Naruto: Konoha Uzumaki Shirataki

Chapter 234 War (starting point 100 collection plus 1/10 update)

Chapter 234 War (starting point 100, collection plus 110)

The first battlefield of the Rain Country is in the Konoha camp.

A piece of information sent from the village lay quietly on Orochimaru's desk. Orochimaru narrowed his eyes and tapped his fingers on the table intentionally or unintentionally.

Then he looked through the information on the table. The information was all about the Suna Ninja's movements. It was messy and irregular, but Orochimaru could still detect a hidden thread from the information.

He narrowed his eyes and thought to himself, "Three years have passed. Even Konoha has been squeezed to the limit by this war. I'm afraid Sunagakure Village is even worse!"

A sneer slowly emerged from the corner of Orochimaru's mouth. The purpose of Sunagakure's series of dazzling movements was simply to decide the outcome.

So, where will it be? If he wanted to start the decisive battle in advance, the Suna Ninja must prepare a large amount of supplies and ninjas. If he appeared in the Suna Ninja camp, he would definitely not be able to hide it.

He stood up and looked at the map, and finally focused on a small red dot. "Could it be here?" With a faint smile on his lips, he immediately wrote a letter and printed the envelope in the scroll.



Kakashi entered the tent neatly and knelt down on his knees, "Lord Orochimaru, what are your orders?"

Kakashi has been in the first battlefield for some time, and has made many contributions on the battlefield. Later, as the war became more and more tragic, Kakashi was transferred to his side as a guard.

"Kakashi, give this to Nara Shikaku." Orochimaru handed the scroll to Kakashi.

"Yes!" Kakashi put the scroll away and set off immediately.

On the other side, after Nara Shikaku learned that the Iwa Ninja had sent a large number of ninja reinforcements, he immediately discussed with Minato Namikaze and decided to delay these Iwa Ninjas and never allow them to successfully reach the battlefield of the Land of Rain.

As the most mobile person, Namikaze Minato was obligated and immediately stated that he would personally lead a team to stop these Iwa nin. Nara Shikaku was a little worried. After all, there were three thousand Iwa Ninjas. If they were entangled from the front, Namikaze Minato would probably die there even if he had the Flying Thunder God.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful." Namikaze Minato smiled and said, "But I need some manpower." Namikaze Minato sighed in his heart. To be honest, he didn't know what he was doing. The three thousand rock ninjas, just one face-to-face... It's enough to completely defeat them, how to stop them?

Create a detonating charm trap? Assassinate the reinforcements general? It seemed that the chance of success was not high, but when he thought about the consequences of allowing these Iwa ninja reinforcements to enter the battlefield, Namikaze Minato's shaking heart became determined again, "No matter what, we must stop them!"

The three thousand Iwa-nin set off from the Iwagakure Village in a mighty manner, unable to hide their presence from anyone. A few days later, Minato discovered their traces. He led more than a hundred highly mobile ninjas towards the Iwa-nin.

At the same time, Kakashi came to the Konoha Camp on the second battlefield with Orochimaru's letter.

As Orochimaru's messenger, Kakashi was personally received by Nara Shikaku. The two parties had a friendly conversation about the situation on their respective battlefields, and then got down to business.

"This is what Orochimaru-sama asked me to give to you." Kakashi handed the scroll over.

Nara Shikaku checked and found that the seal was intact. He used a special decryption method to unlock the seal of the scroll and took out the letter from inside. After reading the content of the letter, Nara Shikaku finally frowned.

The Iwa ninja had three thousand reinforcements about to resist, while the Sand ninja seemed to be planning the day of the decisive battle. Whether it was unintentional or an alliance, the two hidden villages actually made such moves at the same time.

If they both attack at the same time, Konoha will probably be beaten to the ground in the two battlefields of the Rain Country. If the whole body is involved, the consequences will be so serious that Nara Shikaku cannot even imagine it.

