Naruto: Intelligence from Uchiha

Chapter 368 Pu Shi and Hei Jue


Minato had just arrived at the security forces, and before he could speak, he saw a figure slipping and kneeling towards him.

He hugged his calf, and then burst into tears.

"Hokage-sama wants to uphold justice..."

Minato, who was stunned in embarrassment, was a little at a loss, mainly because the guy holding him was a man, if it wasn't useful, he would really want to get rid of it.

"Master Nine Tails can't help but think that I have malicious intentions! How could I have malicious intentions..."

"Master Hokage knows it. In order for Konoha to be great again, now that the outside world has begun to be chaotic, I also want to do business, in order to stabilize the situation..."

"Businessmen like me are malicious, so shouldn't all the merchants who come to Konoha be killed? Hokage-sama wants to help me..."

Amidst the howling and begging, Xiao Jiuwei and Bo Ren on the other side looked at each other.

asshole! This is an opponent!

But what Boruto can't figure out is that the other party clearly knows the special nature of Lord Kyuubi in Konoha, and also knows his identity as a public opinion.

What is the purpose of doing this?

You must know that the few smart people before all chose to spend money to eliminate disasters.

After all, Xiao Jiuwei's power level is here, and no one is unwilling to make a little money and a little fate.

Thinking of this, Boruto found out of the corner of his eye that Xiao Jiuwei's eyes had changed, and he reacted instantly.


With a soft sound, Boruto also knelt down and hugged Minato's other leg.

"Master Hokage, I was bewitched..."

"Uncle Yun told me about Kyuubi-sama's ability to sense malicious intent, and I firmly believe in it. After all, Uncle Yun is the strongest person in the entire ninja world!"

"I'm just a child... I'm with Kyuubi-sama for Konoha's safety."

The corners of Minato's eyes twitched, and then he got rid of the two pendants on his calf in an instant.

Looking at his grandson and little Nine Tails, he felt a little overwhelmed for a while.

After slowing down, he looked at the Chunin in the security force: "How will the two of them be punished?"

The Chunin replied respectfully: "According to the regulations, as long as an understanding is obtained, it is enough to lose money. After all, no substantial loss has been caused."

At this time, the door of the guard force was pushed open.

I saw the pharmacist wearing glasses and walking in with a smile on his face.

First, he bowed slightly to Minato: "I'm really sorry Hokage-sama, for some reasons, I made some deals with this merchant."

Minato asked suspiciously, "Is there something missing in the scientific research department?"

Dou shook his head slightly: "No, the village has always given the greatest support to the scientific research department. Some of the results in the materials sent by Anbu at noon inspired me a lot."

As he spoke, he took out a small camera, with wings installed on both sides, almost like an aircraft.

"This is something that has just been developed. It can be regarded as a small flying camera, and the internal storage is no longer a video tape, and it can be miniaturized."

Dou said and pushed his glasses: "I think this thing should be able to bring greater work efficiency to the enchantment class in the village."


An hour later, the dejected Kyuubi and Boruto were led back home by Minato.

The specific situation is that the pharmacist made a deal with the businessman with the scientific research results sent over by Dashe Wan.

New seeds, seeds capable of doubling yields.

The importance of seeds to farmers is self-evident. In order to be safe, not many farmers must accept them.

But this is not difficult for businessmen.

In addition, you only need to carry a big stick and a candy, and the businessman's profit-seeking nature naturally has no scruples.

"The yield of the new seeds has been tested, but considering the popularization factors, some data are needed before they can be truly popularized."

"In the next year, there will be no more stable place in the ninja world than the Land of Fire. I need you to choose a village in each country to let them plant new seedlings."

"You have to figure out how to do it, but a country only needs one place to experiment."

"Failure? If you fail, we will cover the bottom line, but if you succeed, you may be able to become the exclusive trader to popularize new seedlings."

"Of course, you still need to help me test the feasibility of another thing."



Minato sighed, turned around, looked at one person and one fox, and said, "Next time we do something like this, it won't be so simple."

Looking at the two dudes in front of him, Minato knew very well that his words might not even be as good as air.

