After the battle, the two of them went to the Land of Waves.

Sakura and her group continued to move forward to the Land of Waves.

But the atmosphere between them was much heavier than when they first left Konoha.

After Sakura revealed Dazna's inner thoughts,

Sasuke never spoke to Dazna again. It was true that Dazna was his employer, but facing such a person who didn't care about his life or death, the proud Sasuke would not have a good face.

Sakura would joke with Dazna from time to time, but Dazna, who had experienced Sakura's continuous heart-breaking, didn't dare to talk to him at all, for fear that he would faint from anger.

Even Naruto, who was always familiar with people, couldn't help but feel alienated from this bad client, and always turned his head away angrily when Dazna spoke.

The only person that Dazna could communicate with normally along the way was Kakashi.

Kakashi didn't care about it. He had worked in the Anbu and had seen all kinds of clients.

In his opinion, Dazna was just a little selfish, but he was not bad in nature.

When he was in the Anbu, he even personally executed many clients who deliberately plotted against Konoha. Compared with them, Dazna was like a small witch compared to a big witch.

What's more, as a punishment, Dazna had almost been squeezed dry by Sakura.

"Well, Mr. Kakashi, I wonder how you compare to Zabuza."

Dazna suddenly asked Kakashi.

Sasuke and Naruto on the side also looked at Kakashi with interest when they heard this topic.

"I should be a little stronger than him in terms of strength."

Kakashi answered after a little thought, and looked at the surrounding environment.

Thinking that he had also suffered a loss in the Mist Hidden Technique, he didn't say too much.

"But this place is very close to the coastline, there are many wetlands around, and there is a lot of moisture in the air, which is very suitable for the performance of the Mist Ninja.

If we really fight, it should be 50-50, or he is a little stronger than me."

Naruto heard this and wanted to encourage Kakashi, so he gave Kakashi a thumbs up and grinned:

"It's okay, Kakashi-sensei, now you have me, you can definitely beat that Zabuza!"

"Naruto, is there a possibility that it is because of you that Kakashi-sensei is a little weaker than Zabuza?"

Sakura complained mercilessly.

"Yes, after all, you have to take care of the coward who is paralyzed by fear in the battle, and your strength cannot be fully exerted."

Sasuke made a cold finishing blow.

The words of the two made Naruto's mentality collapse directly, his face turned red, and the prompt sound of "Warning!" "Warning!" seemed to ring in his ears.

Naruto, who felt that he was not good enough to talk to the two, ran straight to a small river nearby:

"I'm going to wash my face first. Can you wait for me for a minute?"

Looking at Naruto washing his face during the mission, combined with Hong Wen's silence just now, Sakura always felt a sense of déjà vu:

It feels like the eternal god!

One minute later, Naruto reconnected.

After washing his face and calming down, Naruto remembered his oath, gritted his teeth, took out a kunai, and began to be vigilant around.

Suddenly, Naruto felt that there seemed to be something in the bushes next to him with his keen intuition.


Naruto immediately threw the kunai in his hand into the bushes next to him.


The kunai sank into the bushes, bringing a "clattering" sound.

Although they didn't know what Naruto had discovered, Sakura and Sasuke were still on guard.

Then, a snow-white little white rabbit walked out of the bushes.

"It turned out to be a rabbit. I thought it was an enemy."

Knowing that he had made a mistake again, Naruto touched his head in embarrassment.

"Super idiot."

Seeing Naruto playing tricks again, Sasuke cursed.

Sakura looked at the rabbit and fell into deep thought:

Can wild rabbits be so white?

She glanced at Kakashi and found that Kakashi, who had been lazy all the time, suddenly looked serious. Sakura immediately realized that this matter should not be simple.

"I'm sorry, I scared you."

Naruto picked up the little white rabbit and comforted it.

"Get down!"

Kakashi suddenly shouted.

Naruto didn't have time to think about it. He didn't even care about the rabbit in his arms and lay on the ground;

Sasuke didn't dare to neglect and lay down instantly;

Even Dazna was forced to press his head to the ground by Kakashi.

But Sakura stood straight in place...

In a flash, a huge ninja sword flew out from the depths of the woods.

The sword was getting closer and closer to Sakura.

"Sakura!" X3

Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi shouted anxiously.

"Stretchable love, entangle."

Sakura was not panicked at all and made a seal with her right hand.

The sword was flying slower and slower, and finally it was suspended in the air when it was only five centimeters away from Sakura's snow-white neck.

At this moment, everyone discovered that there were more than a dozen pink chakra lines as thick as cigarettes wrapped around the sword, and the other end of the chakra line was scattered on the ground within ten meters in front of Sakura.

Then the ninja sword flew backwards, and Sakura kept the seal posture to change the elasticity of the chakra line.

The ninja sword in the air changed its force, and it rotated in the air and pierced the ground in front of Sakura.

Seeing that the flying sword was blocked by Sakura, Naruto quickly stood up and retreated to Dazna to protect the client.

Sasuke and Kakashi also stood up quickly.

Only then did Sasuke notice the strange gesture of Sakura's right hand:

The index finger and thumb are circled, and the other three fingers are together and held upright in front of the face.

This is obviously not one of the twelve ninja seals.

"What seal is this?"

Sasuke asked curiously.

"Ah, this is my own creation.

Most of my ninjutsu require precise control of chakra. This seal can calm me down and make it easier to control chakra.

Because this gesture looks like a statue of a bodhisattva, I call it the Bodhi Seal."

Sasuke nodded. Although he had never seen such a statue, Sakura was so knowledgeable that it was not strange to know a statue that she had never seen.

Kakashi's mouth twitched when he heard it:

Sasuke is too easy to fool!

Sakura's Bodhi Seal is a gesture representing money in the ninja culture, and is generally only used when implying that money is needed.

