
The Yunyin ninja who appeared instantly knelt down on one knee.

"Master Bi, Lord Mabuyi sent the news with the art of heavenly gift that the Daming Mansion of the Kingdom of Thunder was attacked by the Akatsuki organization. Please return immediately, Master Bi."

Such an urgent matter, but Kirabi did not show the slightest eagerness, and his eyes were still looking at the Konoha Street below which was already under martial law.

"Better than adults?"


"Please ask Konoha for help, Mr. Uchiha Yun's flying thunder god technique, and rush to the rescue."

Kirabi shook his head slightly: "Uchiha Yun should not be in Konoha now, the Daming Mansion of the Land of Fire was attacked by Uzumaki Sora, he should have passed."

"how come!?"

The ninja who sent the message was stunned by these words, staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Looking back at all this, Kirabi frowned, but in just a few years, some people have begun to regard Konoha as the only countering force...

So... it doesn't make sense anymore.

"Go on. The fourth Hokage should stay behind Konoha, and I will ask him to send me there with the flying thunder god technique."

"Yes Yes."

The reporting subordinate left in a daze, and Kirabi looked at his two disciples.

"Teacher Bi, we will go back with you!"

"Although I may die, but for the sake of the village, I want to go back!"

Kirabi shook his head: "You stay in Konoha."

"Why?" ×2

"There is no reason. If you have to know, it is because your strength is too weak. Facing the attack of the Xiao organization, you will only be dragged down."

After the words fell, Kirabi opened the door and walked out.

Are you tired?

Not all of them...

The destruction of the Daming Mansion was a foregone conclusion. When those two men who stood at the top of the ninja world coincided with each other, the days of the nobles' extravagance had come to an end.

Omoi and Karui are a brand-new generation. After becoming ninjas, it was a few years since the five major ninja villages formed an alliance.

Their hatred is only for Akatsuki, so they will not be the target of Akatsuki's organization.

But what about myself?

Support is certain, but will I be one of the opponent's targets? Can't confirm, so I have to go.

And if it is, these two disciples will definitely make a move, and death is inevitable.

A new era is coming, even if it is a true unity, the four major ninja villages other than Konoha will inevitably be divided into high and low.

So they... are the hope for the future.


At the same time, the other three major ninja villages also sent the request for help to Konoha through the reverse psychic of the messenger frog.

After Anbu passed it on to the representatives of each ninja village, everyone immediately understood that Akatsuki's action had already begun.

Terumi Mei put away the letter in his hand and sighed: "The first to be attacked was the Fire Country Daimyofu, and Uzumiko Sora's purpose was to lead Uchiha Yun over."

Qing asked, "Do you want to support? After the alliance of the Five Ninja Villages, Hokage's Flying Raijin Technique has coordinates in the Daimyo Prefecture of the Water Country. Maybe... Uchiha Yun is not here, we can also ask for Hokage's support."


Terumi Mei chuckled: "It's impossible. Uchiha Yun's will has already represented Konoha's will. That man is using the Akatsuki organization, and the Akatsuki organization is also using him."

"Uchiha Yun is not in Konoha. As Hokage Namikaze Minato, he must stay behind Konoha. It is possible to send a few people there with the technique of flying thunder god, but it is impossible to support them."

Qing pondered for a moment: "Then we..."

Terumi Mei raised her hand: "We'll wait. I want to see how the people in the other three villages will choose at this time. As for the Daimyo Mansion in the Land of Water, those guys have always been high above them. It might be a good thing that they are gone now." .”

good thing?

Qing frowned, and sighed after a moment.

Yes, if you can't resist, then you can only think about it in a positive way.


Under those two men, the destruction of Daming Mansion is already a foregone conclusion.

Mizukage of the Five Dynasties grew up in the blood mist, and the internal friction in Wuyin Village was the process of her growth. During that process, no nobleman from the Daming Mansion redeemed Wuyin.


"Black soil."

