Chapter 878 Yamu Tea

“Check for no fault, on the 20th, I also got the same signal. It is far beyond the limit of human beings! Could it be that I found him so soon… Monkey King.” An excited expression appeared on the face of the 19th. Dr. Rogge made it. His only mission was to kill Monkey King and avenge the Red Silk Army. He looked excited at this moment.

“It feels right around here…” Ya Mucha arrived cautiously.

“!!!” He saw the tragic death of the young yellow-haired young man.

“Huh!? Strange!? Why is there no one.” No human beings were seen.

The two artificial humans on the 20th and the 19th are floating in the air. Because they are artificial humans, and the essence of Qi is the breath of life, the artificial humans do not have a breath of air.

“He is not Monkey King…different from our information. Ninety-six percent of them may be a guy named Yamucha.” Analysis on the 19th.

“No matter who he is, we can absorb a lot of energy by killing him.” Dr. Rogge said: “The only thing to pay attention to is the Saiyan named Mukuro. I released countless miniature robots and never collected any of his Gene. But as long as we absorb enough energy, we don’t have to be afraid of anyone, let alone the 17th and the 18th.”

A lot of information is recorded in the artificial human database. Dr. Rogge collected the information and genes of all Dragon Ball warriors on the earth using the micro-robots he manufactured. But the only thing that disappointed Dr. Rogge was that he didn’t collect Mukuro’s genes. Whether it was hair or skin debris, the soldier named Mukuro seemed to have never lost it.

Quietly, the two fell behind Ya Mucha.

The slight sound of footsteps finally alarmed Yamucha, turned around and looked at the two artificial people, Yamucha asked, “Did you two see those two innocent bastards!” I didn’t realize it at all. The two people standing in front of them are human beings.

“We are.” Dr. Rogge said.

Then Yamucha didn’t have time to react at all, so Dr. Rogge covered her mouth.

“Uuu…uuu.” Yamucha’s face burst into blue veins. He raised his hand and took away the arm that Dr. Rogge was covering his mouth, but suddenly realized… that he couldn’t use any strength at all. My eyes widened: “I… my energy.”

At this moment, Dr. Rogge pierced Yamucha’s chest with his other hand.

Dr. Rogge took out his hand and threw Yamucha aside.

In Dr. Rogge’s eyes, Yamu Tea, which has lost energy, has no value. Dr. Rogge doesn’t even bother to waste this power even if he squeezes his head.

“Who would it be!? A strong breath is weakening.” Tianjin Fan secretly said.

“Is it… Yamucha!?” Klin knew better than anyone about Yamucha’s anger. Naturally, it was recognized in the first place.

“They appeared!!” All the Dragon Ball fighters shot away.

Naturally, Mukuro couldn’t continue paddling happily, following Goku’s back. In just a few seconds, six people appeared in front of the cyborgs.

“Yamucha!?” Wukong naturally saw Yamucha who was seriously injured and dying: “Yamucha can be saved! Kelin, give him fairy beans.”

“Ming…understand,” Klin said.

Seeing the cyborg standing in front of him, Klin was naturally a little nervous. I ran over and fed Yamucha a fairy bean, and Yamucha soon recovered. Except for a big hole in his clothes, he couldn’t see any serious injuries.

“You are cyborgs!? I have found you.” Piccolo said.

“En!?” Dr. Rogge’s expression was a little surprised. “Strange!? How did they know our identity!? And… they are sure we will be here. I’m curious…Can you tell us why?” The last sentence was obviously asking Bick.

“Then ask on the basis of skill.” Piccolo said coldly.

“Okay! Just do it.” Roger smiled confidently.

“Hey! Wait a minute. Fighting here will hurt the innocent. Let’s fight in a place where there is no one. How about it!?” Wukong asked…

For Wukong’s innocence, Mukuro is really speechless.

“A place where there is no one? Yes. But we don’t need to move the place.” Dr. Rogge finished. Before the Dragon Ball fighter could react, his eyes suddenly shot two red lasers. Passing through Wukong’s side and shooting at the center of the town.

“Boom…Boom!” The entire town was instantly destroyed.

“Stop it!!” Wukong hit Dr. Rogge’s face with a punch. He knocked off his hat on the ground. The brain covered in a transparent container can be seen. It looks extremely disgusting and weird. However, Dr. Rogge did not feel any pain. He picked up the hat from the ground and put it on his head again, and said:

“I just made a place with no people, but it seems you don’t like it.”

“Asshole!!!” Wukong was a little angry.

“You come with me, I want to destroy you two!!!”

“It’s impossible.” No. 19 said, directly vetoing it.

“Well, I promise you.” Dr. Rogge said suddenly: “Let you choose the place of death… Monkey King.”

“En!?” Wukong’s face was full of astonishment.

“They…know Wukong’s name.” Tianjin Fan was also stunned.

“5.8 We also know your names… You are Piccolo, Tianjin Fan, Kelin… Yamucha and Mukuro! Right.” Dr. Rogge looked around. Then they called them one by one. When talking about Mukuro, the tone seems to be a little different.

“Let’s ask later, let’s go.” Wukong said coldly.

Then flew directly to the remote island, followed by the 20th and the 19th.

At this time, Yamucha, who had just recovered, suddenly changed his face. The expression suddenly yelled out nervously: “Oops! I just forgot to say… Those two cyborgs can absorb the energy of others, so I have to tell Wukong as soon as possible.”

“What? Yamu tea, they can absorb energy!?” Klin was surprised.

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