Naruto God-level System

Chapter 661: Powerful control ability


The huge statue of Liberty completely collapsed in the panic eyes of the ancestor of the vampire! The bottom of her was blown up by the detonating talisman of the mutual multiplication, and her whole body was like a fallen old woman, without a trace of suspense.

"This is impossible! My ability to control objects should have wiped out your spells, why is there such an effect!" The ancestor of the vampire couldn't accept this fact at all, he yelled, his anger has reached high |Tide!

"Because you can't confine space!" Ye Liang said coldly. His multiplicative detonating talisman is a trick combined with space power. After the detonating talisman disappears, the space originally hidden in the dark plane will explode in a chain due to the disappearance of the detonating talisman!

Unless the selected target disappears, the detonation talisman hidden in the dark plane will not stop blasting!

Only then did the vampire understand what was going on!

Annoyed into anger, he rushed to Ye Liang desperately. But the latter used the power of Flying Thunder God and had already left here. He hides the God of Flying Thunder and Kuwu in the others.

Now the situation is critical, so he left naturally desperately. The other people also disappeared here because they ran away long ago.

on the other hand.

After Godzilla had settled the battle, the three monkeys also caused a bitter battle. They are all people brought by Brother Orangutan, it can be said that they are related households who came over because of the relationship, and their strength is naturally worse.

In addition to the vigor behind the monkey, he also has some fist and foot ability. This head-on head-on is naturally no better than those vampire creatures, which jumped up and down one after another.

It wasn't until the breath gradually became disordered that he found a cover to hide.

"What's the matter, isn't it supposed to be a lurking action! Why are these dark creatures aware of our movements? These vampires in black robes are too powerful!"

They were talking about the true ancestor of vampires who were slightly weaker.

The true ancestor of the vampire who came here was the worst youngest among the brothers. Of course, even the worst true ancestor of vampires is not comparable to these no-brained beast elites.

Even if they are close relatives of humans with their feet facing the ground.

"No! They dare to come!" A monkey had just finished resting, and the shadow of the true ancestor of the vampire should have come to it. With a slight raise of his hand, the monkey directly separated his head.

The rest of the monkeys were stunned!

"The third brother!"

"Three brothers!"

The remaining monkeys broke the biological limitations and directly changed back to their previous appearances. Their bodies were huge, not only sensitive, but also extremely powerful.

After all, it is a super monster of forty to fifty meters. As long as it is in this posture, the real ancestor of the vampire really can't seconds him. But this mentality also caused the rest of the trouble.

For example, those little vampires who have been patrolling outside, they hadn't noticed the monkeys. Now that they see this situation, they naturally all gather here. Within a moment, at least hundreds of little vampires gathered here!

They all rushed forward, and a monkey who was still angry was directly sucked into a monkey by these little vampires!

There is only one monkey left!

"No! I can't die! I don't want to die here! I'm still waiting to leave here with the boss, and go to the outer human world together!" It took a detonating talisman, and rushed to a holy land in tears!

It doesn't want to die!

But it is even more afraid of not completing the task!

Several brothers have left their lives here. If it can't even do such a small thing, what face is there to see the dead brother!

The monkey slammed into the Holy Land!


The detonating talisman exploded instantly under the impact, and the monkey used its tall body to cover the detonating talisman and stay in the middle of the holy land. With the flames surpassing the building, this sacred Notre Dame Cathedral was completely shattered in the explosion!

A white light rushed to the sky!

Ye Liang is here.

After he left the Statue of Liberty, he came to Brother Orangutan. Unexpectedly, the battle here is even more difficult. Brother Gorilla actually gathered three true ancestors of vampires here!

That's right!

The dark creatures in the entire Dark City actually gathered half here.

"Ye Liang, come and help me!" Seeing a flash of light nearby, the orangutan brother naturally knew that Ye Liang was here. He also saw Godzilla destroying a holy place, and because of this, he fought desperately. right now.

The cadres here, in addition to the gorilla brother, also his younger brother is strengthening! The two brothers were back to back, and apart from injuries to various parts of their bodies, they also broke one hand together.

At this time, he was dealing with the rest of the vampires with only one severed hand.

Hearing the gorilla brother's request for help, Ye Liang flew directly to the real ancestor of the vampire in the sky. He doesn't talk nonsense, the current ancestor is running away, and the rest of the situation is unknown. These three true ancestors should be the last forces.

As long as these guys are dealt with, the power of the vampire will be greatly weakened. If it is time to join forces to fight the ancestor, there is no problem.

Seeing Ye Liang push up.

The gorilla brother hurriedly reminded below: "Be careful of your paws! These true ancestors have extremely sharp claws!"

'paw? ’

Ye Liang was taken aback.

Then he saw his arm stand out. It was just like a sudden break, he immediately understood what was going on!

"Create regeneration!"

Ye Liang's Yin seal appeared. He loaded the instantaneous technique and moved completely in the sky. At this time, UU reading's open wound also began to heal. The real ancestors of vampires who were as fast as phantoms also appeared in his eyes.

"It turns out that these guys can only wound people out of thin air with the help of the airflow!" Through observation, Ye Liang also discovered the attack methods of these vampires.

While waving their palms, those surrounding airflow seemed to be condensed into thin lines by these guys. Although it is soft, it will become extremely sharp as long as the force is poured into it.

Just like the dragon's whisker needle in Douluo Continent, it is obviously soft, but it can be taut, but it is so strong. These vampires did it through the airflow!

"This is an ingenious use of the object control technique!" Ye Liang was clear. He used Wanxiang Tianyin to pull back his arm and pressed it a little bit to heal the severed hand.

Next, facing the true ancestor, I was a little more wary.

"Ye Liang, what should I do now?" asked the gorilla brother.

"Strong kill!"

Ye Liang roared.

Although this kind of vampire moves amazingly, it may not have no solution. He shook his body directly, and the surrounding airflow began to become cold.

Ice power!

Ye Liang inherited the power of The Kingdom of Withered Night, and now all of it is used, which can naturally change the surrounding environment. The ice power of the Withered Night Kingdom can freeze everything, not to mention this little beast **** cemetery!


The strong ice gas spread to the entire area, especially the true ancestor who was targeted, also slowly slowed down. ??


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