Chapter 703 Who broke the photo?

Jinbei and the straw hat boy Luffy gathered together, “Are you okay? Luffy.”

Under the huge offensive of bigmom, the two of them resisted the high damage of the Four Emperors. At this time, a huge fire was spreading all around, and they were back to back preparing to stand out.

“I won’t let you run away, Straw Hat Boy, Jinbei.” Bigmom was furious, holding Prometheus in his hand, throwing it out fiercely, and hitting Jinbei and Luffy again.

Just then, there was a cracking sound from a distance. “Look over there!”

“John, who is that?” Everyone watched as the picture of the nun Carmorro “bone to pieces” in front of everyone, “I actually broke the picture of the nun…”

Bigmom also turned his head and screamed “Ahhhhh” and screamed. Smoky and Mondor couldn’t believe their eyes. Mondor even gave an exclamation and jumped three meters high. No. 23 With a cold sweat on his face, he shouted “Mom!”.

“Ahhh! Great!” Straw Hat Crew’s people yelled unanimously.

This time the agreement with Capone Bege can finally be reached! This alliance has gone through a lot of detours and has not broken the photos at the best time, and it is not too late.

“What’s the matter? Aren’t all fake Luffy animals?” The two men ran to the mirror and questioned from their souls. If the real Luffy has already appeared, then who actually broke the photo? The fake Luffy made by animals without human thoughts can only attack the enemy without knowing instructions and will not attack the photo alone.

Bigmom has a big grin, and the person watching the photo of the nun in front of him turns around slowly. He is wearing a puppet suit and his face is not real, just like a scarecrow doll. The whole person is tall, but belongs to the normal height, Bigmom is countless times his.

If you look closely at the past, you can find that Brook is missing from the Straw Hat Pirates, and the person who raided the photo happened to stand in this position to help the dragged Luffy complete the most important part of the plan.

But Bigmom hadn’t paid too much attention to the composition of people, and he didn’t have time to think about who broke the picture at this moment. In short, it was the thing in the puppet clothes that was in front of her. Just knowing this is enough.

“Okay, bigmom confirmed that the photo was broken. After that, just wait until she makes a weird noise.” Capone Bege muttered in his mouth. .

Brook did it too hard this time. He dressed himself as a fake Luffy, but at this time he used his bones to tear open the human skin that stuck to his face. After a piping sound, Bigmom’s emotions changed. More and more excited, the breathing became more and more rapid, and finally the strange sound that Luffy and the others expected gradually came out.

Behind the scenes, the men who are about to attack bigmom are ready to go. They are now nervous and excited: “This poisonous launcher can breathe fire.”

“Ah! The skin on your face is peeled off!” Everyone exclaimed. Seeing Brook’s skull, everyone thought that he was a psychiatric patient with a tendency to masochistically, and he just tore off his face like this. It is possible. It was the ignorance of the consequences of breaking the photo that angered bigmom.

Brook yelled, it feels terrible to be misunderstood like this. “My face looks like this, okay?” It seemed like an unnecessary explanation.

“It’s disgusting.” When Brook listened to everyone’s evaluation of his face, he was very dissatisfied. At this moment, people in his mind were just frogs at the bottom of the well who didn’t understand aesthetics. Holding her head, she said: “Yeah”

But the matter is not over yet. Brook’s mentality was on the verge of collapse. At this time, he heard the weird call from bigmom: “The king of souls?”

Bigmom walked a few steps forward, bent down, lowered his head and widened his eyes and looked at him: “Aren’t you dead?”

After Bigmom saw Brook, his abnormal mood stabilized. He remembered that he had been holding him to sleep before. After waking up, Brook died, stopped moving and did not breathe. Now that I saw him again, I couldn’t believe it. I had forgotten that the nun’s photo was broken just now.

Brook didn’t know how to answer. If bigmom was cured by himself and the plan was implemented to the present, but the results fell short, then he would be a sinner through the ages. “Yeah, I died a long time ago.” Brook said helplessly.

“You, that picture.” Although Bigmom’s attention has been successfully shifted, three seconds have passed, but when his gaze returned to the shattered photo, Bigmom screamed up to the sky, as if there was no more pain to add: “々Who the hell is it? Xiu, nun”

Brook and everyone watched bigmom’s pupils dilate, and their eyes became dizzy, as if faintly pacing in front of everyone. “Why don’t you make a strange noise?” Brook was a little puzzled.

At this moment, bigmom lifted all the tables on his left hand side, and the people around him turned around and fled after seeing this scene.

The people at the banquet ran to the place farthest from their mother, and everyone fled everywhere. Only bigmom’s children are left, but they are also terrified in their hearts. “Oh, it’s going to happen again that day! Mom is going to lose her mind!”

“Do you know who it is? And the wedding cake…” Bigmom was so sad that he couldn’t accept this fact.

Bu (king of Nuo’s) Luke watched the people behind him chasing him, and quickly turned and fled. The person behind took a sword and slashed at him. Avoiding the stabbed sharp knife in the opposite direction.

The children of Bigmom are now in a group. They think that the big villain Jinbei and the Straw Hat Pirates should be killed first. The planned massacre of the Vinsmoke family must be released later. “Mom is not right. I’m going to panic. Get rid of the straw hat boys before that!”

Jinbei and Luffy escaped from the fire in the distance. They rushed into the crowd quickly, preparing to avoid the chaos for a while. “Hold up before Bigmom’s panic!” Now just wait for the time and wait until Bigmom makes a strange noise to minimize the casualties of its own personnel, and use the least amount of strength to restrain the enemy. Life

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