In the letter, Orochimaru also mentioned that he hoped Nara Shikaku could send some ninjas to support him, and Minato was mentioned implicitly. However, Namikaze Minato had already gone to Earth Country to stop the Iwa Ninja reinforcements, and it was impossible to recall him back.

Nara Shikaku thought for a long time, but could not find an effective way to crack it. He had no choice but to hope that Namikaze Minato and others could stop the Iwa ninja reinforcements.

After destroying the letter, he also wrote a letter and gave it to Kakashi to take back. The letter did not hide anything. It mentioned the Iwa Ninja reinforcements and told Orochimaru that if Namikaze Minato and others could successfully prevent these Iwa Ninja reinforcements from entering the battlefield of Rain Country, they could send reinforcements, otherwise they would I have too much time to take care of myself, so let’s forget about reinforcements.

Kakashi didn't wait long after receiving the reply, and rushed back the same day.

In the Kingdom of Earth, after confirming the reinforcements of this group of nearly three thousand Iwa Ninjas, Namikaze Minato gathered the formation of the Konoha ninjas and discussed tactics while monitoring and collecting intelligence on this group of Iwa Ninjas.

"Minato-sama, this batch of Iwa-nin reinforcements are mainly chunin! There are about a hundred jounin! They also carry a lot of supplies!" As accurate information came one by one, Namikaze Minato gradually became more confident.

He planned to start with this batch of supplies to delay their progress. The terrain of the Land of Earth is relatively flat and there are few mountains and forests. The marching route of these Iwa Ninja reinforcements is also to a place with a wide view. It is not easy for Namikaze Minato and more than a hundred ninjas to hide.

It wasn't until night, when the night was dark and windy, that Namikaze Minato took seven or eight elite jounin to touch it. There must be sentient ninjas among the Iwa Ninja reinforcements, so they did not get close. Instead, they buried several detonating charms on the path that the Iwa Ninja reinforcements must pass. One here and two there. The damage may not be enough, but it can make the Iwa Ninja reinforcements pass by. The Ninja reinforcements fell into chaos.

The next morning, the Iwa Ninja reinforcements finally arrived at the ambush site. The three thousand Iwa ninjas were so powerful that they stretched for three miles from end to end. There were nearly a hundred carriages in the middle, filled with supplies. When they covered all the traps, Namikaze Minato immediately detonated the detonating charm.

boom! Boom boom! These traps were in front and behind, east and west, completely irregular. When they were detonated, sparks flew everywhere, and many weak ninjas were killed on the spot.

"Enemy attack!" "No, protect the supplies!" The Iwa ninja immediately gathered in the middle of the team and looked around vigilantly. Several jounin-level ninjas spread out to look for traces of the enemy.

At this moment, Namikaze Minato came out from behind a pile of strange rocks and rushed towards the three thousand rock ninjas single-handedly! Behind the pile of strange rocks, there were many Konoha ninjas. "Will something happen to you, Minato-sama?"

"What a mess." None of these people agreed with Namikaze Minato's behavior, but they couldn't stop it. They could only watch helplessly. Namikaze Minato rushed close to the Iwa Ninja, which immediately aroused the Iwa Ninja's vigilance.

"Stop him!" "Is this guy a lunatic?" "Wind Release: Great Breakthrough!" Before Minato Namikaze could get closer, countless strong winds roared towards him, as cold as knives, and then the earth cracked, and huge strands Sharp rock thorns broke out of the earth, and stone walls rose from the ground. Suddenly, a huge rock hand slammed down from the side.

Namikaze Minato dodged left and right, and within a moment he was covered with dust. He looked quite embarrassed and said, "Kill him!" More than a dozen rock ninjas used the petrification ninjutsu, and their whole bodies were petrified, like a stone man rumbling and crushing him. come over. At the same time, another Iwa ninja envoy came out of the earth escape barrier, Dorao Domu, and trapped Namikaze Minato.

