Chapter 873 Heaven and hell

“Ah…You mean he is Bouma’s son!? Isn’t that Mukuro your child? As expected, Mukuro. I didn’t expect your children are older than Gohan. It seems that I have to work hard.” Goku Said with a serious face.

Mukuro clutched his head and said that he was speechless.

Unexpectedly, Wu Tian was born because of himself.

“How is it possible!? How is it possible!? How is it possible!?” Bouma said three times how could it be possible, and her expression was very excited: “How could you be my child!? Who is Vegeta!? That invaded the outside of the earth. Is it a star? I have never seen him. I only love Mukuro. How can I have a child with someone else!?”

“Mom…” Trunks just wanted to speak.

But as soon as he spoke, he was suddenly startled. I just feel like my throat is being shackled by an invisible palm. No matter how angry and hard you are, you can’t get rid of it. After a while, his face was flushed.

At this time, Mukuro said indifferently:

“What I just said, have you forgotten? Although in your world, Bouma is your mother. But in this world, Bouma is my wife. The world you live in is two different from this world It’s a completely different world. So… don’t bark. Otherwise, it will kill you. Also, I don’t want to have an extra son.”

The future world of the Dragon Ball world and the world where the main story of the Dragon Ball world takes place are two completely different worlds. If it is really the future world, then after Goku is cured of viral heart disease by the special medicine brought by Trunks, the future world should be gone. But it still exists, which means that these are two completely different worlds.

It’s just that there is a mirror image relationship between these two worlds, just like the relationship between the main world and the dragon vein world in Hokage. It’s just that the history of history began to drift gradually after the emergence of artificial humans on earth, otherwise it would be impossible to explain the existence of two kings.

The King is an omniscient and omnipotent existence in the entire universe.

The supreme rulers of the twelve universes.

This existence in itself represents the master of the origin of the world. In any world, whether it is the future, the present, or the future, there is only one source of the world. Therefore, the owner of the origin of the world can only be one person.

In this regard, Mukuro, who controls the origin of the four worlds, knows better than anyone.

Therefore, there is a king in the Dragon Ball world and the future world.

It can already be said that the Dragon Ball world and the future world are not the same world.

After Mukuro finished speaking, he waved his hand. Controlling the repulsive force, he threw Trunks aside. At the same time, he looked at Bouma who was worried, smiled, and said, “Don’t worry, you are my wife. No one can snatch you from me, and I will never let you get snatched. “While speaking, Mukuro raised his hand and scratched Buma’s nose.

“As for the Boomer of the future world…just looks similar to you.”

“En…Okay.” Bouma’s voice was faint, and her face flushed slightly. Mukuro actually called himself his wife. Really, obviously there is no proposal like me. By the way, three months later, life is good, suitable for marriage. And… Bayati Island is pretty good, suitable for honeymoon. And what is the name of the baby if you have a baby in the future, will Mukuro dislike girls? Will the child hire a private teacher or go to school in the future?

At this time, in Bouma’s mind, he had already begun to imagine without boundaries.

And Trunks, who was left aside by Mukuro, had already lifted his Super Saiyan status at this moment. Panting heavily, looking at Mukuro’s eyes full of fear.

That’s amazing, this man is so amazing.

Without any movement of his body, he could completely confine himself.

And the power that he exudes when he talks to himself makes him feel like falling into an ice cave. This feeling, even the two artificial humans who are about to destroy the world, have never brought such a feeling to themselves.

The person in front of him… is even more terrifying than a human being.

Perhaps, he can help himself become stronger.

Thinking of this, Trunks’ eyes lit up, struggling to get up.

“…” Opening his mouth, Trunks just wanted to talk…

But Mukuro directly interrupted: “Needless to say, I know what you want to say. You want to become stronger and kill the humanoids that will wreak havoc in your future world.”

“You…you know!?” Trunks was even more surprised.

But this time he learned to be smart and didn’t ask why. Instead, he knelt directly in front of Mukuro and pleaded: “Mr. Mukuro, please teach me how to become stronger.”

“Is it stronger? I can really help you become stronger… strong enough to defeat the cyborgs.” Trunks’ face was beaming with joy when he heard Mukuro’s words. But Mukuro’s conversation suddenly changed: “But, why should I help you become stronger!? Give me a reason to persuade me.” Looking at Trunks, Mukuro’s face showed a look of interest.

“I…” Trunks opened his mouth, but couldn’t say a word.

Although he was full of anger, the cyborg destroyed his own world again.

But this is not a reason, and Mukuro is not obliged to help himself become stronger. Thinking of this, Trunks became slumped and said weakly, “No.”

Trunks lost the luster in his eyes.

Take the time machine by yourself and come to this world. Carrying all the hopes of a world. Just to bring back the way to save the world, I didn’t expect…

Unexpectedly, in the end…

I hope to be in front of myself, but I can’t grasp it with 5.0.

“It seems that you are quite self-aware.” Mukuro said suddenly.

Then he continued: “Originally, if you dare to talk about anything in front of me, I will never get rid of you. However, boy… your current attitude suits my appetite. I can help you become stronger and thus Conquer those two cyborgs.”

“Really…really!?” There was hope in Trunks’s eyes.

“Of course it is true. If you don’t want to, then you can.” Mukuro shrugged and said.

“Yes, I do!” Trunks nodded frantically.

What is heaven and what is hell.

For Trunks, it was just hell, but now it is heaven.

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