
In the smoke, more than a dozen shadow clones of Naruto appeared, and each of them held a large jade spiral pill in their hands.

"Get out of the way!"

After the words fell, the giant bird formed by the ink swooped down, leading several people away from the battlefield.

And Xiao Jiuwei, whose pupils had just recovered, was directly surrounded by a blue light.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The roar was deafening, and the entire No. 44 practice field was like an earthquake at the moment.

Such a big movement stunned the people who came here early today to wait.

Ohnoki looked down at the tower with solemn eyes, and such a strong chakra fluctuation appeared not far away, even as a shadow, he was a little startled by such power.

who is it?

This chakra in my perception is not Nine-Tails, and Zhitu and Black Soil don't have such powerful techniques...

"It's a spiral pill, the Muji jutsu of the Fourth Hokage. But this kind of fluctuation is obviously not an ordinary spiral pill."

Kirabi also looked at the bottom of the tower.

Many years ago, I and my eldest brother had fought against the Fourth Hokage once, and the opponent's Flying Thunder God could be said to be invincible with this Muji ninjutsu.

Now it seems that this technique has been further developed in the hands of his son, even without Flying Thunder God.

So... Even if most of the power is sealed, is there still no hope?

Sure enough, the seventh class that can be valued by that man is regarded as a special seventh class by the whole Konoha, and those three people have Konoha's future in them.

"Can this kind of technique beat Nine Tails?" Maggie swallowed.

Onoki frowned: "It's a lot of noise, and its power is impressive enough, but it's impossible to say that it can beat Kyuubi, and it's still a little bit worse."


At the same time, the violent movement also made Yanyin and Wuyin move.

A group of people approached at the fastest speed, which was a long-established plan. They and Kyuubi, no matter where the two sides are used as a breakthrough, the other side will support at the fastest speed.

"Quick! Use the fastest speed!"

"They actually chose Nine-Tails to make a breakthrough, what an arrogant confidence!"

"The people in the Nara family are nothing more than that, doing this will only make them all eliminated!"

"If they really let the seventh class sneak through, we really have nothing good to do."


Heitu on the side frowned tightly.

Several people are right, using Nine-Tails as a breakthrough is really not a clear choice, because it is impossible for them to win Nine-Tails in a short time.

That's the power of the strongest tailed beast, even if they are the strongest ninja, it's impossible with most of their power sealed away!

But... is that guy named Nara Shikamaru really that stupid?

Even if you don't want your teammates to be eliminated, then using your side as a breakthrough is the real choice, right?

At least there is definitely the corresponding scroll they need here, even if it has been hidden.


The dark light flickered away.


However, just as the words fell to the ground, a flame suddenly appeared, instantly igniting all the steel wires.


A cold light flashed across, and the steel wire broke like a series of fire dragons, sweeping around the field.


Amidst the buzzing sound, when the flames separated the forty-two people, Shino's insects had already started to move.

A genin of Kirigakure was drilled into the body by bugs, and its chakra was quickly absorbed by the reproduction speed. If Shino wanted to, he could break through his body and get out at this moment.


Kirigakure, who was limp on the ground, looked at Shino: "Who... are you?"

Shino didn't answer, but turned to Kunai to block the blow from behind.


A huge mound of soil was lifted by Zhitu, and it hit Shikamaru in front of him directly.

But the next moment his body couldn't move.

"Shadow binding? A secret technique of the Nara clan, sometimes it depends on who uses it."


Chakra erupted suddenly, but at this moment a consciousness had penetrated into his consciousness.

The heart-changing technique.

Shocked, but just as he rose up, a white figure rushed in front of him.

Teeth through the teeth!


Zhitu, who was knocked into the air with one blow, broke three trees and spat out a mouthful of blood.

If it wasn't for the Armor of Earth just now, he would have been a dead man with the blow just now.



The yelling just came out, and the next moment, the ninja of Yanyin fell into the illusion.

After a few seconds, Sasuke shook his head and started the next one again.

You must find the corresponding scroll, otherwise you will definitely need a team to eliminate it.