"Old man, is something wrong?"

Onogi smiled, and his short body slowly floated up.

"It's time, remember what I told you!"

"If you see the dawn of peace, you must choose to obey for the sake of the village, and obey the sweep of the entire era."

"And if what you see is still endless war, then for Yan Yin's future, you still have to learn to endure."

"It's bad luck, because of Uchiha cloud, fate is on Konoha's side. We have no choice, but the future may not be bad, is it?"

After the words fell, Ohnoki flew out of the window and headed straight for the Hokage Building.


"Gara, what shall we do?"

Temari crumpled the letter in his hand.

Markey on the side said: "If it's just an ordinary member of the Akatsuki organization, it's not impossible to take them down."

Maki was a little worried: "But...how are we going to go back? By the time we arrive at the Daming Mansion, I'm afraid the attack will be over, right?"

The voice fell, and everyone fell silent for a while.

Gaara said after a long time: "The Akatsuki attack started from the Daming Mansion of the Land of Fire, let's go back to Sand Hidden Village. As for the Daming Mansion of the Land of Wind, someone from the village must have already gone there."

Back to Sand Hidden Village?

"Please Lord Fourth Hokage, send us back to Hidden Sand Village with the Flying Thunder God technique. The only thing I want to protect is my village."


Naruto Building.

Lu Jiu, who had just left for a while, opened the door and walked in again.

"The letter from the four major ninja villages has been sent, and the ninja squad, the Anbu and the security forces have all been on alert."

"In addition, the enchantment class has already opened the enchantment. Unless it is space-time ninjutsu, the invasion needs to create a big commotion."

Minato nodded: "Thank you for your hard work, Shikaku. Although Yun wants to use Akatsuki, the vigilance of the village cannot be lowered. After all, it's all just speculation."

Lu Jiu bowed slightly: "After all, no one knows whether Akatsuki will take this opportunity to attack Konoha, although according to what Uzumaki said when he declared war, there is a high probability that it is impossible."

"If they want to be the opposite of the whole world, they also need a front that can match them."

"If there is no cloud, they will slowly contact the five ninja villages to make a choice, but now they also have no choice."

Minato frowned and sighed.

There are many things he wants to say, but his reason tells him that there is no need to speak out these baseless thoughts, because no one can bear the consequences.

Just when he was hesitant to speak, Lu Jiu looked outside: "He's already here. The first one is Kirabi from Yunyin. His personality has changed a lot."

Minato put aside his previous thoughts: "It has indeed changed a lot. In the encounter more than ten years ago, his way of speaking was still so weird."

Lu Jiu replied: "People will always grow up. After the death of the fourth generation of Raikage, the fifth generation of Raikage has not yet grown up, and there will inevitably be some chaos in haste. But now... only he can take on the burden of the cloud. Hidden name."

After the voice fell, the two stopped talking immediately, because Kirabi was almost here.


Daming Mansion of the Land of Thunder.

At this time, most of the buildings in the formerly prosperous Thunder City were in ruins.

Unlike the Daimyo Mansion that Uzumaki attacked into the Land of Fire, the strength of Kakuzu and Hidan was not enough to form a crushing situation.

Even Jiaodu had lost three of his five hearts, and Fei Duan's whole body was in tatters.

Di Yuanyu sewed Fei Duan together, and the task of the two of them was basically completed.

"These guys are really not weak... If it's Deidara and the others, it's really possible to die here if their attributes are restrained."

Hi Duan swung the March sickle, splashing the blood on it.

All the horns on the side stretched out their hands and thrust straight into a ninja who was still panting: "Although your heart is not the best choice, you can only make do with it now."

Fei Duan looked towards the distance in the ruins at this time: "It seems that some incredible guys have come?"


In a hidden corner of the alleyway, two people who suddenly appeared looked around.

According to the perception, there are still many people alive, but in this situation, I am afraid that the goal of the Xiao organization has been completed.

