logical that the zero squad would not be dispatched.

Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni has always insisted on this.

However, the emergence of Yuhabach is the only existence that threatens the zero division and the Gotei 13 division!


The ruler of the Three Realms, the wedge of Soul Society-the supreme Spirit King! ! !

Sure enough, after hearing the name Ukhabach. The five people in the Spirit King Palace were stunned, after their bones were reshaped into the “king key” by the power of the Spirit King. The five of them know better than Yamamoto Genryu Saijukoku what the four words “youhabach” stand for…

The reason why Uhabach called himself the son of the Spirit King!

That’s because Uhabach’s most essential power-the gift of soul, is gathered by the spirit king with his own power! And with this power, Youhabach, who gradually replenishes his soul, is from a certain level…that is, the son of the Spirit King!

When Youhabach invaded Soul Society, he did not awaken this power that belongs to the Spirit King. It was also defeated by Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni.

However, the friend of Habakh, Yamamoto Motonyusai Shigekuni, who has the power of the spirit king, could not completely kill him. In the end, he can only choose to ban him! Just like what Shutara Senju Maru once said to Kurosaki Ichigo… If Aizen Sōsuke is evil… Then Ukhabach is the great evil above Aizen Sōsuke! !

“I know about this… if Uhabach invades the Spirit Palace. Then our zero team will come to punish this evil!” Ichibei Hyōsube said in a deep voice.

Suddenly, Ichibei Hyōsube’s conversation turned, and he looked around Shinigami and said, “There are only eight captains left, what happened to Soul Society!?” Ichibei Hyōsube was obviously a little curious. Under normal circumstances, if the zero division comes… then basically all the Shinigami of the head of the Gotei 13 division will appear.

“Um…yes, why didn’t you see Uozhihua? Is there still someone who can kill her in the Soul Society now!?”

Kylin Temple Tenshiro suddenly asked.

He doesn’t believe that there is an existence in this world that can kill Unohana Retsu!

Hearing Kirinji Tenshiro’s words, Yamamoto Genyanasei Shigekuni’s face instantly became ugly. After a long time…then slowly he said, “Unohana Retsu…Three days ago, he defected from the Gotei 13th squad!”

“What!? Unohana Retsu defected!?”

Tenshiro of Kirin Temple was particularly surprised. Can’t help but ask: “What’s going on, what happened!?”

Based on Kirinji Tenshiro’s understanding of Unohana Retsu… this kind of thing shouldn’t be!

“To be precise… it’s not a defect.” Kyoraku Shunsui suddenly said, “Uinohana-senpai should be said to have eloped.”

“Nani!?” The expression on Qilin Temple Tianshilang’s face was a bit sluggish.

This kind of elopement… actually appeared on Unohana Retsu! ? Thousands of years ago, this is absolutely something that I dare not even think of!

“With whom!?”

Kylin Temple Tenshiro seemed a little interested.

“That guy Mukuro.” Speaking of Mitarashi Mukuro, Kyoraku Shunsui was obviously helpless. After all, Mukuro defected from the Gotei 13th Division.

“Captain Mitarashi Mukuro!?” the fat Hikifune Kiryu asked.

“En.” Kyoraku Shunsui nodded.

“Mitarashi Mukuro… Mitarashi Mukuro…” Kylin Temple Tenshiro muttered to himself. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he said, “I remember! Back then, when I was only a student of the Mao Spiritual Academy, I had a kendo level that was not inferior to Uozhihua…Sure enough, only the man who beat her in kendo. , It is possible to please her.

So a hundred years ago, the horrible Reiatsu that we can feel in the Palace of the Soul, should be this Mitarashi Mukuro’s! ? Hmm… why didn’t it appear here! ? Isn’t he still the captain of the team? ? ”

“That…” Kyoraku Shunsui scratched his head, and said with a bit of annoyance: “After Mukuro killed Aizen Sōsuke, he had some opinions different from the old man Yamamoto. So now he lives in seclusion with Uunohana-senpai… …”

“Shut up! The old man has already said that whether it is Mitarashi Mukuro or Unohana Retsu… it is Gotei is a defector of the 13th squad! As long as the old man is the captain of the 13th Gotei squad, then this will always be true. will not change!”

Yamamoto Motoyanagi Saijukoku suddenly rebuked.

Kyoraku Shunsui shut his mouth in an instant, afraid to say anything.


However, Ermeiya Wang Yue raised his eyebrows, and then saw Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni’s missing arm. He said, “Oh…? Since Aizen was killed by this Mitarashi Mukuro. Then it means…you have been defeated, Yamamoto Motoryusai Shigekuni. I really want to see the scene at that time.”

“Shut up to me, Nimaiya Wangyue!” Yamamoto Genryuzai Shigekuni said coldly, “I have already told you about Yuhabach… so please go back now. Jingling Garden will be ours. Guarding 13th Division is here to guard, you should still go back up to guard the safety of the Spirit King Palace. So that the evil party member Harbach will not disturb Master Spirit King’s sleep.”

“You still have such a temper… Yamamoto Shigukoku.” Ichibei Hyōsube said, “But since you have said so, then our zero division will return to the Palace of the Spirit King. As for the guards of the Jingling Court, I will leave it to you. . I hope I can see you again next time… you who are alive!”

After all, Ichibei Hyōsube picked up Tianzhu Nun and ran in the direction of Rukongai.

Although Tianzhuyuan is a mobile tool, it does not have the ability to move on its own…So if you want to return to the Spirit Palace, you must have external forces to push Tianzhuyuan. Just like the Huahe Cannon from the Shiba family!

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