How could there be such a straightforward bodhisattva in this world, blatantly asking for incense money from pilgrims?

It is better to say that ¥ is the one who can make Sakura feel depressed than the Bodhisattva.

However, Kakashi was wronging Sakura. This gesture is indeed the signature gesture of Guanyin. If Sakura wants to develop a special seal, the best reference is naturally the Buddhist hand seal of Blue Star.

And Guanyin is exactly the female Buddhist image that Sakura is most familiar with.

During the chat, Sakura has recovered the love that can be stretched freely and pulled out the beheading sword. "

With Sakura's current chakra control, the recovery efficiency of chakra released from the body is about 80%.

Weighing the beheading sword in her hand, Sakura felt that this thing weighed about 70 to 80 kilograms.

With Sakura's physique, although she was not unable to swing it, she could not use the beheading sword flexibly.

Just when Sakura was struggling whether to break the beheading sword like Suigetsu, a strange hoarse voice came to her ears:

"You are really worthy of being a famous copy ninja.

The little ghost around you should not be underestimated.

The rotating beheading sword is entangled with chakra lines during its flight. What an interesting ninjutsu. "

A masked and eyebrowless figure appeared on the branch of a big tree in the forest.

It was the Mist Hidden Demon——Zabuza Momochi.

Although Zabuza was just standing on the branch at this time and did not make any other movements, the surrounding murderous aura emanated.

Sasuke and Naruto, who faced the murderous aura of the Jounin for the first time, were like witnessing a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and could not help but tremble.

Sakura was unmoved, not because her spirit was stronger than Naruto and Sasuke or because she was used to this murderous aura.

All this was because she had already secretly made a Bodhi seal behind her back.

Like Shikamaru's "Ikkyu" seal, Sakura's Bodhi seal also had the effect of calming herself down.

"It seems that not all the Genin in Konoha are so good.

The pink-haired guy over there, can you return the beheading sword line to me? "

Zabuza glanced at the trembling Naruto and Sasuke with disdain, and asked Sakura for his ninja sword again, but his tone was not like pleading at all, but more like a command from a superior position; a stronger momentum pressed towards Sakura.

Although it could not be seen from his expression, Zabuza was very proud at this time, although his plan to use the beheading sword to give these Konoha ninjas a blow failed.

It was better not to pretend, but he still scared the two little ghosts, so he didn't lose face.

"Oh? This sword is obviously picked up by me, so if you say it's yours, it's yours?"

Sakura, who continued to make the Bodhi seal, was not scared by Zabuza's momentum, and retorted mercilessly.

"Is your name written on it?

Come, come over and call it, and see if it agrees!

You said it was a beheading sword, and I said it was Sasuke's meat cleaver. "

Sakura's words cannot be said to be disrespectful to Zabuza;

Just throw the Kirigakure's face to the ground and stomp on it a few times.


Sasuke chuckled, Sakura's wit temporarily freed him from Zabuza's murderous aura.

"Hahaha, Sakura, well said, it's just a trio of Ninja Swordsmen."

Naruto also laughed, no longer afraid, not knowing that his ridicule could make Zabuza more angry than Sakura.

Although "Three Ninja Swordsmen" was just a slip of the tongue due to Naruto's lack of knowledge, four of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were kicked to death by Might Guy's seven gates, which can be said to be the most humiliating time in Kirigakure's foreign war.

To Zabuza, Naruto's words sounded like "What's wrong with you, the Jonin of the Hidden Mist Village? Aren't you treated like a dog shark by our Genin of Konoha?"

"You two sharp-tongued brats, I'll make you regret coming to this world later!"

Zabuza gritted his teeth, and his left hand, which was holding the tree trunk, had already deeply embedded in the bark, leaving five fingerprints.

"Just in case, I'd better ask.

Kakashi, can you put the back of you..."

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly attacked Zabuza.

Sakura was not interested in greeting the enemy before the battle, and used all her strength to throw the beheading sword towards Zabuza.

The beheading sword flew out vertically, spinning at Zabuza at a very fast speed.

But what was surprising was that when the beheading sword flew in front of Zabuza, it was not the blade that faced him, but the long handle of the beheading sword...

Sasuke and Naruto glanced at Sakura at the same time with mixed feelings.

That's it?

I thought you were going to show off, but who would have thought you would pull a big one.

Not only did you not hurt the enemy, but you also made the enemy more powerful?

Facing the resentful eyes of her teammates, Sakura spread her hands helplessly and said:

"How can weapons obtained from the enemy be so useful?"

"Kid, you should practice your swordsmanship more."

I thought this pink-haired girl had some skills, but I didn't expect that she was just a silver-plated spearhead who could only talk.

Zabuza grabbed the beheading sword and was about to make a sword flower and put it back behind his back;

Unexpectedly, as soon as he exerted force, the handle of the beheading sword slipped out from between Zabuza's hands like a loach... Slipped out?

Looking at the beheading sword flying out, Sakura immediately seized the opportunity to launch a kunai that could be retracted freely.

The kunai turned into a black shadow, piercing the air like an arrow, and went straight to Zabuza's face.

Zabuza didn't have time to react and could only protect his face with his right hand.

With a scream, Zabuza fell down from the branch in a mess.

When Zabuza stood up again, everyone found that his face was gloomy, veins on his forehead were bulging, and a kunai was deeply inserted in his right hand.

"How could the demon who was so famous in Kirigakure become so embarrassed?

It's rare that I just kindly reminded you.

[Weapons obtained from the enemy are not so useful]

To give you a hint, I used the word [obtained] instead of [seized]!

It seems that the cultural education of Kirigakure is not very good!"

Sakura shook her index finger at Zabuza with a smile on her face, looking worried about Zabuza.

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