Big mistakes don't make small mistakes.

Xiao Jiuwei is very clear about his own position, because of the existence of Yun, as long as it is not too much, it will be fine.

After thinking for a while, Minato looked at Kokuo and said, "I have a task for you."

? ? ?

In an instant, Xiao Jiuwei became interested, and if there is a task, there will be money!

The money for the Chunin exam was almost wasted, and during this period of time it was only by cheating that he barely managed to make ends meet.

"Come with me."

Minato said and looked at Boruto: "Don't let your grandmother know about this, otherwise she will be very disappointed."

Boren scratched his head in embarrassment.

Compared to his father, Naruto, he is not very easy to talk back to his grandfather...


Somewhere in the underground research institute.

Heijue, who was nailed to the stone wall at this moment, was full of respect, while Datong Mokurashi in front of him was looking solemnly at the dozens of large glass covers in front of him.

"Master Pu Shi, it's been a month, can you put me down? This way I can serve you better!"

Pu Shi turned his head and looked at Heijue: "You are transformed by Kaguya's will, so in the memory you inherited, I will definitely be your enemy."

"Efficacy? The moment you let go of you, you should escape from the ground, right?"

Hei Jue was a little desperate. This kind of dialogue had been repeated too many times in the past month.

The person in front of him was a member of his mother's clan, and Otsutsuki's strength made him despair.

For thousands of years, the strongest is only the strength of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara. Why have these monsters appeared one by one in recent years?

"What the hell are you going to do, bastard?!"

Hei Jue, who was furious in despair, finally couldn't help but burst out: "If you want to plant the sacred tree to get the chakra fruit, then go and plunder the bodies of the tailed beast and the ten-tailed beast! What's the use of doing human experiments here? These guys What can your power do!"

Datong Mokura looked at Heijue, then smiled contemptuously.

"It seems that you didn't inherit all of Kaguya's memories... After all, it was just a product created hastily to get out of trouble. Except for the ability to hide and save your life, everything else is average."


The voice fell, and a glass cover was instantly shattered to the ground.

Soon, two white masters appeared, and under the horrified eyes of several white coats, they cleared out the failed experiment.

Life is at this moment, no one cares.

Datong Mokura frowned, then looked at Heijue who was beside him.

"This planet is special, so special that it can even make ants threaten God."

"I'm not the only one who came from the future. Uchiha Yun saw through my plan. That guy Uzumaki must have some kind of special magic."

"You can't win, you can't escape..."

"Time is running out, no matter whether I show up or not, I will definitely die when the time comes."

Having said this, Pu Shi's eyes widened, and he appeared in front of Hei Ze and approached him in an instant.



"Is it ridiculous? How ridiculous is this!"

"Isn't it ridiculous that a mortal can control the life of a god?"

"But it has become a fact..."

Pu Shi, who was lowered again, sat down in front of Heijue, and continued to chatter: "But it was too late when we found out, we thought they were all ants, and they also regarded us as a whetstone , to hone that little bastard."

"The peach style is gone, and it still doesn't make any sense after devouring the golden style."


"Fortunately, I saved a hand, I didn't show up..."


A red light instantly penetrated the rock wall next to Hei Jue's ear, this kind of power that could threaten it made him terrified.

"But why..."

"Obviously I didn't show up! I, who has been hiding all this time, will still be ambushed by that Uchiha cloud? Why?!"

The anger under the fear made Pu Shi tremble a little, and at the same time, in his heart, the emotion of fear because of an ant was constantly stimulating him.

"That whirlpool... that whirlpool must be special!"

At this time, taking advantage of the first time the other party said so much, Hei Jue's mind became active again.

"Da Da... Sir, if mother's seal can be lifted, mother will definitely agree to join hands with you, sir."

Hei Jue continued to analyze: "They are all from the Datongmu clan. Mom has been sealed for thousands of years, and she also hates this world... If adults feel that they can't deal with those bastards, Mom will definitely help you."

This made Pu Shi look over.

Then chuckled: "Help me? This planet is special. Kaguya devoured the chakra fruit, and her life level has evolved..."

