Chapter 767 The silver key was hung on the wall hook, mainly to prevent the room from being unable to open one day. The rooms have windows. Sometimes the wind will close the door and lock it, which is reasonable. So the smart father made preparations early in the morning and hung a spare key at the door of his room.

This key is a symbol of the whole family’s care for grandma.

Now the door really couldn’t be opened, and grandma didn’t agree. Maybe grandma was asleep and couldn’t hear any shouts.

In fact, grandma could hear her clearly in the dark. She heard anxious footsteps and her father asking Wu An what was going on.

At this time, she began to consider another issue. She must hide the poison in the shortest time, otherwise her plan would fail completely. The family will take her to gastric lavage. Time does not allow her to hide the poison back in the closet. If she hides it under the bed, the diligent daughter-in-law must understand why it came when she came in to mop the floor at night.

She knew that this daughter-in-law was a careful woman, always unearthing trivial clues in her ordinary life.

Grandma knew this fact when she first saw her.

There was a sound, the sound of the keyhole twisting.

The door opened.

The intense white light instantly illuminated the dim room.

Then they broke in and gathered around grandma’s bed.

Grandma casually lifted the quilt and sat up with an ignorant face. She rubbed her eyes, yawned, and told them that she had just woke up. Dad walked out of the room while speculating that it might be the wind.

The mother asked grandma if she was not feeling well. Grandma’s nose was sore, she shook her head and said it was okay.

“Then come out to eat.” Mom said.

Grandma agreed, then put on cotton boots, touched the pillow, and said. Walk out of the room with your waist.

The window of the room was half open, and many mosquitoes came in and buzzed in the dark.

The boy in the mirror is wearing a blue school uniform and has an ordinary and featureless face.

It is not difficult to see that he has many worries from the slightly frowning brows on his face.

There are four annoying pimples in total.

Three are on the nose.

One is under the lips.

Then he reached out and touched the fluffy beard and the hard apple on his neck.

Shout to the mirror:

“I love you, life!

Wu An is seventeen years old.

Dad bought a blue bicycle for Wu An. Wu An named Lan Lan. Every day Wu An rode “blue 々々天” to and from school. This bicycle accompanied him to middle school for four years. The other students in the class advanced to high school, but Wu An repeated.


The big idiot Wu An sat in the examination room for three days and took a salted duck egg home. Because Wu An doesn’t study hard? Because Wu An has a problem in his head and misses it? Because Wu An is afraid that his parents are tired from work, and want to go out to work sooner?

Wu An’s actions really made grandma tremble with anger and scolded Wu An as a stupid pig.


Probably only Peng Chengbing is as stupid as Wu An, so these two people can make friends as ordinary as water. Peng Chengbing was tall and thin, his face wrinkled when he smiled, like a sheet.

Peng Chengbing walked to Wu An and said, “Trash! Broken shoes! Do you actually like that girl? Bah! Rubbish! Broken shoes!

Whenever someone makes fun of his crush on a girl, Wu An is always silent.

Then the other party did not dare to say.

Peng Chengbing and Wu An walked to a green tree together. Peng Chengbing picked up two stones and said:

“Big brother, big brother, look, these are two stones, two different stones. Why are these two stones different? The two stones may be similar at first, but will gradually be different in the future. Is it possible that these two stones are the same again?”

Peng Chengbing quietly waited for Wu An to answer.

Wu An said, “I don’t know.”

Wu An thought: “This is really a boring and trembling guy.”

Peng Chengbing gave Wu An a small cactus ball, yellow thorn, not big. Wu An planted it in a plastic basin and placed it next to the computer desk.

But within one month, the cactus turned yellow.

Wu An moved it to the door, under the bright sunshine.

The cactus ball gradually came back to life, and gradually gave birth to many lumps, gradually getting bigger and more.

Peng Chengbing also invited Wu An to visit his hometown.

Peng Chengbing’s family is very enthusiastic. His mother boiled a pot of chicken soup to entertain Wu An, and Wu An filled his stomach and was full. Then Peng Chengbing took Wu An to Houshan to pick oil tangerines.

The tangerine tree is not high, just enough to pick it up on tiptoe, Wu An took a bag, and then smiled embarrassedly.

There are many graves next to the field where the tangerine trees are planted. Peng Chengbing told Wu An:

“Before, these feng shui were not good. Dad said that the feng shui did not produce male children, so he changed it. After the change, it looks like this. Before, when I was about eight years old, after the Ching Ming Festival, there were many meditation papers on the grave. I was at that time. When I came here to herd the cows, I saw two people in black and white not far away. Their tongues were very long and they had iron chains in their hands, which scared me a lot.

Immediately ran to tell the adults that they used a bulldozer to level the graveyard. I didn’t know until I went to middle school that the two people I saw at the time were black and white and impermanent. ”

Wu An didn’t believe what Peng Chengbing said. But he listened patiently. When the story is over, Wu An has almost eaten the tangerines in his hand.

Wu An is eighteen years old.

Wu An went to a vocational college in a neighboring city, where he majored in English education. He didn’t study seriously, and his foundation was poor. He gradually fell into a big decline, and gradually lost confidence in learning.

What is he doing?

Go online, sing, smoke, and drink.

There is a stellar internet cafe near the school. The environment of the internet cafe is terrible. The toilets are very smelly and dirty. The price is affordable. Wu An chose to stay here and stay safe because of the benefits. After class ends at 9:30 every night, Wu An walks a long asphalt road to the front of the counter. Inside the counter sometimes sits a girl with red nails, sometimes a man with a long face (of Nono)

Wu An said change:

“々Boss, it’s ten yuan!”

Then go straight to the second floor and sit down in a deserted corner. Sometimes Internet cafes are very lively, and Wu An sits next to people, puts on headphones, and lights up a cigarette. Playing games while smoking.

Playing games can really make a person younger. Wu An’s teammates often say that he is a primary school student.

But every time the night fell, an uneasy heart took him out of the school gate and went straight to the Internet cafe. There is a beautiful kapok tree at the entrance of the school, looking down at Wu An’s back.

Sometimes when he returned to the dormitory late, he overturned the wall and entered the dormitory area. This is nothing surprising. Almost a lot of students who return late turn over the wall and enter the dormitory area. I don’t know why there are so many students going out at night?

He was late to bed and missed the morning class. ask for leave. The head teacher got tired of him and called to warn him. The teacher’s tone was cold. Wu An’s heart also became cold. .

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