Naruto: Intelligence from Uchiha

Chapter 257 Breaking the Seal

The Great Toad Immortal of Mount Miaomu once predicted that there would be a person who would bring about changes in the ninja world in the future, and that person would be a disciple of Master Jiraiya.

At this moment, the Sage of the Six Paths also left a prophecy for the Tailed Beast.

A boy with blond hair and blue eyes playing with a tailed beast.

But Naruto is not Jiraiya's teacher's disciple...

Speaking of which, Mr. Jiraiya once thought that the savior would be himself, and combined with the information given to Kyuubi by the Sage of the Six Paths, there is something in line.

But for the tail beast...

Minato glanced at Little Nine Tails, although after the little thing followed Yun, the image did change.

But if it's fun... how is it possible?

After thinking for a while, Minato asked: "Uchiha Madara revived the ten tails, what is the specific situation? This time... Uzumaki Sora let you see the future?"

Xiao Jiuwei was stunned, scratched his head and replied: "According to the information that suddenly appeared in his mind, that realistic phantom should really be a fragment of the future. Uchiha Madara has the same reincarnation eyes as the old man. These eyes are psychic out of heretic golems."

"The heretic golem is the body of the ten-tails. At the beginning, the old man was the ten-tailed jinchuriki, and finally created us and divided the ten-tailed chakra."

"Now if we want to revive the real ten-tailed beasts, we need to absorb the chakras of our nine-tailed beasts."

Speaking of Xiao Jiuwei sitting on the coffee table: "Although it is a bit embarrassing, but in fact the picture we saw... that Uchiha Madara knocked down all the nine tailed beasts in just a few seconds, and then Put on the shackles and be directly absorbed and sealed."

"This kind of power...I'm afraid even the current Boss Yun may not be able to resist it."

Yun frowned slightly.

The round tomb side prison is indeed the ability of Madara Samsara's eyes, but his current eyes still stay at the pupil power of the eternal eyes.

Can't compare?

Coupled with the ability of the secret scroll and the eight-door dunjia, perhaps it is not certain who wins or loses.

And... it's almost there.

"Hokage-sama, I think maybe Shikajiu can analyze it. Although the second point about the prophecy is important, how to deal with the position of the first point is the top priority."

Yun said and looked at Minato: "As a member of the Akatsuki organization, I am limited by the rules of the trading space to reveal the organization's home base, but it should be possible to transfer after leaving the space."

After the words fell, Minato nodded: "That's true, then go to the Hokage Building, after all, this is not a place to talk about things."

Kushina and Naruto on the side were a little worried.

As the previous Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, at this moment, Kushina regretted sealing Nine-Tails into Naruto's body.

Perfect Jinchuriki hasn't seen it yet, but the enemy who hit Kyuubi's attention is terrifyingly strong.

Uchiha Madara, will such an existence be resurrected?

"Don't worry, I'll be back when I'm done."

Kushina nodded, and Naruto beside him clenched his fist and said, "Come on, dad!"

After the words fell, Minato and Yun were about to leave.

However, after a moment of hesitation, Xiao Jiuwei on the coffee table raised his paws and called out to the two of them.

"Boss Yun, and Hokage."

Minato turned around and asked in doubt: "Is there any unfinished information?"

Xiao Jiuwei shook his head, but looked at Naruto's abdomen: "Although this guy has always been quite arrogant, but I think maybe I can lift the seal now."

? ? ?

For a moment, Minato and Kushina were stunned.

And the next moment, Kushina immediately pulled Naruto behind him: "No! Naruto is still so young, he can't bear the power of Nine Tails! And...and..."

Jiu Xinnai paused for the rest of the words.

But how can the little Kyuubi, who is already a fine individual, not be able to guess: "Because of the different experiences in the past few years, the half body and my personality are also different. But if you believe me, then the seal can indeed be broken."

For a while, Minato and Kushina both frowned, considering Kyuubi's proposal.

Although because of the existence of clouds, Naruto will not be in danger of life.

But Kyuubi in the seal is not an idiot either. After opening the seal, he pretended to agree with Naruto, and then directly and completely controlled Naruto when he and Yun were away.

This situation must be prevented.