"She is afraid of Datongmu, but her strength has surpassed mine. If she comes out, are you sure she won't attack me first?"

After venting, Pu Shi's mood stabilized a lot. After sighing, he looked at the glass cover in front of him, and every young life in it might die.

But as long as there is one, as long as one can succeed, then it is not necessarily impossible for him to come back.

"Let your subordinate Bai Jue go on looking for the experimental subject to come back."

Pu Shi looked at Heijue: "If you refuse, I will kill you, or completely seal you. In that case, Kaguya can only stay in the dark seal forever."


Half a month later.

Uchiha Yun on the water tower looked at the Konoha gate, and Boruto, who had just completed the mission with a team, had returned.

In a month and a half, this smart kid has been flourishing in Konoha.

In the name of an illegitimate child of Hokage, he hangs out with Kyuubi when he has nothing to do. After making a few small troubles, he is stuffed by Minato into the lower ninja class to perform tasks.


Cloud exhaled.

It has been a month and a half, and the future self has not shown up again, and Otsutsu Mokposhi has not appeared either.

In this period of memory, it is clear that Sasuke and Boruto's past trip was only a few days, and Urashiki was also taken care of by Dai Maruko in a short time.

Where the hell is this bastard hiding?

There is still half a month to start the transaction, and Yun is also a little anxious at this time.


Soon night falls, kebab shop.

At this time, the owner of the barbecue shop kept wiping his sweat, and looked at the special private room in the innermost from time to time.

No way, today's guest is really special.

It's so special that if one of them sneezes, his barbecue restaurant will be wiped out immediately.

Seven tailed beasts! Seven!

Tanuki-sama seems to have two.

It's just an ordinary person's barbecue shop owner, how has he ever seen such a battle?

Little Nine-tails-sama and Tanuki-sama are acquainted, and the others are not easy to get along with at first sight!

The overflowing chakra is more frightening than the other. (Imperfect human strength, chakra overflowing will have negative emotions.)

In the private room.

"Come, come, come... don't say that I don't take good care of me! Konoha is my place, so don't worry."

Little Kyuubi raised the wine bottle.

Immediately, apart from Xiao Shouhe, the other five tailed beasts looked at each other in blank dismay.

After a bottle of wine, the first one to speak was Kirabi, or the eight-tailed bull ghost in his body.

"Kyuubi, Konoha told us all to come here, what's the matter?"

Shouhe, who occupied Gaara's body, laughed and said, "Is the bull ghost scared? Yun Yin's current situation, what is there to be afraid of? Isn't it just that the left and right are gone."

The blunt words made the bull ghost a little embarrassed.

"Although it is true, but I still have to ask, otherwise my Jinzhuli will be upset every day."

Erwei Youlu took another sip of wine under the control of Yu Muren: "It tastes good. The bull ghost is right. If I don't explain it, I am actually a little worried. After all... the body of Ten Tails is in the hands of the Whirlpool Kongxiao Organization .”

As soon as these words came out, all the tailed beasts froze for a few seconds.

"Ten tails..."

"If we are swallowed, recovery will be impossible."

The revived Sanwei Ji stretched out his tail, rolled up a bottle of wine and drank it.

Then he said: "We have no room to resist the power of Uchiha Cloud. In contrast, I choose to believe in Kurama. I want to apply to stay in Konoha, and Konoha can also let me do something."


Xiao Jiuwei and Xiao Shuhe looked over with strange expressions.

Waving his paws, Xiao Jiuwei said disdainfully: "Is there still something to do? What can you do? I don't have anything to do in the village, let's do it well! If there is a job, it will be a great thing!"

The little Shouhe at the side glanced at Ji Fu: "I'm afraid you're thinking of farting! Still staying in Konoha to work? What can you do?"


Uchiha coughed: "Let's get back to the topic, I want to know what happened when Konoha asked us to come here? Obito Uchiha wants to activate Infinite Tsukiyomi again?"

For a moment, several tailed beasts looked at Xiao Jiuwei.

This feeling of being highly regarded makes it a little bit floating. After being created by the old man, although he has the most chakra, how has he ever had such a status?


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