"Lord Hokage."


"After the establishment of the ninja village system, the small frictions and big wars among the five ninja villages have not stopped, because the task is the root of the ninja village's economic source."

There was a weak justification in Kirabi's voice: "In this case, if you don't think about making progress, you will only wait to perish. The root cause of Yunyin spying on the blood succession and secret arts of various forces is also here."

Minato nodded indifferently.

The two walked out, and Kirabi continued: "Karui and Omoi are both the new generation of Yunyin. They have not experienced ninja wars, and they don't have much hatred themselves."

"Konoha is the only force that can counter Akatsuki's organization. I have confessed myself that Yun Yin will obey Konoha's orders."

Minato still nodded.

After walking out of the alleyway, Kirabi looked at the two people ahead.

In the sealed place, the voice of the bull ghost sounded: "Don't act like you are confessing your last words! These two guys are not strong, so there is no problem."

Bi's consciousness replied: "The Akatsuki organization... is stronger than Uzumaki Sora. Maybe... there is Nagato who has the eyes of reincarnation."

"Niu Gui, please help me one last time. If I die, I will rap for you next time."

Niu Gui paused for a moment: "No problem! I'm looking forward to your rap!"

In reality, Kirabi turned his head to look at Minato.

"I was able to get here so quickly, thanks to Hokage-dono's flying thunder god technique. Konoha still needs you, so leave it to me here."

After thinking for a moment, Minato nodded and disappeared in place.

During these years as Hokage, he has already learned how to put the emotion of pity only on the villagers of Konoha.

In the hands of the new pair of Abby many years ago, Konoha had a lot of blood.


"Yo? One left?"

Hidan picked up the three-month sickle, looked at Kirabi and said mockingly: "Hachiuriki, do you think you can fight against the two of us by yourself?"

"Senior Kakuzu, we are really underestimated!"

The corners behind him replied: "Don't be careless, the other party is not a cat or a dog. Although he is far behind Senshou Zhujian, as a ninja, you still need to be careful... huh?"

Before he finished speaking, a figure instantly appeared in front of Fei Duan.

The sharp knife chopped off, and Fei Duan's head fell to the ground instantly and rolled out.

However, Kirabi did not stop attacking, several sharp knives rose into the air, and after being caught by him with a special posture, they slashed towards Fei Duan's lower body.


The ground rose suddenly, pushing Qirabi out, and allowing Fei Duan to escape the blow.

Jiao Du put down his hands that were sealed, and looked upwards.

At the same time, Fei Duan, whose head rolled down, was furious: "Bastard! Bastard! Sneak attack! It hurts... You wait for your human strength, and when I recover, I will sacrifice you to Lord Evil God!"

Fei Duan, who was crying for pain, looked at Kakuzu with teary eyes: "Senior, help me..."

Di Yuanyu penetrated the ground, connected Fei Duan's body and head, and quickly sewed it together.

Fei Duan, who twisted his neck, was arrogant again, and the three-month scythe pointed directly at Kirabi: "It's decided! I'm going to chop off your head and sacrifice it to the evil god!"

next moment!

A flash of lightning flashed, and then filled Kirabi's body.


At an unparalleled speed, Qirabi, who was advancing in an instant, swung out with a swerve.


Hi Duan's head... fell off again.

Avoiding the earth grievances that came out from the ground, a cold light flickered past, cutting off Fei Duan's arm, and the March sickle fell.

Feng Dun: Suppression!

A strong wind blade hit, Kirabi jumped up, and two octopus tails protruded from behind him, curling up Fei Duan's head and arms.

After retreating, before Fei Duan could twitter, two sharp knives pierced his eyes and another pierced his mouth.

"Physical skills are poor, and your ability has long been no secret in the past few years. The technique that must be done at your feet, to get the opponent's blood... right?"

"This kind of ability is very useful against ordinary people. Even stronger ninjas may be easily killed by you if they don't have enough intelligence."

