Chapter 822 Latiz is coming

“That… Goku, I’m sorry, I hurt you badly. How about… How about I ask you to have a big meal to apologize for you!?” Bouma said with some unconsciousness.

“Feast!? Good.” Wukong’s eyes suddenly lit up. Suddenly thought of something, he scratched his head embarrassedly, and said, “That… Bouma. Since you are so good, then in the future, can I often come to you to compete.”

“Ah!? No problem.” Bouma was taken aback for a moment, and replied straightforwardly. In the past, Bouma was irritated by Wukong, but there was nothing to do with Wukong. Now that I finally have a chance to vent my anger, how can I disagree! ?

Therefore, Bouma promised so happy.

“Great, Boomer.” Wukong was obviously very happy too.

Mukuro was aside, and he was relieved, finally able to get rid of the trouble of Goku. Therefore, in the following days, the contest between Wukong and Bu Ma will continue unfailingly. Although every time it ends with Wukong being abused.

It has been nearly three years since Mukuro came to Earth in the Dragon Ball universe.

The earth has also spent five years of peace.

In the azure blue sky, a spherical spacecraft is rushing into the earth’s atmosphere at an extremely fast speed, like a crimson Great Fireball, forming a burning trail in the sky. Then it fell to the surface. Like a meteorite, a huge crater was smashed into the ground.

After the smoky smoke gradually dissipated.

The spacecraft slowly opened the door.

Walking out of it was a man wearing the standard uniform of the Frieza Legion, with long hair and a tail behind him.

Monkey King…No, it should be said that it is Kakarot’s brother, Raditz.

Saiyan, the eldest son of Badak.

Like Wukong, he is a lower-level warrior among Saiyans.

Because Vegeta and Napa encountered some difficulties when they captured a planet. So he followed Vegeta’s order and came to Earth to look for his brother, Kakarot, who was sent here when the planet Vegeta was not destroyed.

In fact, this is just an excuse Vegeta said casually.

Vegeta’s purpose is only to bring Goku, the Saiyan who was lost on earth, back, but with Vegeta’s pride, he wouldn’t say so. Thinking about it, it is clear that Vegeta’s normal combat power is 18,000 points, and when she transforms into a great ape, her combat power can soar to 70,000 points. Even Vegeta with such a fighting capacity felt that it was difficult to capture a planet. Why let Raditz, who is less than fourteenth in combat power, look for the help of Kakarot who is not as powerful as his! ? Even the cultivator cultivated by Napa has a combat effectiveness of 1,200 points. It takes a lot of effort to find a companion whose combat effectiveness is not as good as the cultivator’s help?

Does it make sense! ? Of course, it doesn’t make any sense.

So in the final analysis, Vegeta only values ​​the identity of the Kakarote Saiyan. After all, Vegeta is the son of King Vegeta and the prince of the Saiyan clan. Of course he wanted to reproduce the glory of the Saiyan clan.

“Ah, it’s not a meteorite. Huh!?…Who are you!?” The uncle of the nearby farm was attracted by the sound of the spacecraft falling. He happened to see Raditz walking out of the spacecraft, and he couldn’t help but pointed to Raditz with the shotgun in his hand and asked. From his trembling movements, it was obvious that the farm uncle was very panicked.

“How come there are still people alive on this planet. Cut…Kakarot.” Seeing that there are still people alive on the earth, Raditz was a little angry.

“Hey, hello…what are you?” The farmer continued to ask.


Latiz looked at the value displayed on the combat effectiveness tester, and smiled mockingly at the corner of his mouth. At the same time, he said: “The scum with only five combat effectiveness is really a garbage planet.” Then, he walked towards the uncle farm. past.

“Don’t… don’t come over, I… I shot.”


In desperation, the farmer pulled the trigger of the shotgun in his hand.

But the bullet was directly caught by Raditz, and then the thumb was shot. The life of the farm uncle was directly ended by Raditz.

“323 points of combat power, is it Kakarot?”

Raditz flew up quickly. Soon he rushed to the area where he felt the Qi. Looking at the green-skinned piccolo in front of him. Raditz’s face was uncomfortable: “Cut… I’m really disappointed. It’s not Kakarot.”

“Who are you!?” Piccolo looked nervous, showing cold sweat.

He could clearly feel the horror of this mysterious person who suddenly appeared in front of him. It’s definitely not something you can rival.

“It turns out that there is a guy with high combat power like you on this planet. No wonder that guy Kakarot can’t kill you. Forget it… Since I found out. Then let me kill the guy Kakarot. You’re good off.” With that, Raditz raised his arm to launch a shock wave at Piccolo. But at this moment… the combat effectiveness tester that Raditz was carrying began to ring again.

“Huh!? What… how could it be possible!? The combat power value is actually close to one thousand!? Is it the guy Kakarot!?” Raditz was taken aback. After seeing the energy response position marked on the combat effectiveness tester, he flew over, completely ignoring Piccolo. In Raditz’s eyes, a piccolo with more than 300 combat power is just a scum.

But Wukong took his son, Gohan, to the Guixian family.

The Dragon Ball fighters will hold parties from time to time.

“Hello everyone.” Wukong said hello.

Mukuro lying on the side completely ignored the greeting to Goku. After all, basically every week, Mukuro meets Goku several times. Instead, he looked at the turtle immortal on the side and joked: “Hey… old man. I didn’t expect you to enjoy life.” The small island where the turtle immortal lives, the environment is absolutely good, nothing to say, beaches, waves, sunshine, coconuts Trees, villas… everything is complete. The only drawback is that the area is really small.

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