Naruto: Intelligence from Uchiha

Chapter 276 Outside the Hidden Sand Village (must make up today)

"Remind you? Why are you mentioned?"

Yun looked at Xiao Jiuwei and smiled: "Did you spend all your pocket money again? You don't have any wine right now?"

Little Nine-Tails immediately shook his head: "Wine needs to be savored carefully, and we Tailed Beasts won't get drunk. We just need to evaporate when we need to be sober."

"Last time I told the stupid civet cat to drink less, but in the end it didn't listen to the persuasion and still didn't sober up. Then I gave it a good beating. It's sober and sober..."

After talking nonsense for a while, Xiao Jiuwei glanced at Yun again: "Um... If you don't have me, you can put on Susanoo's armor alone, but you can't beat that Uzumaki Sora."

Yun Xiao asked: "You mean I can't do without you?"

Xiao Jiuwei quickly shook his head: "That's definitely not what he meant. Last time, Boss Yun beat up that Whirlpool to the crap. How could he not win?"


Under the synchronous memory, the whirlpool in the distance smiled, it seems that next time I have to greet this street slipper well.


After stretching out his hand to Jiuwei's forehead, Yun said, "It's good that you know. Last time, although you were not as strong as you are now, your limit is there after all. Without Bamen Dunjia, even I don't have much confidence. "

Xiao Jiuwei covered his head with his two paws, thought for a while and said: "Isn't this to make you feel more relaxed, boss? And if you use a big move at the beginning of the game, won't it not reveal your status as boss?"


I don't know where this word came from.

Yun Wuyu said: "Tell me your purpose quickly, or get out and play by yourself."

Xiao Jiuwei scratched his head: "Well... the war is about to start, the king will fight against the king, and the general will fight against the general. If I help the boss, you can deal with Uzumaki together. This mission... should be considered an S-level mission, right?"

After talking a lot, Shouhe was asked to take the lead first, all for money.

At this time, Shukaku, who had been pressed under him all the time, also raised his head vigorously, sticking out his claws from under Kokyubi's buttocks and lifting it up.

"And me and me! Take me for an S-level mission, and I will seal it!"


Xiao Jiuwei patted Shuhe's head with a paw: "Just this little chakra, you seal a ball? Don't let the enemy not seal it, you will cool it off yourself first."

"Be honest and hide at home. Wouldn't it be nice to treat you to something delicious and spicy when I come back after earning money? If you are broken up, no one will drink."

Yun rubbed his eyebrows helplessly: "Don't ask me about the mission, you can go to the Hokage Building and ask yourself tomorrow. As the strongest tailed beast, your combat power will definitely be arranged."

Xiao Jiuwei was overjoyed when he heard this.

On the other hand, Shuzuru said, "The Hokage Building is not a good place. The one in Nara's house has a bad conscience. Whoever touches it will be unlucky."

As if remembering the shame of being cheated last time, Xiao Jiuwei rolled over from the crane's head.

After thinking for a moment, he said: "It's okay, I will definitely not be fooled again this time."

Shouhe shook his head: "That's not sure, every time I fall into a trap, it's different. The Nara family's brains are well-known in Konoha, and the two of us really can't play with others."


"I'm back!"

At this time, the door was pushed open, and Quan walked in after changing his slippers.

When I saw Yun, I was stunned: "My brother is also at home? You should be very busy at this time, right?"

Yun didn't smile angrily and said: "Don't listen to some random rumors outside. Although there were indeed some changes in the Five Shadows meeting this morning, the war will not start so quickly."

Izumi nodded after thinking about it, then sat beside Yun and asked, "I heard that Uzumaki Sora directly broke into the meeting room of the Hokage Building, and even killed some Anbu who were on duty. Has war been declared?"

Yun nodded: "War has been declared. One person declares war on the five great ninja villages. But he has the skill of flying thunder god, and we can't stop him."

Speaking of this, Quan was a little dignified.

After a while, he hesitated and asked: "If there is a war, with the power of the whirlpool, only brother can resist it?"