At this time, Yun said, "I remember Hokage-sama said that you made a deal with Uzumaki on the day Naruto was born, right?"

"And that day, Shisui and Captain Fujigaku helped Hokage-sama stop... that person."

Speaking of this, Yun glanced at Kushina, but finally didn't say Obito's name: "At that time, Kyuubi, who was full of hatred, was not released, and Konoha was not in crisis because of it."

"Then all these changes were caused by Uzumaki in the first place. So...if it wasn't for him, I wonder how it would end?"

Yun's words stunned Minato.

Based on the previous intelligence summary, Jiraiya-sensei once again mentioned that prophecy.

If there is no Uzumaki Sora, with Obito's ability, caught off guard and without Kakashi's restraint, then Kyuubi will be released in the end.

The nine tails being manipulated will definitely target Konoha.

Kushina... can only die because of the stripping of the tailed beast.

I... Maybe I will die too?

So Naruto...

Yun Kan nodded to Minato: "Some of Jiraiya's disciples will bring changes to the ninja world, that is, the title of savior."

"Combined with the appearance characteristics left by the Sage of the Six Paths, Naruto should be the most suitable candidate for the savior without Uzumaki Kong."

"Under such a fate, there is no need to hesitate."

Having said that, Yun looked at Little Nine Tails on the coffee table, stretched out his hand and patted its head: "And... I believe in this guy. Although sometimes he is out of tune, he is always my little brother."

These words moved Xiao Jiuwei for a while, and his body jumped onto Yun's shoulder.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuu Boss, if Uchiha Madara is resurrected, I will depend entirely on you."

Cloud smiled and nodded.

At this moment, Yun's words had already loosened Minato a little, but Kushina, who was standing in front of Naruto, still had a firm gaze.

I saw him say in a deep voice: "I don't care what the original fate is, since Minato and I are still alive, it's not Naruto's turn to fight!"

Minato sighed: "After today, Naruto will be ten years old. In a few years, he will graduate from the ninja school. As a ninja, he will have to face it sooner or later."

"Those guys have been dormant, and the time of chaos may overlap with Naruto. Kushina, if you don't make a decision now, maybe you will regret it because of this time in the future?"

Kushina hesitated.

There are two examples of Yun Yin in the power of perfect jinchuriki, and as the strongest nine-tailed beast, its perfect jinchuriki will only be stronger.


Naruto's voice came from behind him, and Naruto turned sideways and squeezed out.

Then he stood in front of Jiu Xinnai: "Boss Fox and I are friends. If we are friends, he won't just leave regardless of my life or death."

"Because I promised it, if it wants to leave, just let Big Brother Yun use his ability to save my life. And... I won't seal it again."

As Naruto said, he put his hand on his lower abdomen: "It must be hard for the fox boss to be kept in a cage all the time. If someone keeps me locked up in such a place, I'm afraid I'll go crazy already?"

"So... I want to release Boss Fox!"

At the last sentence, Naruto raised his head and smiled.

Then he stretched out his hand and clenched it into a fist, turned around and said to Kushina, "Although mom and dad are strong, as the future me, I will be stronger! Protect you, protect the village, and protect everyone!"

"Even if there is no boss fox, I can do it! What I say and do is my way of ninja!"

For a moment, both Minato and Kushina were emotionally infected by Naruto's words.

On the other hand, Yun's eyes have switched to the state of eternal eyes at this moment.

There is no overflow of power.

Talent to convince?

There is really no way to defend against such a natural ability.

But what about winning as a prerequisite?

Obito was beaten by himself a few times before, and it can be counted as a loss every time, but Naruto's Minato and Kushina?

To hell with winning.

"I see."

The sound of the water gate sounded, and he smiled, and then he channeled the toad Yin in Miaomu Mountain.

Seeing this, Kushina just sighed, smiled and reached out to rub Naruto's hair: "From now on, I will rely on Naruto to protect my mother."

Naruto nodded firmly: "Don't worry, I'm very good!"


After the smoke dissipated, Hamo Yin looked at a few people and then fixed his eyes on Xiao Jiuwei: "If the Nine-tailed Demon Fox becomes smaller, it will be so cute?"