If this is the case, then the two guys who were in the same period as Sister Quan, could they be them?


A violent sound appeared behind Konoha's group again. It was the movement from Nine Tails. It was obvious that the blow just now hadn't completed its mission.

At this moment, Shikamaru's face was a little ugly.

As a friend who grew up together, at this time he already understood Naruto's thoughts. Although he was childish, it was indeed something that bastard could do.

But what can I do at this time?

The arrow is on the string and has to be fired.

Change at zero hour, maybe everyone can only stay here.

Hold on... Naruto.


On the other side, Naruto in sage mode is staring at Xiao Jiuwei with big eyes.

"Yellow-haired brat, are you courting death?"

"Master Kyuubi, how about you let us pass?"

"No, this will lose a lot of money. I will drink and eat meat in the future, but it will all depend on it."

"Then I have no choice but to stop you here."

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Jiuwei pinched his clean nostrils with his paws: "You can blow such a big bull at such a young age, do you think that the power of the fairy mode can stop my uncle's footsteps?"

Naruto hesitated.

Although the Nine-Tails is a smaller version at this moment, he himself doesn't know whether those big jade spiral pills have any effect on meritorious deeds.

But now I have no choice.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..."

In an instant, a giant hand formed by crimson chakra waved over.

But Naruto, who is in the immortal mode, can avoid the attack by chance every time, and if he is hit occasionally, it is just a shadow clone.

"Yellow-haired brat, you're good at hiding!"

As soon as the words fell, the chakra in Jiuwei's mouth began to gather, and soon tiny particles were sprayed out one by one.


The three shadow clones were destroyed, and Naruto only stared at Kyuubi, but even in sage mode, that was the only way to go.

Strength and speed are not worth mentioning in front of Xiao Jiuwei, and Muji Ninjutsu Spiral Wan can't break through the opponent's chakra coat at all.

As for the heavy jade spiral pill, the opponent's nine tails would not give him a chance at all.


The main body was sent flying by a tail, and Naruto stood up and attacked again.

"You bastard, don't you just hide?"

"Aim more accurately if you have the ability! Stinky fox!"

"Fuck! What did you scold me just now?"

"Smelly fox, stinky fox! When my Master Fox comes out, you will be dead!"

"Can this uncle come out with half his body? At this moment, it can only curl up in the corner waiting to be slaughtered. He can break the seal that Boy Yun put down!"


Not far away, Gaara, who had been peeping with Sand Eyes, frowned tightly.

Karui on the side asked directly: "Should we almost have to do it? The movement just now, to be able to use this kind of technique, the Chakra is almost the same."

Omoyi glanced over: "The other party is the Uzumaki clan, and Chakra itself is different. Although the movement just now was indeed big, it is not so easy for the Uzumaki clan to bottom out the Chakra."

Gaara didn't say a word, at this moment he was still paying attention to the picture of Eye of Sand.

Just like his original guess, if Kyuubi's power is only a ninja, even Konoha can hardly do anything.

Naruto is getting closer and closer to the limit.

So... is such a win really as important as Yan Yin and the others say?

But if it's really important, then why did Brother Yun make such a decision? Putting Nine Tails in is a special treatment for Konoha's Genin.

And myself? What should I do?

Thinking, Gaara's hands were already clenched together.


On the other side, the forty-two Yanyin and Wuyin have become thirty people because of the surprise attack.

But soon Shikamaru found that it was not so easy. The opponents who can take the Chunin exam this time are all optimistic about the future of each other's ninja villages.


With a soft sound, Kunai touched the other party, and the shadow just wanted to take this opportunity to connect, but was thrown away by the other party's sleep.

Then there was a fast seal, the opponent's arm was wrapped around the rock, and he punched it.


The tiger formed by the ink rushed over, but was immediately blown away with a punch.

However, the next moment, a blue light flashed, directly holding the other party up.

Sasuke raised his head slightly, and the Sangouyu activated instantly.

Iwagakure, who was knocked down by the illusion, collapsed on the ground, Sasuke gasped and looked at Shikamaru: "No."