Yun nodded: "Whether it's the perfect Susanoo plus Kyuubi, or the opponent's Jujutsu. These two jutsu beyond the ninja's limit power will be a meat grinder on the battlefield."

"Especially whether it's me or Uzumaki, they are all very large in terms of chakra, and they all have the means of recovery. And I can fly down and go freely under the Thunder God."

"In this case, ordinary ninjas cannot be used as consumables, they can only be used king to king."

After the words fell, Quan fell silent.

From a very young age, in her memory, her brother supported the whole family.

Later, my own graduation, and now the opening of Sangouyu Sharingan, are all my brother's ideas.


She hasn't experienced what this word represents, but from hearsay, it can only bring about worry.

"elder brother."


"If possible, I hope that after a long, long time, even if I get married, I can still have my brother to take care of me..."

After finishing speaking, Yun frowned and asked, "Are you in love? Which one? Didn't that bastard Itachi get on good terms with Xinzi? Does he think I can't lift a knife?"



In an instant, the atmosphere of family affection was completely destroyed.

Quan sighed and looked at Yun: "Brother like you, how long will it take me to have a sister-in-law..."

Speaking of which, Quan got up and walked upstairs, but in the end he turned back hesitantly and said, "Brother must..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xiao Jiuwei on the table jumped up and pushed her: "Don't stand around at a time like this, Boss Yun is not an idiot."

Shouhe on the side also nodded: "Don't worry, as far as I know, there are quite a few little girls who like Boss Yun now. Don't worry about the problem of reproduction, it's not a big problem."


A punch landed on Shouhe's head, causing little Shouhe to grin his teeth in pain.

"If you can't speak, talk less. Human beings are called love, not for sowing seeds."

This scene made Quan laugh.

This feeling, the feeling of home, is very good.


the other side.

After the small gathering at the barbecue restaurant, Shishui and Itachi still had a way to go after Yun left because of the way.

Under the night, Itachi still had a sad face just like a few years ago.

"It's been a long time since the three of us got together like we did just now?"

The voice of Zhishui sounded, it seemed to be a little nostalgic.

But itachi behind him said in a deep voice: "You are very weak. And one of your eyes is already blind."

Zhishui nodded: "Didn't you just say that? Because of the use of the past few years, the left eye can no longer see."

Itachi shook his head slightly and said: "Frequent use of the kaleidoscope ability, and the ensuing decrease in vision are due to both eyes."

As he spoke, Itachi looked at the shop sign not far away and said, "That's how I am, and it's getting worse."

Zhishui pondered for a moment and then replied: "Don't push yourself too hard, your character has been said before, it's easy to break."

Seeing Itachi was unmoved, Shisui sighed: "No matter what, the power of the Eternal Eye is not what Sasuke can bear now. Waiting for him to grow up is also one of the necessary conditions."

Itachi nodded, then also fell silent.

What happened in the Five Shadows meeting today made him feel the imminent pressure.

The war is about to break out, whether it is to force Obito to tell the information about Kurojue, or to allow Sasuke to survive the coming chaos, the Eternal Eye is a kind of reliance.

It would be fine if there were still three years left, and Sasuke would have graduated for one year after three years, so maybe it would be fine by then.

Fork in the road.

Itachi turned around and looked at Shisui: "It is enough for the Uchiha clan to be brought to this point by you and Yun. While persuading me, you should also relax."

Zhishui smiled when he heard the words: "Don't worry, even if you want to use it in the future, there is no other way."

Shisui left after speaking, while Itachi frowned, and then walked home.

Sasuke had already returned by this time, and he probably wasn't even sleeping, waiting for him to go back. My mother said it many times, but it didn't work.



On the other hand, just as soon as he got back home and closed the door, Zhishui was no longer as calm as before.

Using Bie Tianshen again is not only blind in his left eye, but the loss of pupil power and chakra makes him very weak at the moment.

What Itachi said before was correct, so Yun also saw it.

Shishui, who was sitting on his back, slowly closed his eyes, replaying today's conversation again in his thoughts.

He wasn't sure whether Yun's power came from returning to his ancestors or from trading. Because guesses are always just guesses, and in the current situation Konoha is facing, it is impossible to draw conclusions casually.