"It's really dangerous." Namikaze Minato was in it. Looking at the overwhelming ninjutsu, there was no safe place to stay. If his nerve reflexes were not fast enough, he could always avoid it first. At this time, he would have been died.

He didn't fight the dozen rock ninjas who were all petrified, and directly passed them with the Flying Thunder God. As for the earth escape barrier, it was even more ridiculous under the Flying Thunder God.

"No, stop him!" "It's Namikaze Minato, he's Namikaze Minato!" "Damn Konoha ninja!"

Because the line of Iwa Nin reinforcements was a bit long, by the time the elite Jonin arrived, Namikaze Minato had already rushed into the army, flying the Rasengan up and down, picking out weak targets to beat, and quickly killed more than a dozen Chuunin.

"Protect the supplies!" "His target is the supplies!" Iwa Ninja was in chaos. But with the addition of elite jounin, the situation soon stabilized. Under the attack of so many Iwa ninjas, Namikaze Minato could not hold on for long even with the Flying Thunder God.

"That's it." Namikaze Minato didn't force it. After sensing the special kunai hidden in the hands of his teammates in the distance, he immediately activated the Flying Thunder God and disappeared without a trace.

"Damn it, he ran away!" "This guy must have mastered the time and space ninjutsu!" After Iwa nin stabilized his position, he was afraid that there were still Konoha ambush around him, so how could he dare to continue on his way?

While they were holding on, they were led by the Sensing Ninja to search around and check for damage. Behind the pile of strange rocks, Namikaze Minato appeared in a flash. Although he had a smile on his face, it was obvious that he was physically exhausted.

"Minato-sama, are you okay?" "It's too dangerous. Minato-sama should not do such things in the future."

Namikaze Minato smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine. Okay, let's retreat first and prepare the next plan."

When night fell, Namikaze Minato and others approached Iwa Ninja again. After the harassment during the day, the Iwa ninja were now heavily guarded, with at least dozens of ninjas on alert. However, these defenses were a bit immature for Namikaze Minato and others.

Namikaze Minato silently made a few gestures, and dozens of Konoha ninjas suddenly sank into the ground and approached the Iwa ninja.

As the Iwa Ninja reinforcements approached the Land of Rain, Namikaze Minato's attacks became more frequent. When the Iwa Ninja reinforcements came to the border between the Land of Earth and the Land of Rain, more than a thousand of the three thousand Iwa Ninjas had been tortured to death. Most of the huge supplies they escorted were burned.

In the camp of Iwagakure in the Land of Rain, Huangtu was so excited when he heard that the reinforcements had arrived, but when he came out, he found that he was not well.

At this time, Iwa Ninja's reinforcements had only a thousand people left. Huangtu was very angry at first, thinking that his father, the Third Tsuchikage, had fooled him, but when he heard from the reinforcements what had happened along the way, What happened, I was suddenly shocked.

Loess sighed. His original strategic plan was that once the three thousand reinforcements arrived on the battlefield, he would directly attack the Konoha camp and drive them out of the Rain Country in one fell swoop, thus establishing the victory of this war!

In the Mist Ninja battlefield in the Land of Fire, the Uchiha and Hyuga clans and the Minazuki and Kaguya clans have fought dozens of battles, and the casualties on both sides have been increasing.

As for Shirataki, he has not appeared on the battlefield since entering the Konoha camp. A large number of reinforcements from the Mist Ninja were killed by him intentionally or unintentionally during his battle with Lianhua. In the end, only a hundred people from the original army of ten thousand people were able to reach the front line alive. The body of their commander is still in Bai Taki's hands. In order to prevent the corpse from rotting, Bai Taki put Lianhua's body into an alien space.

Without follow-up reinforcements, the Mist Ninja on the front line gradually began to show signs of defeat. But the good news was that there were no reinforcements from Konoha. After all, the three battlefields were fighting at the same time. Even Konoha was very short on manpower.

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