Yuri Toyama looked at Yuri Chihan expressionlessly.

This is the side effect of Yuri's secret technique. After using it, a person's facial expressions will gradually be stripped away, followed by their expressions, and finally even their emotions will be stripped away.

Fortunately, Yuri Toyama did not use the secret technique for a long time, and only lost his facial expressions.

After hearing Yuri Chihan calling him, Yuri Toyama's eyes were full of expectations:"Young Clan Leader, you must complete the task and protect the safety of our Yuri clan!"

Yuri Chihan's eyes were a little sour:"Don't worry, I will definitely make the Yuri clan strong!"

"Hehe...Young Patriarch, I believe you……"

As soon as he finished speaking, Hagoromo Toyama's eyes lost their luster, and the side effects of his ascension to immortality fully emerged.

As the chakra in Hagoromo Toyama's body disappeared, Hagoromo Toyama's body gradually decayed. In just less than ten seconds, it had turned into a pile of gray-white dust.

Hagoromo Chihan took out a sealing scroll and sealed the dust left by Hagoromo Toyama.

Hagoromo Terugawa and the other two had stood beside Hagoromo Chihan without him knowing when.

Hagoromo Chihan stood up and clenched his fists tightly:"Execute the mission!" As soon as he finished speaking, Hagoromo Terugawa and the other two followed Hagoromo Chihan into the gate.

There are three large warehouses in the courtyard. According to the information obtained by Hagoromo Toyama, the warehouses are divided into two floors.

The upper floor is filled with armor, swords, kunai, shuriken and other equipment, while the lower floor is used to store food, herbs and other supplies.

As for the detonating talisman, it exists alone on the lower floor of the northern warehouse.

"Let's go, destroy all the supplies!"Yuyi Qianhan walked towards the warehouse in front.

The remaining three people separated and went to destroy the supplies in the other two warehouses.



In the night sky, in the Sarutobi clan territory, flames shot up into the sky, and the sound of explosions could not be calmed down for a long time.

Even though Yuyi Qianhan and the other three were standing at the edge of the Sarutobi clan territory, they could still feel the strong tremor coming from the ground.

"This scene is really shocking!"

Yuyi Qianhan looked at the red beam of light rising into the sky and couldn't help but sigh.

Fortunately, the warehouse of the Sarutobi clan was protected by a barrier, otherwise, if such a large number of detonating tags exploded, the entire Sarutobi clan would be blown up.

"Alas, it's a pity that such a powerful detonating tag was blocked by the barrier and did not explode in the Sarutobi clan's territory."

Looking at the barrier that was faintly emerging, Yugoriko shook his head.

Yugoriko Mingfei next to him was calm:"If there was no barrier, we would not be able to destroy these supplies.

You know, if so many detonating tags exploded in the Sarutobi clan's territory without restraint, then the number of people who can survive in the entire Sarutobi clan's territory will definitely not exceed one hand.

By then, once the Sarutobi clan on the front battlefield knew the news of the Sarutobi clan's territory, they would go crazy.

Think about it, if it were you, you were killing the enemy on the front line, but your enemy blew up your nest to the sky, and there was not even a corpse left for your family members in the clan's territory, what would you do?"

Yugoriko's eyes widened instantly:"I'll fucking kill him!"

Yuyi Mingfei spread his hands:"That's it, once we really do that, the Sarutobi clan on the battlefield will have to fight us to the death, and then we will really die together with them."

Yuyi Qianhan listened to Yuyi Mingfei's explanation silently on the side without saying anything.

It's not that he agrees with Yuyi Mingfei, but he has never thought about this problem at all.

Damn it, now after hearing what Yuyi Mingfei said, he finally reacted.

Yes, if he really blew up the Sarutobi clan's clan territory, then the Sarutobi clan on the battlefield would probably fight the Yuyi clan directly. The Yuyi clan was already extremely weak, and if the Sarutobi clan came up to fight again, the consequences...


I can't think about it anymore.


Yuyi Mingfei said, turning his gaze to Yuyi Qianhan:"I admire the young clan leader the most. I only thought of this after I left the Sarutobi clan, but the young clan leader actually thought of it when he took action. He is worthy of being the young clan leader!"

Hearing this, Yuyi Qianhan felt a little embarrassed.

However, he was also thick-skinned. After being embarrassed for less than two seconds, he laughed:"Haha, learn from me"

"However, the scene in the Sarutobi clan's territory reminds me of a sentence."Hagoromo Chihan turned his gaze to the Hagoromo clan's territory.

Hagoromo Mingfei asked,"What did you say?"

Hagoromo Chihan grinned and slowly opened his arms:"Art - is explosion!"

Hagoromo Mingfei was stunned for a moment, looking at the barrier in the Sarutobi clan's territory that was still blocking the explosion:"It seems that there is indeed some artistic atmosphere."

Hagoromo Teruyan curled his lips:"What art is it, it's just explosion, let me write a poem for you!"

Hagoromo Chihan looked at Hagoromo Teruyan in surprise, this guy can also write poetry?

Hagoromo Teruyan cleared his throat:"Ah~"

Hagoromo Chihan nodded, although this sound was a bit coquettish, but some modern poems started like this.

If you want to blame someone, you can only blame Hagoromo Teruyan's voice for not being serious.

Hagoromo Teruyan stared at the exploding light column in front of him, and suddenly grinned:"The Sarutobi clan's territory~, it fucking exploded!"

Hagoromo Chihan:"……"

What on earth am I expecting?

Hagoromo Teruigawa's speech was short, and he ended just like that. Then he turned his head and looked at Hagoromo Chihan and the other two:"What do you think? Am I awesome?"

Hagoromo Chihan's mouth twitched, and he clapped perfunctorily:"Awesome, great poem, great poem."

Hagoromo Mingfei didn't know what to say, so he could only smile awkwardly.

After Hagoromo Teruigawa's commotion, the four people's grief over Hagoromo Toyama's sacrifice was alleviated a little.

Afterwards, Hagoromo Chihan and the other three sat under a tree, chatting here and there, and occasionally glancing at the situation of the Sarutobi clan.

About half an hour passed.


Yuyi Qianhan whispered, and the four of them hid in the tree instantly.

‘Finally there is action……’Yugorichi Chihan muttered secretly in his heart.

They are not just chatting here because they have nothing to do.

The purpose of their waiting here is to make sure that someone from the Sarutobi clan can send the situation of the Sarutobi clan to the battlefield.

Otherwise, if no one sends the news, then Yugorichi Chihan's attack on the Sarutobi clan's territory would be in vain. Swish, swish, swish!

The three Sarutobi Chunins looked anxious and rushed directly to the east.

At the same time, several ninja pigeons also flew out from the Sarutobi clan's territory.

A few seconds later, four people appeared under the tree.

"It seems that the Sarutobi clan can no longer use the psychic technique to inform the front line of the news."Yuyi Qianhan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that someone in the Sarutobi clan could communicate with the monkey demon and directly inform the front line of the news of the Sarutobi clan.

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