Naruto God-level System

Chapter 626: Emergence of the Harpy

"What are you going to do!" Sylvanas was immediately annoyed. She was a general and also a woman. Now she was grabbed by an unfamiliar man by her arm. She was naturally annoyed and was about to punch Ye Liang to death.

But Ye Liang moved forward a little bit. After he avoided Sylvanas' fist, he took advantage of the situation and took Sylvanas who was attacking forward.

In a shaking, Sylvanas' bow and arrow disappeared.

Only then did Sylvanas understand that Ye Liang didn't intend to be frivolous about her, but just wanted her bow.

"What do you want, this eagle girl is not only because of her claws, she is also extremely fast, if I am not too focused on the hit rate, and I will not be weak in terms of strength, I will slow down a little."

"You are showing weakness! You really missed it!" Ye Liang was too lazy to explain to Sylvanas, he aimed his bow and arrow at the eagle girl.

But the eagle girl in the sky didn't take him seriously!

Seeing Ye Liang shoot an arrow, he actually flew closer to him contemptuously, which immediately annoyed the elves.

"Can you do it!" Seeing Ye Liang aim for a long time, the elves became annoyed. Following this trend, in less than half a minute, the harpy will take the queen away from this place. If Ye Liang is holding the bow and still can't shoot, they might vent their anger on Ye Liang.

"What are you in a hurry?" Ye Liang muttered. Of course his arrow skills are not good! Can't stand it because he has a plug-in! In the lock of the blood wheel eye, any trajectory can be clearly seen by him.

At this time, after using the most original power, Ye Liang found that the harpy in front of him was gesticulating slowly! He is confident, as long as the arrow is released, this mocking eagle girl will soon pierce his heart!

But he didn't plan to do that.

Now that he was born unfamiliar, Ye Liang was also in a place where he didn't know anyone. Because he didn't know the form, he didn't intend to offend anyone. If he helped the elves kill a few harpies today, then he might have no other way.

But if this harpy is so powerful and offends their self, wouldn't there be no other way? In addition, if this elven clan is still a small clan, wouldn't those who help her want to help this small clan on a rope?

Ye Liang understood this, so the arrow aimed at the harpy's claw!

This claw is the claw King Luo, as long as Ye Liang can loosen the claw, then the fairy queen will naturally be thrown off the Luo net. He was showing off a little bit, and the Harpy would probably know that he didn't kill them on purpose.

In doing so, both sides are pleased, saving the Elf Queen and selling the Harpy's face. Definitely a good way to score 100 points

Ye Liang shot the arrow out!

Sure enough, the arrow aimed at the claws of the harpy as soon as it flew out, and he wiped the net, not only saving the queen of the elves, but also shot the claws of the harpy, exactly as planned!

Except for one difference.

Ye Liang originally planned to shoot the claw and then let the net fall, but the arrow was indeed so arrogant that it flew past its side just as it brushed the claw.

That's right!

The arrow actually fell through.

Ye Liang: "..."

Sylvanas: "..."

Passerby: "This product is definitely intentional!"

Everyone saw the strength of Ye Liang's arrow!

If someone said that such a turbulent arrow would miss it, no one would believe it. Because the arrogant harpy didn't dodge at all.

If someone said that such a turbulent arrow would be a blind aim, no one would believe it. Because this confident Ye Liang completely exposed his accuracy!

Enveloping the turbulent pupil power throughout, this kind of arrow is absolutely impossible to shoot crookedly, unless Ye Liang deliberately!

"You bastard, you are deliberately dragging our time!" The elves are all masters of archery. They naturally saw that Ye Liang's arrow was deliberately missed, and they immediately clenched their fists!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ye Liang had to say haha: "It's careless! Really careless!" He laughed, and immediately chased into the distance.

Not long.

The two came to a cliff top.

This is the cliff that Ye Liang passed through when he first came. He was originally looking for a way out, but who knew that he had turned back now.

"I remember that there is a flood dragon and a gorilla guarding it. We should leave this one as soon as the harpy is not here." Ye Liang said along with Sylvanas.

Because the two ran fast, the guards who were just miscellaneous soldiers were naturally thrown out by the two.

"No! It must be here!" Sylvanas said firmly. She came to the edge of the cliff and looked down a little, an expression of anger immediately appeared on her face.

"Just below!"

I saw that on this towering cliff, the Elf Queen who was taken away was hung on the cliff's tree branches, her mouth was blocked, and her hands and feet were also helped by a kind of thorny thorns.

At this time, the blood was flowing into the sea water drop by drop.

"What are they doing?" Ye Liang didn't understand. If this harpy is a deadly enemy of the Elf race, it is enough to kill the Elf Queen directly, but now he is tied to the cliff to drip blood, which is a bit too unkind!

"Could it be that the elves and the harpy are still too deep to be enemies?"

In the midst of doubt, the sea suddenly surged. Sylvanas looked at the turbulent sea water, and immediately frowned: "It's a sacrifice!"

"Sacrifice?" Ye Liang looked at Sylvanas.

Sylvanas condensed her expression: "That's right! Our elves and the harpy have been fighting for the ownership of the world tree. To be honest, just three years ago, the world tree was still a hawk. Human territory, but now it is occupied by our elves. It's strange that they don't hate us!"

"What I said, UU reading, no wonder these people arrested your queen and didn't kill them, and now they still tie her to the tree trunk by the cliff. If not, it might feel like a pervert. By the way, you What do the sacrifices mentioned earlier mean?"

"They are perverts!" Sylvanas suddenly shouted. Her teeth were shaking, and she even heard a sound: "They want to sacrifice our queen to their gods. I am afraid that the thorns will formally attract the conditions for the appearance of the gods!"

"What! There are gods in this world?!" Ye Liang was surprised.

Sylvanas shook her head: "This is what I'm talking about perverted. As we all know, there is no **** in this world. For all unexplainable reasons, it's just that other people's civilization crushes you. It's like a god.

But this harpy is different!

They are really very stupid!

We have fought with Harpy for so many years, and found that they do not have too high IQ, but their physical fitness is extremely strong, although stupid but powerful bodies barely maintain this situation. "Latest URL:

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