These words made Xiao Jiuwei grit his teeth: "Little Toad, are you tired of living? Believe it or not, I will add an extra meal tonight and roast you!"

Toad Yin shivered suddenly, no matter what, it's a nine-tailed demon fox!

Then it looked at Minato and said, "You called me out at such a late hour. When I came out, I saw Nine Tails. I guess I'll have a nightmare when I go back. What's the matter, tell me quickly."

Minato apologized embarrassingly: "I want to take out the key of the seal in Naruto's body, so I can only trouble you."

Toad Yin was stunned, looked at Naruto and said: "Although he has the physique of the Uzumaki clan, should we start now? If we do this, the risk factor will be a bit high."

Xiao Jiuwei on the side said unhappily: "Take it out if you are told, why does a key keeper care so much? Didn't you see that my boss is here? Is there anything he can't handle?"

Uchiha cloud...

Toad Yin and Yun looked at each other.

With him around, even Nine Tails can't make any waves.

The next moment, Toad Yin stretched his body instantly, and the sealed key scroll was also taken out.

Minato nodded slightly after receiving it: "Sorry, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Toad Yin waved his hand: "It's okay, I just said casually just now, Minato, you are still so polite."

After smiling, Minato looked at Naruto on the other side: "If you have already decided, then press your fingerprint here."

Xiao Naruto smiled and put his hands on his stomach: "Boss Fox, I'll let you out right away."


Five minutes later, Naruto held down the seal on his lower abdomen with one hand.

The next moment, the sealed place.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

With a soft sound, the sealed spell dissipated, and the prison bar also disappeared in place.

Immediately, scarlet chakra filled the entire space.

At the same time, Naruto stood in front of Kyuubi in his body, and said with a smile on his face: "I guess boss, I finally rescued you!"

Surrounded by Chakra, Kyuubi's vertical pupils looked straight at Naruto, and a mouthful of fangs appeared in a ferocious smile.


Amidst the roar, sharp claws suddenly attacked.

However, Naruto didn't have the slightest intention of dodging, and even looked directly at the claws.

Just as the water gate outside was about to move, Xiao Jiuwei rushed to his shoulder to stop him: "Don't panic, it's just being arrogant."

Minato withdrew his raised hand.

And at this moment in Naruto's body, the sharp claws of Nine Tails also stopped in front of Naruto's eyes instantly.

"Little devil, aren't you afraid of death?"

Naruto replied with a smile: "As the boss, how could he kill his younger brother? This is not your morality!"

Kyuubi bared his teeth and smiled: "Huh! Your parents have sealed me for so many years, and now Uchiha Yun is outside, wait for a while..."

At this time, the chakra of the little nine tails emerged and connected to Naruto.

And in Naruto's body, Xiao Jiuwei showed disdain after appearing: "You are just habitually inconsistent, and if you keep talking, you will be pushed to the ground again after a while."

Kyuubi scolded angrily: "What are you doing here? Get out!"

Little Nine Tails folded his paws on his chest: "In the whole ninja world, I don't think even the old man understands you. Don't pretend, Naruto is the yellow hair that the old man said, you should know what to do."

Nine Tails was silent for a while.

After a while, I looked at Naruto: "The lifespan of human beings is only so short. As a younger brother, I will reluctantly sacrifice a nap time..."

Naruto was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Boss Fox, aren't you going out?"

Little Nine Tails on the side smiled: "It goes out? Does it get rubbed against the ground when it goes out? Boss Yun can teach it how to be a fox with one hand."

Before Kyuubi was furious, little Ninetails put his paw on Naruto's shoulder: "Let's go, there are still some things that need to be explained."


Amidst the roar, Naruto and Kyuubi disappeared here.


In reality.

Xiao Jiuwei looked at Naruto and said: "The situation of the half body is a little different from mine. Now your task is to try to purify its negative emotions."

"Although it recognizes you, when it borrows power, these things may affect you. The practice of connecting minds is your next goal."

Naruto was stunned when he heard that.


How should we practice this?

In the next second, Naruto was wrapped in his arms with both hands.

Although Youyun stared at him, Kushina was still worried about him.


Kneeling to pursue

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