Shikamaru nodded without talking nonsense, and then joined the battlefield again.

For a while, the ninjas of both sides were racing against time. While thinking that Konoha has a way to fight Nine-Tails, the other side needs to find the scroll as soon as possible.

Ten minutes later, seeing more and more people falling down, Heitu's heart sank.

Ten minutes, just one Naruto can resist Kyuubi for so long?

The movement just now is enough to show that Kyuubi did not hold back, and the other party is not without means.


After the words fell, the trust formed in the past few days made everyone pull back.

On Konoha's side, Sakura, Kiba, and Sai had also lost their ability to move, so they stopped under Shikamaru's signal.

For a moment, the two parties stared at each other.

"what's the situation?"

Zhitu sounded suspicious, and there was a bloody wound on his abdomen at the moment.

And Wuye turned into a puddle of water, and it was a bit difficult to recover strongly. The guy from the Uchiha clan on the other side, Lei Dun, had just restrained himself.

Heitu didn't answer, but stepped forward and looked at Shikamaru: "Let him detoxify, and then we will wait."


Shikamaru frowned, and then made a gesture with the hand behind his back.

Then Sasuke retreated behind the crowd, only a pair of Sharingan with three gou jade made everyone dare not look at each other.

"What do you mean... the result of their side is used as the decision of the outcome?"

Heitu replied in a deep voice: "That's right, you should know that even if you succeed in the fight, someone will be killed. This is just a Chunin exam, nothing more!"

It seems to be to strengthen my inner thoughts, the last sentence, everyone.

Shikamaru nodded slightly and asked: "But I'm not sure that you will keep your promise and heal your poisoned companions. If you fight again, you will suffer a lot."

Black Soil stretched out his hand, and a lump suddenly bulged from the ground, and then a Soil clone handed her the scroll.


The scroll was thrown directly at Shikamaru.

"Black Soil!!" ×2

The voices of Zhitu and Wuye sounded at the same time, they knew better what the scroll was, it was a pair of heaven and earth scrolls.


The two scrolls fell to the ground, Shikamaru didn't touch them, but asked Shino to collect them with worms.

"There is a lot of sincerity."

Then he took the root and walked towards the minions of Kirigakure and Iwagakure who collapsed on the ground, and took back all the nano poisonous insects in their bodies.

But even so, these people have temporarily lost their mobility and cannot pose a threat in a short time.

And the reason why he said that just now is that Shikamaru is forcing the other party.

The root-taking poison can kill a person very quickly, this ability has been seen by the opponent in the last encounter.

So the other party didn't dare to procrastinate, and Shikamaru seemed to understand the other party's thoughts.

Don't want to suffer heavy casualties? Or for another reason?



Wuye cursed angrily, pointing at the black soil with her transparent body, furious.

"Do you know that your actions just now will make all your efforts in vain? I know that you Yanyin have no credibility, bastard, shameless!"

Facing the angry and cursing Heitu who pointed at his nose, he didn't refute, and didn't even look back at Wuye.

Zhitu on the side sighed, he had no choice at this time.

The originally solid allies could not be trusted, and among the thirty remaining people who could still fight, there were quite a few renunciants of Kirigakure, but they could no longer cooperate.

Although Kirigakure was also among the few people who were rescued, but perhaps it was because of the relationship in the blood mist, those few people looked at Heitu with no gratitude in their eyes.

It has always been Kirigakure's tradition to do whatever it takes to complete the mission.

But why would Black Earth do this?

Looking at the few people who no longer had to die, he would never believe that it was for this.

The superior must have the mentality of the superior, and organizing the seventh class to pass the second exam is itself a matter of future plans.

To ruin the future of the village for the lives of a few people is not something that the granddaughter of three generations of Tukage can do.

"Black Soil, I think I also need an explanation."

Heitu looked over: "Because it's meaningless."

Doesn't make sense anymore?

His face was full of doubts, but he didn't get any explanation.

Heitu looked at Shikamaru: "You are very smart."

Shikamaru shook his head slightly: "You are very courageous, and you can make a decision in such a short time. If it were me, I would not be able to do it."


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