"But... to me, your physical skills are too rubbish."

After the words fell, Kirabi kicked Fei Duan's head away, like a meteor crashing into the ruins.

But after two collisions, the corners here became more cautious.

Eight-tailed Jinchuriki seems to be different!

"Your killing intent is so strong that you even blinded your eyes and cut off your tongue to vent it, but you just kicked Fei Duan's head away... Are you worried about something?"

Kirabi looked at Kakudu: "Because I don't know if you are still useful to that person, but before that, it can make you feel pain..."

After the words fell, Kirabi charged forward again.

At such a fast speed, Di Yuanyu's attack was like a joke.

After finally stopping the sharp knife, the eight tails that emerged from behind it fell down at the same time, making the horns have to retreat.

Fire escape: the head is hard.

Feng Dun: Suppression!

Combined ninjutsu gushes out from the mask, and the power of Fire Dun is like a storm of flames after being blessed by Feng Dun.


The form of the bull ghost appeared, and a condensed small tailed beast jade spewed out instantly, pressing it back directly.


Amidst the roar, the surrounding houses were instantly razed to the ground.

Fortunately, the Tailed Beast Jade didn't condense too much, otherwise it would spread even more.


Qirabi, who was covered in lightning, charged forward again, pierced with a sharp knife, and a mask appeared and fell to the ground.

"A power like yours is worthy of fighting against the first generation of Hokage? You don't understand that kind of power at all, it is a power that can crush people's will!!"

Qirabi's roar sounded, and the bull ghost's eight tails fell down, smashing it directly into the ground.


A mask fell again, and Jiaodu stood up from the hole in the ground.

Do it again, are you going to die?

Kirabi walked slowly, but did not break Jiaodu's last heart.

Randomly found a remaining stone step and sat down, Kirabi looked at Kakudo: "Don't always talk about your false record, because the weak don't care, the strong only need to see you to know your strength. It's false."

Kakuto held his last heart and stood up with difficulty: "Although the first Hokage didn't pursue it, I did carry out the task of assassinating the first Hokage!"

"Then can you tell me that if you don't kill us... are you worried about Zhao Laixiao's revenge?"

Kirabi thought for a while and asked: "Akatsuki's announcement is to use itself as the darkness of the entire ninja world to bring peace to the entire ninja world. And there are two forces that can change the world, and now they have reached a consensus. "

Jiaodu smiled and nodded: "So... are you waiting for your final result?"


Outside the Daming Prefecture, the capital of the Land of Earth.

Ohnoki looked at Minato: "At such an age, death is acceptable. But Hokage, can this generation of Yanyin Village see real peace?"

Minato thought for a moment and then nodded: "I can see it. They can all see it, and see the real peace coming."

Onogi smiled and didn't ask any more questions, and at the same time he was not in a hurry to help.

"It should be almost the same... six puppets? It seems that the leader of Xiao organization is waiting for me, the remnant of the old era."

As he said that, Onogi looked at Minato: "Let's stop here for the farewell. No matter what the future holds, please Hokage-sama be tolerant towards the next generation."

Minato nodded, and then disappeared in place again.

After he left, Onoki floated and slowly entered the Daming Mansion.

At the same time, the Six Paths of Payne, who had been waiting for a long time, also appeared not far in front of him in an instant.

"Thirdaime Dokage. As you who have lived from the beginning of Ninja Village until now, your heart must be full of hatred."

Tiandao Payne looked at Onogi: "The new world will accommodate the hatred of the new generation. So... I can only ask you to die."

Onogi smiled: "Although I don't know if you, the leader of the Akatsuki organization, will achieve your goal, but now I very much hope that it will be achieved."

"After living so much, it is indeed enough. I can do something before I die, and I am very satisfied."

After the words fell, Onoki connected his hands.

Dust escape, the art of stripping the original world.

The light flickered, and he rushed directly to the Heavenly Dao Payne.


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