Although Shimura Gensuke was a little caught off guard by the Storm Release laser beam attack, he was not hurt by the wind armor.

After brushing off the non-existent dust on his clothes, Shimura Gensuke set his sights on the elite jonins rushing towards him.


Shimura Gensuke reacted quickly. He narrowed his eyes and took out a kunai, blocking the attack of an elite jonin. Then he quickly formed a seal and turned his head:"Wind Release: Vacuum Wave!"

Yu Yi Zheng Fang rushed to him in the blink of an eye:"Storm Release: Aurora Slash!"


A great war has begun!

All Genin and Jonin have joined the battlefield.


The elite jonin at the front was full of anger, his eyes almost popped out, and he roared as he collided with the enemy.


Blades collided, sparks flew!

As the elite jonin at the front fought, the jonin, chunin, and genin behind them joined the battlefield, and a fierce fight broke out in this area in an instant.

"Everyone, take care of each other, don't leave me too far to fight alone!"

Yuyi Qianhan rushed to the battlefield with a group of teenagers, and shouted at the same time.

Since these teenagers chose to believe in him and stayed on the battlefield, he would try his best to ensure that these teenagers would not die in this war.

And with Yuyi Qianhan's current strength, coupled with the space ninjutsu such as ice jump, Yuyi Qianhan is sure that they will not suffer too much loss.

""Haha, I don't need your protection!"

Yugorei Teruya laughed loudly, raised his hand to form a seal and used ninjutsu.

Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!

Yugorei Meifei said seriously:"Water Style: Water Cannonball!"

Fist-sized water balls gathered around Yugorei Meifei, and then flew out quickly. Several Sarutobi

Genin were instantly knocked to the ground.

Swish, swish, swish...

The other young men acted decisively and cooperated with Yugorei Meifei to throw shurikens, directly solving the fallen Genin.

Seeing that all the tribesmen had started to kill the enemy, Yugorei Chihan was not vague and directly took out two shuriken.

Wind Style: Shuriken Technique!

Yugorei Chihan used the chicken-killing technique again, and the shuriken was wrapped with a wind blade with a diameter of one meter, and it flew out quickly.

Several Sarutobi ninjas were unable to react in time and were directly cut off from the waist, falling to the ground, wailing in pain.

The view was pulled to the sky above the battlefield.

Boom boom……



Lightning Escape……


""Hahahaha! Go to hell!"

The battlefield was filled with killing and swordplay.

The coalition forces of the three tribes had been attacking Yuyi for a month, and now it was finally time to reap the rewards. Each of them was excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood, performing ninjutsu and wielding swords.

The Yuyi clan was facing a desperate situation. Each of them had a crazy look on their face, and they looked like they didn't care about their lives. They roared and exchanged injuries and lives with the enemy.


A Shimura ninja excitedly stabbed the katana into the stomach of the Yuyi ninja.

But this Yuyi ninja seemed to feel no pain. He grabbed the Shimura ninja's right wrist holding the knife with a crazy look on his face:"Hahahaha... despicable Shimura hyena, go to hell with me!"

"no no……"

"You lunatic, let me go!"

"Get lost……"

Shimura looked at the burning detonating tag in the hands of the Hagoromo ninja with horror, and took out a kunai with his left hand, and slashed at the Hagoromo ninja non-stop as if he had gone mad.

"Hehe... despicable Shimura, now he is worthy of dying with me, it really disgraces my Yuyi clan.……"


What happened here was just the tip of the iceberg on the battlefield.

Faced with the crisis of genocide, every member of the Yuyi tribe went crazy.

They held the idea that killing one would make back their investment, and killing two would be a profit, and they didn't care whether they would be injured or not, and just attacked the enemy madly.

Once they were faced with a situation where they were sure to die, they would activate the detonating tags on their bodies and pounce on the enemy, wanting to take someone with them before they died. With this desperate posture, the Yuyi, who was originally at a disadvantage, managed to stabilize the situation for a while.

However, this kind of victory achieved by relying on solitary courage could not be maintained for long.


Suddenly, Yuyi Teruya flew out, holding his chest. Yuyi Qianhan, who had been paying attention to the dozen or so young men, quickly used the instant body technique to catch him.

"cough cough……"

Yuyi Teruyan covered his chest and coughed a few times, with a trace of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth:"This guy is so strong!"

Yuyi Qianhan followed Yuyi Teruyan's gaze and looked at

"This guy is... Sarutobi Sasuke?"

Yugi Teruya stood firm and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the corner of his sleeve:"Do you know him?"

Yugi Chihan nodded:"I met him when I was retreating back to the clan from the Senju battlefield a month ago. He is the young patriarch of the Sarutobi clan and has something in his hand."

"No wonder……"Hagoromo Teruiwa understood a little.

He turned out to be the young patriarch of the Sarutobi clan.

However, a young patriarch of a second-rate ninja clan was actually stronger than himself. He was really too weak.

"All right, I'll deal with him. This guy teamed up with the sixth son of the Shimura family to trick me last time, so today is a good time to settle the score with him!"

Hagoromo Teruya nodded, and without showing off, he turned around to deal with other enemies.

"It's you?!" Sarutobi Sasuke also noticed Hagoromo Chihan at this time.

The last time he and Shimura Itachi fought against Hagoromo Chihan, he was very impressed by this young man from the Hagoromo family. He didn't expect to meet him again today.

Hagoromo Chihan looked at him and sneered twice:"Haha, without that old six to help you this time, I wonder how you will survive!" As soon as the voice fell, Hagoromo Chihan directly formed a seal: Ice Release: Tiger Attack!


An ice tiger roared and rushed directly towards Sarutobi Sasuke

"Earth Style: Rock Stealing Stick!"

Sarutobi Sasuke formed a seal and created a rock stick to smash the ice tiger.


The rock stick broke, the ice tiger's head was smashed, and the remaining ice tiger's body continued to crash into Sarutobi Sasuke's body.


Sarutobi Sasuke was knocked away, and after turning twice in the air, he rolled to the ground with a look of pain on his face.

Wind Style: Wind God's Sword!

Yugoriko Chihan formed a seal and holding the Wind God's Sword, he killed Sarutobi Sasuke directly.

After rolling on the ground twice, Sarutobi Sasuke also reacted quickly and stood up and formed a seal:"Earth Style: Rock Flying Missile! Fire Style: Flower Claw Fire!"

"Composite Ninjutsu: Flying Fire Meteor!"

After performing the ninjutsu, Sarutobi Sasuke showed a bit of pride at the corner of his mouth.

You never thought, Hagoromo Chihan, I have already learned my father's composite ninjutsu!


Looking at the fire bomb flying towards her, Yugorichi Chihan was a little surprised. She didn't expect Sarutobi Sasuke to master compound ninjutsu at this age. As expected of a clan leader in the future, he is really good.



Yugorichi Chihan swung the Wind God Sword and split the flying earth bomb wrapped in fire in a few strokes.


Seeing that his compound ninjutsu was so easily resolved by Yugoriko Chihan, Sarutobi Sasuke was shocked.

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