This is also the reason why he has always kept the cause and effect in his heart and never told anyone about it.

On the other hand, he doesn't know whether the ability of the kaleidoscope can affect the eternal kaleidoscope.

Planting the seeds of the village and family again, even if it was just strengthening the last time, was enough to gamble on this eye.


Exhaling a breath, Shisui looked out the window.

The war is about to begin, where will the world be led after that?


five days later.

Sand Hidden Village.

Under the scorching sun, the scorching wind will bring up sand and gravel, and most of the places outside the village are deserts.

On the roof of a building, Gaara is looking at the scene in the village. On the sandy ground of the park, four or five children are piling up.

"It's familiar, right?"

A voice came from behind, Gaara nodded and replied: "I remember that time... I used the power left by my mother to make takoyaki out of the gravel, and I also made three skewers of meatballs."

Temari smiled: "If you think about it now, you can do it. After all, you are only eleven years old."

Gaara shook his head: "It's just nostalgia. Yashamaru was still there at that time, and if it got dirty, it would clean it up for me."

Temari sighed: "Uncle cannot refuse Father's order. But whether it is uncle or mother, if they know your current changes, they will be very happy."

After being silent for a while, Gaara put one hand on his abdomen, and could feel Shukaku in his body.

After returning to Sayin from Konoha, Shukaku never interfered with his rest.

With a relaxed mind, the irritable and out-of-control situations never happened again. If it can be like this at that time, at least Yashamaru will not die...

"Jie jie jie..."

There was a sound of ridicule in the sealed place, Shuzuru said: "There is such a stupid father, even if it is to be on the safe side, he will use the life of that Yashamaru to test you."

"It was a fluke, and I sighed in the past. Is it because my uncle has made you too easy these few years? Human beings are nothing more than that! You have not yet been recognized by this uncle, be careful that I will control you at any time!"

The voice in my heart didn't make Gaara panic, and replied indifferently: "Didn't the human being called Fenfu get your approval?"

"I believe... I can do it too."

Shouhe sneered and replied: "What can you do? The changes you made are only changes to yourself. In this village, except for these two idiots, who else would dare to trust your changes?"

Gaara shook his head slightly: "I can only survive because of the love of my mother and uncle, and I will definitely be able to pass on this love. One year, two years, three years..."

"The people in the village will finally feel my change, and I will finally be recognized by everyone. In this way... that person will also feel relieved."

that person.

Shuhe knew exactly who that person was.

It is also because of the existence of that person that I try to believe in this human being.

The part of the chakra that has been cut out can sometimes pass on an experience.

Sometimes it is complaining and suing, saying that Nine-Tails bullied it. But most of the time, it is showing off freedom and life.


Although I don't want to admit it, I do feel a little envious.

But this kid in front of him is not enough...

Shouhe's voice fell silent.

But in reality, Temari behind him said, "Actually, you should really want to go, right? See you again, my lord."

Gaara nodded slightly: "As a tailed orc Churiki, I am not suitable to appear in Konoha. Although having him may be a bit overpowering, but it is not good after all."

"Furthermore, Master Kazekage has left the village, so I will stay and guard this place. This is my mother's village, and it's also my uncle's village."

Temari looked at Gaara with some distress. This is a change in recent years, from fear to distress for his brother.

He stretched out his hand, hesitated for a moment and stretched out.

After placing it on Gaara's shoulder, Temari said, "Don't worry, Kankuro and I will help you. From the beginning, you are not alone."

Feeling the touch on his shoulder, Gaara didn't run away.

It comes from the feeling of family affection, which is very good.


At the same time, a group of people outside Sand Hidden Village are approaching.

"So what kind of broken place is this? It's windy and sandy, and a big scorpion pops out of it from time to time! Lord Cthulhu... this is definitely not a good place to preach."

Fei Duan touched the wound on his stomach, and could only sulk and let him sew up the corners.

After all, the intestines have fallen out, and the hanging is too ugly.


I must make it up today, sorry sorry sorry sorry!

Falling asleep on the sofa, a bunch of things during the day, these are excuses, sorry!

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